Can this be converted to a set based query?

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (6/3/2011)

    WayneS (6/3/2011)

    tfeuz (6/3/2011)


    I dropped the redundant index

    Added the new index to the rb_invoicestoprocess table (invoicekey,ruleid)

    Made the change to the SP as you suggested....

    It actually went from 23 seconds up to 29 seconds....

    Not sure what I missed...

    Ahh, I think we added a bookmark lookup - need to include RulePeriodId as an Include column on the RB_InvoicesToProcess index.

    We need to see a new execution plan (.sqlplan) to see what all is going on now.

    Did the change of removing the InvoiceTotal table get implemented? If so, is the proc still producing the correct results?

    Did you try reversing the columns in the RB_InvoicesToProcess index? (RuleId + InvoiceKey)

    The new plan has been edited in. There's a distinct / sort operation at almost 61% that wasn't there.

    tfeuz, just fyi we get e-mail notification on new message on the threads, but not message edits.

    The RB_InvoicesToProcess still did a table scan... I think we definitely need to reverse the columns in that index to RuleId + InvoiceKey + include the RulePeriodId column.

    That sort is coming from the iTVF function - the correlated subquery. Try this to see if this gets rid of it (moved the subqueries up to be a joined table):

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnCalculateRuleInvoiceUnits_Single (

    @RuleUnitType numeric(9,2),

    @TermsRuleType numeric(9,2),

    @RuleId decimal(18,6),

    @InvoiceKey DECIMAL(18,0))




    WITH cte AS


    SELECT b.TermsDiscountAmount,

    TermsPercent = b.termsdiscountamount / CASE WHEN @TermsRuleType = 1 THEN a.TotalInvoiceAmount ELSE a.InvoiceSubTotal END

    FROM dbo.InvoiceTotal a

    JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    WHERE a.InvoiceKey = @InvoiceKey

    ), cteTotals AS


    SELECT TotalUnits = SUM(unitsshipped),

    TotalGross = SUM(grossamount),

    TotalNet = SUM(netamount)

    FROM (SELECT UnitsShipped AS unitsshipped,

    GrossAmount AS grossamount,

    NetAmount AS netamount

    FROM dbo.InvoiceLineItem a

    JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    JOIN dbo.RB_RuleCategory c

    ON c.SupplierId = b.SupplierKey

    AND c.CategoryNumber = a.ProductRebateCategory

    WHERE a.invoicekey = @InvoiceKey

    AND c.RB_RuleId = @RuleId


    SELECT 1 AS unitsshipped,

    a.TaxAmount AS grossamount,

    a.TaxAmount AS netamount

    FROM dbo.InvoiceTotalTax a

    JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    JOIN dbo.RB_RuleCategory c

    ON c.SupplierId = b.SupplierKey

    AND a.ProductRebateCategory = c.CategoryNumber

    WHERE a.invoicekey = @InvoiceKey

    AND c.RB_RuleId = @RuleId

    ), cteTotalCharge AS


    SELECT TotalChargeUnits = SUM(1),

    TotalChargeGross = SUM(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'C' THEN ABS(a.Amount)

    ELSE a.Amount


    TotalChargeNet = SUM(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'C' THEN ABS(a.Amount)

    ELSE a.Amount


    FROM InvoiceTotalAdditionalCosts a

    JOIN Invoice b

    ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    JOIN RB_RuleCategory c

    ON c.SupplierId = b.SupplierKey

    AND a.ProductRebateCategory = c.CategoryNumber

    WHERE c.RB_RuleID = @RuleId

    AND b.InvoiceKey = @InvoiceKey


    SELECT RebateUnits = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,6),

    ISNULL(CASE WHEN cte.TermsDiscountAmount <> 0

    AND @TermsRuleType <> 0

    AND cte.TermsPercent <> 0

    THEN caTotals.RebateUnits - caCharge.UnitsToDeductFromTerms

    - ((caCharge.UnitsToDeductFromTerms) * cte.TermsPercent)

    + caCharge.UnitsToDeductFromTerms

    ELSE caTotals.RebateUnits


    , 0)),

    TotalUnits = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,6), caTotals.TotalUnits + ISNULL(caCharge.TotalChargeUnits,0)),

    TotalGross = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,6), caTotals.TotalGross + ISNULL(caCharge.TotalChargeGross,0)),

    TotalNet = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,6), caTotals.TotalNet + ISNULL(caCharge.TotalChargeNet,0))

