can you rebuild master database?

  • If there is no master or msdb backups, is it to possible to rebuild them?

    Or does Microsoft offer backups of these system databases?


  • repent_kog_is_near (3/23/2010)

    If there is no master or msdb backups, is it to possible to rebuild them?

    Or does Microsoft offer backups of these system databases?


    What is your idea of rebuild?

    Microsoft offers those databases as a part of the default install (they are required). Thus you could get those databases back - but without any of the data specific to your environment.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • CHECK rebuildm.exe utility for sql 2000

    And for SQL Server 2005 refer this link:


    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • Jason, to get it back if it is corrupted? I hope to have a backup always available. But what is the option if you do not have a backup? a new install is the only way?

    From freemascot's link, seems like rebuildm.exe is not any option anymore..

  • repent_kog_is_near (3/24/2010)

    Jason, to get it back if it is corrupted? I hope to have a backup always available. But what is the option if you do not have a backup? a new install is the only way?

    From freemascot's link, seems like rebuildm.exe is not any option anymore..

    With SQL 2K5, you will need to reinstall. Do you have backups of your other databases?

    How to reinstall SQL 2K5 from the command prompt if the master db is corrupt.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • that should work.. cool..

  • Let us know how it goes.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • I'm beginning to bore myself saying it but I always keep file copies of the system databases in case of loss or corruption. Saves running setup to rebuild.


  • george sibbald (3/24/2010)

    I'm beginning to bore myself saying it but I always keep file copies of the system databases in case of loss or corruption. Saves running setup to rebuild.

    File Copies and backups are in the same boat. You need to do something for the system databases.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Master has information about all databases, where the files are located, the logins, permissions and large bunch of other info......

    now when u say rebuild, what do you mean.... do you want to recover all the info..... coz if you dont have a backup of that then you are in a little trouble....

    heres what you can do....

    firstly check if you have any master db backups.... if you do then just restore that and you should be good.....

    if not then.....

    assumption 1 : you have backups of the all the user db's.

    rebuild your entire server by reinstalling the SQL server and then start restoring the user db's, you should be fine after the db restores.... maybe some minor tweaking here and there like resynch users or reconfiguring certain parameters, but generally you should be good.

    assumption 2 : you dont have user db backup's






    dude : get some help from a DBA, you have lost almost everything... but atleast the DBA will educate you on the importance of backups.....

  • CirquedeSQLeil (3/24/2010)

    george sibbald (3/24/2010)

    I'm beginning to bore myself saying it but I always keep file copies of the system databases in case of loss or corruption. Saves running setup to rebuild.

    File Copies and backups are in the same boat. You need to do something for the system databases.

    sorry Jason, not quite sure what you are getting at...............


  • george sibbald (3/24/2010)

    CirquedeSQLeil (3/24/2010)

    george sibbald (3/24/2010)

    I'm beginning to bore myself saying it but I always keep file copies of the system databases in case of loss or corruption. Saves running setup to rebuild.

    File Copies and backups are in the same boat. You need to do something for the system databases.

    sorry Jason, not quite sure what you are getting at...............

    One method or the other, or both, many people neglect to do something in the DR sense for their system databases. Thus either they don't do the file copies as you said, or they don't do backups - and they end up in a mire.

    I believe we are on the same page with the user needing to do something in case of emergency to prevent themselves from having to do a reinstall.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Jason, gotcha,

    DEFINITELY do SQL backups of system dbs, the file copies are a belt and braces approach with particular usefulness if SQL wont start because of system db damage.


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