Can we add Multiple IP's to a Listener in same subnet- SQL 2016 Alwayson AG

  • currently, I have 3 nodes in WSFC with a file share witness. However, Node A and NOde B- 2 nodes are in the same subnet and another 3rd node -NODE-C is in another subnet.

    I am running the below T-sql to add another IP to the LISTENER - however I was able to create the listener using two IP's which are in different subnet (i.e one for NOde A  and one from Node-C, but when I try to add another IP which is in the same subnet as NodeA then I am getting below error.

    ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP AGDBA MODIFY LISTENER N'poc-ag-test' (ADD IP (N'10.19.16.xx','10.19.16.xx'))

    Msg 19451, Level 16, State 0, Line 4
    '' and '' belong to the same subnet. Only one IPv4 and/or one IPv6 address from each subnet is allowed. For an advanced configuration, see the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) administrator to create a customized configuration through the Cluster Manager


    Also, do I need to make any changes at WSFC end to make it happen?

  • You should add ip from the second subnet. Why are you adding ip from the same subnet?

  • I think the error is pretty obvious. Can you explain what is the end goal and why you are trying to do what you're intending to do.

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