    FROM cte


    RebateUnits = CASE (@RuleUnitType)

    WHEN 1 THEN TotalGross

    WHEN 2 THEN TotalNet

    WHEN 3 THEN TotalUnits


    FROM cteTotals) caTotals

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT *, UnitsToDeductFromTerms =

    CASE (@RuleUnitType)

    WHEN 1 THEN TotalChargeGross

    WHEN 2 THEN TotalChargeNet

    WHEN 3 THEN TotalChargeUnits


    FROM cteTotalCharge) caCharge;


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • In both procedures, and the function, change the @RuleId parameter from decimal(18,6) to decimal(18,0) to match the actual datatype of the columns.

    Edit: In the RB_InvoicesToProcess and the RB_InvoicesToProcess_Moved tables, the InvoiceKey column is defined as varchar(50). In the other tables, this column is a decimal(18,0).

    In RB_RuleCategory, the SupplierId is defined as varchar(50); it's being joined to the Invoice.SupplierKey column which is a decimal(18,0).

    All of these cause implicit conversions, which can result in indexes not being utilized.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Working through all the suggested changes....

    but the function has this syntax error:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fnCalculateRuleInvoiceUnits_Single, Line 46

    Incorrect syntax near ','.

    I cannot really see the issue?

  • tfeuz (6/3/2011)

    Working through all the suggested changes....

    but the function has this syntax error:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fnCalculateRuleInvoiceUnits_Single, Line 46

    Incorrect syntax near ','.

    I cannot really see the issue?

    Whoops, I forgot the ") DerivedTableAlias" part on the code just substituted in. Use this...

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnCalculateRuleInvoiceUnits_Single (

    @RuleUnitType numeric(9,2),

    @TermsRuleType numeric(9,2),

    @RuleId decimal(18,0),

    @InvoiceKey DECIMAL(18,0))




    WITH cte AS


    SELECT b.TermsDiscountAmount,

    TermsPercent = b.termsdiscountamount / CASE WHEN @TermsRuleType = 1 THEN a.TotalInvoiceAmount ELSE a.InvoiceSubTotal END

    FROM dbo.InvoiceTotal a

    JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    WHERE a.InvoiceKey = @InvoiceKey

    ), cteTotals AS


    SELECT TotalUnits = SUM(unitsshipped),

    TotalGross = SUM(grossamount),

    TotalNet = SUM(netamount)

    FROM (SELECT UnitsShipped AS unitsshipped,

    GrossAmount AS grossamount,

    NetAmount AS netamount

    FROM dbo.InvoiceLineItem a

    JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    JOIN dbo.RB_RuleCategory c

    ON c.SupplierId = b.SupplierKey

    AND c.CategoryNumber = a.ProductRebateCategory

    WHERE a.invoicekey = @InvoiceKey

    AND c.RB_RuleId = @RuleId


    SELECT 1 AS unitsshipped,

    a.TaxAmount AS grossamount,

    a.TaxAmount AS netamount

    FROM dbo.InvoiceTotalTax a

    JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    JOIN dbo.RB_RuleCategory c

    ON c.SupplierId = b.SupplierKey

    AND a.ProductRebateCategory = c.CategoryNumber

    WHERE a.invoicekey = @InvoiceKey

    AND c.RB_RuleId = @RuleId) DerivedTableAlias

    ), cteTotalCharge AS


    SELECT TotalChargeUnits = SUM(1),

    TotalChargeGross = SUM(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'C' THEN ABS(a.Amount)

    ELSE a.Amount


    TotalChargeNet = SUM(CASE WHEN [Type] = 'C' THEN ABS(a.Amount)

    ELSE a.Amount


    FROM InvoiceTotalAdditionalCosts a

    JOIN Invoice b

    ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    JOIN RB_RuleCategory c

    ON c.SupplierId = b.SupplierKey

    AND a.ProductRebateCategory = c.CategoryNumber

    WHERE c.RB_RuleID = @RuleId

    AND b.InvoiceKey = @InvoiceKey


    SELECT RebateUnits = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,6),

    ISNULL(CASE WHEN cte.TermsDiscountAmount <> 0

    AND @TermsRuleType <> 0

    AND cte.TermsPercent <> 0

    THEN caTotals.RebateUnits - caCharge.UnitsToDeductFromTerms

    - ((caCharge.UnitsToDeductFromTerms) * cte.TermsPercent)

