can the temp path be changed for the msmdarch.exe utility?

  • i'm looking into how the msmdarch.exe works, and i noticed it

    uses the temp path under C:

    can this be changed?



  • Hi

    Is this what you are looking for;

    The following VB code snippet shells out to execute the MSMDARCH command. There is no return code; check the error log file to track success or error.

    Dim Servername As String Dim DataPath As String Dim ExePath As String Dim CabFileName As String Dim LogFileName As String Dim Execstr As String Servername = "Servername" ' Olap DataDataPath = """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Data\""" ' Olap BinariesExePath = """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin\"""' Backup FileCabFileName = """C:\temp\""" ' Log File LogFileName = """C:\temp\tutorial.log""" Execstr = ExePath & "MSMDARCH.EXE"" /R " & Servername & " " & DataPath_ & " " & CabFileName & " " & CabFileName Shell Execstr, vbHide 
  • it looked like it could have worked out ok,

    but i just checked the syntax, and some thing is

    missing. since i'm not that familiar with it

    i didn't know what to look for.

    says it's missing an END, but where i don't know.

    here's the script.

    Dim Servername As String

    Dim DataPath As String

    Dim ExePath As String

    Dim CabFileName As String

    Dim LogFileName As String

    Dim Execstr As String

    Servername = "Servername"

    ''''''''''' Olap Data

    DataPath = """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Data\"""

    '''''''''''' Olap Binaries

    ExePath = """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin\"""

    '''''''''''' Backup File

    CabFileName = """C:\temp\"""

    '''''''''''' Log File

    LogFileName = """C:\temp\tutorial.log"""

    Execstr = ExePath & "MSMDARCH.EXE"" /R

    " & Servername & "

    " & DataPath_ & "

    " & CabFileName & "

    " & CabFileName

    Shell Execstr, vbHide



  • Hi

    I have never run this code...But try putting it in a vb6 application....But remember to put it in a sub or function;

    Private Sub TestScript

    End sub



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