Can Wives Shorten Work Hours?

  • Is Canadian Pool now the national sport with the NHL out and the Olympics a couple years away?

  • Actually, the canadian national sport is lacrosse, not hockey.

    Talk about offending other countries...

  • Lacrosse? You're kidding.

    BTW, what's the US national sport?

  • The response to this from Canadian GPF^... is going to be interesting because I have it on good authority that with this country the choices are so many that even the statisticians get thrown off....

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I'm pretty sure the USA national sport is ...f#%king the dog?

    self censored due to "'too much appealing to the lowest common denominator factor..."


    But my jeopardy final baseball, I believe.. and no I'm not kidding re the lacrosse. Which a lot more fun and a hell of a lot more tiring, more running less skating.

  • I used to work long hours at my last job and sacrifice the time with my family.  My wife understood, and I truly beleived it was absolutely necessary to my success.  My boss approached me one day and challenged me to "work smarter" and not put in so many hours.  I think I had been so accustomed to working longer days as a measure of productivity, rather than considering how efficient I was being.  I began to trim back my hours and analyze how I worked, and in the process found many instances in which I was just "spinning my wheels" but still staying long hours to try to make up for lost productivity.

    Now, at my newest job, I still see those individuals who take their work home, or work the 12 hour days, day after day, and it shows in the quality of their work.  I make a point of intentionally working less, than working more.  I push myself to do the very best I can within the time alotted.  When my 8 or 9 hours are up, I simply go home.  Of course, the nature of my work allows this, and I also work in an environment that supports this.
  • dude stay on topic... its "can wives shorten work hours while curling in canada while men are at strip joints"



  • LOL

    * Noel

  • My husband once told me 'why don't you stay at work, eat and sleep at work as well' or 'why do you bother to come home?'

    Well I have breakfast, lunch and dinner at work... what can i say?  I was hungry.



  • "Most professionals will stay late, pull the all-nighter, really help

    out when it's needed in a crisis. Just don't ask them to do it everyday."

    That is it in a nutshell for me. I just left a job where the folks that

    were in management worked 12 hour days, 6 and 7 days a week. I value family


  • During the industrial revolution one of the mill owners discovered that when he cut his workers hours from 18 per day then productivity shot up!

    Sir John Harvey Jones was famous for his reluctance to work beyond a certain number of hours and as he reached the position of chairman in ICI he wasn't harmed by it.

    My observations on gender are probably BS but its Friday night and I've had a couple of beers so what the hell.

    When I was growing up fathers were the bread winners and women stayed home and looked after the kids. Some mothers went out to payed employment (I won't call it work because looking after the house and kids is damn hard work) and the money they earned paid for the luxuries in life. Of course as more an more women worked the spending power of the family increased. People got more materialistic, house prices soared and before you knew it women no longer had the choice of going out to work. It became a necessity.

    Women have a complex hierarchal social pecking order. This order sustained and nutured communities. The concept of latch-key kids didn't really exist because even though Mum may not have been around someone elses mother was.

    As a kid I broke down women into two categories.

    1. Friends of my parents who would be known as Auntie so-and-so and would be due the respect that we would give to our own parents. Love and discipline would be meeted out as appropriate with the full support of our parents.

    2. Not friends who would be known as Mrs so-and-so.

    If a Mrs complained about us kids behaviour then we would receive the standard "wait till your father gets home, how dare you humiliate me in front of so-and-so".

    If an Auntie complained then all hell broke loose because you had abused a friend.

    This complex social hierarchy meant that if someone was sick or needed help they got it and would do the same for others.

    Everyone tells their kids not to speak to strangers but frankly, with that social hierarchy in place we weren't likely to meet many.

    Now women have to work this social mechanism has broken down. Neighbours live next door to each other without ever seeing each other and probably not knowing each other's names. Unless the kid is your own flesh and blood you daren't pull them up short for littering, swearing or worse. These days you worry about taking kids out walking, swimming etc because if anything happens you will get sued.

    I'm NOT suggesting that women shouldn't go out to work and yes, we've gained DVD players, flash cars, fancy holidays and other luxuries but I can't help thinking that we have lost something infinitely better.

  • I wish it were baseball, but I'm starting to think American Football is the game here. Never played lacrosse, but it is getting big here, I might have to get my boy involved and see what he thinks. He already loves roller hockey more than basketball or baseball, breaks my heart.

    Very nice comments, Mr. Poole.

  • David,

    Don't you missed those old days.  I don't think I can stand being a stay at home mom for more then 1 week.  I am serious my children drives me nuts.  I love them and enjoy being next to them but over a longer period of time they are hard labor.  I find that coming to work is like a way of getting relax.  I am also lucky to have older parents who would take care of my children.



  • Billiards (9 ball) and snooker .

    It's actually the first tournament of the season, go figure!!!!

  • I totally agree, and as the summer holidays are coming up I'll be removing the blocking of "Valium" from my SPAM filter

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