    + caCharge.UnitsToDeductFromTerms

    ELSE caTotals.RebateUnits


    , 0)),

    TotalUnits = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,6), caTotals.TotalUnits + ISNULL(caCharge.TotalChargeUnits,0)),

    TotalGross = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,6), caTotals.TotalGross + ISNULL(caCharge.TotalChargeGross,0)),

    TotalNet = CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,6), caTotals.TotalNet + ISNULL(caCharge.TotalChargeNet,0))

    FROM cte


    RebateUnits = CASE (@RuleUnitType)

    WHEN 1 THEN TotalGross

    WHEN 2 THEN TotalNet

    WHEN 3 THEN TotalUnits


    FROM cteTotals) caTotals

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT *, UnitsToDeductFromTerms =

    CASE (@RuleUnitType)

    WHEN 1 THEN TotalChargeGross

    WHEN 2 THEN TotalChargeNet

    WHEN 3 THEN TotalChargeUnits


    FROM cteTotalCharge) caCharge;


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • I made all the changes requested...

    Altered the index order and included the column

    Changed the data types from 18,6 to 18,0

    Change the actual table definitions to use decimal(18,0) instead of nvarchar(50) to remove the implicit conversions

    Updated all the indexes

    Ran it several times and it is still taking about 25 seconds for the data set

    New Execution plan attached...

  • tfeuz (6/3/2011)

    I made all the changes requested...

    Altered the index order and included the column

    This got rid of the table scan.

    Changed the data types from 18,6 to 18,0

    This got rid of the implicit conversions.

    Change the actual table definitions to use decimal(18,0) instead of nvarchar(50) to remove the implicit conversions

    Updated all the indexes

    Ran it several times and it is still taking about 25 seconds for the data set

    New Execution plan attached...

    It doesn't look like you're running the code that helped out with the RB_Rule table (moved to one call into a variable, then use that variable in the main query):

    CREATE PROCEDURE spCalculateRuleInvoiceUnits @RuleUnitType numeric(9,2),@TermsRuleType numeric(9,2),@RuleId decimal(18,0)


    DECLARE @CalcDateType INT;

    SELECT @CalcDateType = CalcDateType

    FROM dbo.RB_Rule

    WHERE RB_RuleId = @RuleId;


    WITH cteMain AS


    SELECT --a.InvoiceKey,









    --FROM dbo.InvoiceTotal a

    -- JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    -- ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    -- JOIN dbo.RB_InvoicesToProcess c

    -- ON a.InvoiceKey = c.InvoiceKey

    FROM dbo.RB_InvoicesToProcess c

    JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    ON c.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    WHERE c.RB_RuleId = @RuleId


    SELECT --a.InvoiceKey,









    --FROM dbo.InvoiceTotal a

    -- JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    -- ON a.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    -- JOIN dbo.RB_InvoicesToProcess_Moved c

    -- ON a.InvoiceKey = c.InvoiceKey

    FROM dbo.RB_InvoicesToProcess_Moved c

    JOIN dbo.Invoice b

    ON c.InvoiceKey = b.InvoiceKey

    WHERE c.RB_RuleId = @RuleId

    ), cteMain2 AS


    SELECT cteMain.*,


    InvoiceDate2 = CASE (@CalcDateType)

    WHEN 1 THEN cteMain.ShipToDiscountDueDate

    WHEN 2 THEN cteMain.ShipToNetDueDate

    WHEN 3 THEN cteMain.TermsDiscountDueDate

    WHEN 4 THEN cteMain.TermsNetDueDate

    ELSE cteMain.InvoiceDate


    IsAssociated = CASE cteMain.RulePeriodId

    WHEN -1 THEN 0

    WHEN -2 THEN 0

    WHEN -3 THEN -3

    ELSE 1


    FROM cteMain

    CROSS APPLY dbo.fnCalculateRuleInvoiceUnits_Single(@RuleUnitType, @TermsRuleType, @RuleId, cteMain.InvoiceKey) fn


    INSERT INTO dbo.[RB_RuleInvoice]





















    SELECT @RuleId,

    CASE WHEN t.RulePeriodId IS NULL OR t.RulePeriodId IN (-1,-3) THEN ISNULL(caAll.RB_RulePeriodId, caNext.RB_RulePeriodId)

    ELSE t.RulePeriodId




















    FROM cteMain2 t


    FROM dbo.RB_RulePeriod

    WHERE RB_RuleId = @RuleId

    AND PeriodStarting <= t.InvoiceDate2

    AND PeriodEnding >= t.InvoiceDate2

    AND Reconciled = 0 ) caAll



    FROM dbo.RB_RulePeriod

    WHERE RB_RuleId = @RuleId

    AND PeriodStarting >= t.InvoiceDate2

    AND Reconciled = 0

    ORDER BY RB_RulePeriodId ASC

    ) caNext;


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Well that go it down to about 18 seconds....

