can not see properties of one database but can see the other.

  • Im getting the error below on one of my clients databases when trying to access the properties.

    "Property Owner is not available for Database '[database_name]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights".

    There are two versions of this database. One is production and one is development (on two different servers). I can see the properties of the production database without any problem but not the development.

    both databases have the exact same owner.

    The database owner_ sid and the server pricipal sid do not match on either of the databases which are on different servers. I read about changing the database owner on the development. But the same case is happening on the production and I can still see the properties. So there is no point in changing database owner.

    why can I see the properties of the production and not the development.

    Anyone seen this or can help?


  • What rights/roles does your user account have on both servers?

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  • It is a SQL login that is the database owner of both and this login has public and db_owner rights to both databases.

  • What version of SQL server is this?


    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • Both servers/databases are SQL Server 2005 service pack 2.

  • To see property of the database the default user "dbo" on that database should have to be associated with proper login...Go to security tab of that database and locate dbo user and see that it is associated with a login or not...if not then use sp_change_users_login procedure and associated that dbo user with a login...

  • Ok, so I compared this on both databases. It's the same on both databases. The dbo login is associated with the sa user. The sa user has both public and sysadmin rights.

    The login that is the owner of the database has the same privileges on both databases. I don't understand this. 🙁

  • Are you able to run queries against the database???

    If you are try running this

    Exec sp_changedbowner 'sa'

    and then try again.

    Let me know if doesnt work. It worked for me previously.

  • I'm not sure I want to change the database owner. Is this safe? Can it mess up anything?

  • It is absolutely safe. You are not giving the ownership to anybody. Even some companies have standard that the owner should be SA.

    So even anybody leaves there shouldnt be any problem.

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