    Is it possible that what I am trying to do can not be optimized down to just a few seconds and we have taken it as far as we can go?

    I am going to take the weekend to review the code and digest your changes and I am sure I will have questions...I really want to understand what you did so I can avoid mistakes in the future....

    I have attached the latest plan just in case you want to review....

  • On dbo.InvoiceTotalAdditionalCosts, do you have any indexes? It would benefit from:

    CREATE INDEX IX_1 ON dbo.InvoiceTotalAdditionalCosts (InvoiceKey, ProductRebateCategory) INCLUDE(Amount, Type)

    What is the definition of the _dta_index_Invoice_24_1044198770__K9_K1_K2_K92_K42_K17_3_5_11_18_19_23_43_44_117 index on the dbo.Invoice table?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • tfeuz (6/3/2011)

    Well that go it down to about 18 seconds....

    Is it possible that what I am trying to do can not be optimized down to just a few seconds and we have taken it as far as we can go?

    Well, the latest plan shows that 46% of the cost is involved in an clustered index scan (aka table scan) of the invoice table, and the Nested Loops operator taking 15%. That's 61% of the query... reducing that should make a noticeable affect on the time.

    On the InvoiceTotal table, the _dta_index_InvoiceTotal_43_832058050__K2 index... can you add the InvoiceSubTotal and TotalInvoiceAmount columns as included columns on this index? This would remove a Key Lookup accounting for 2.9%.

    On the InvoiceTotalAdditionalCosts table, the _dta_index_InvoiceTotalAdditionalCosts_43_1010102639__K3_K9_1 index, can you add the Amount and Type columns as included columns to this index? This would remove a Key Lookup for 3.4%.

    It all adds up. Those three things account for 2/3 of the query... 12 of those 18 seconds. We still have opportunities to make things better!

    I am going to take the weekend to review the code and digest your changes and I am sure I will have questions...I really want to understand what you did so I can avoid mistakes in the future....

    I have attached the latest plan just in case you want to review....

    Ask away - though I won't be online very much more today... getting ready to take off to go to SQL Saturday 77 in Pensacola, FL in about an hour.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • WayneS (6/3/2011)

    On dbo.InvoiceTotalAdditionalCosts, do you have any indexes? It would benefit from:

    CREATE INDEX IX_1 ON dbo.InvoiceTotalAdditionalCosts (InvoiceKey, ProductRebateCategory) INCLUDE(Amount, Type)

    Don't add this one... add those INCLUDE columns to the existing index mentioned in the last post.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • Mr. Ninja... I know you're lurking... do you see any other things to do, or that you would do differently?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • WayneS (6/3/2011)

    Mr. Ninja... I know you're lurking... do you see any other things to do, or that you would do differently?

    Nothing major... at this point I'd also be whacking the 60 off % scan by changing the indexes.

    I don't think I have much to teach you in that regard ;-).

  • Ninja's_RGR'us (6/3/2011)

    WayneS (6/3/2011)

    Mr. Ninja... I know you're lurking... do you see any other things to do, or that you would do differently?

    Nothing major... at this point I'd also be whacking the 60 off % scan by changing the indexes.

    I don't think I have much to teach you in that regard ;-).

    There's always something else cool to learn that makes a difference... and you never know who you're going to learn it from! 😉

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • WayneS (6/3/2011)

    Ninja's_RGR'us (6/3/2011)

    WayneS (6/3/2011)

    Mr. Ninja... I know you're lurking... do you see any other things to do, or that you would do differently?

    Nothing major... at this point I'd also be whacking the 60 off % scan by changing the indexes.

    I don't think I have much to teach you in that regard ;-).

    There's always something else cool to learn that makes a difference... and you never know who you're going to learn it from! 😉

    Not wanting to hijack... but got any idea on my other problem :w00t:.

  • All;

    I did the requested cumulative changes and it actually got worse -- it is now at 25 seconds instead of 18....

    Execution plan attached


Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 117 total)

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