Can not see database when creating maintenance plans

  • Hi. I am using SQL Server 2005 version 9.0.3175.

    I have a database created by an application where the dbo is the application user. The application user is not granted sysadmin rights (and I do not believe should be). The database is set to compatibility level 70 and is in full recovery mode. I am unable to change the compatibility level due to application requirements. And the vendor insists that the database needs to be owned by this user.

    My problem is that when I log onto the server and try to create a maintenance plan through Management Studio, I am unable to see the database on the drop down menu when selecting a database to backup, etc...

    Any ideas why this is happening? I have an earlier version of the application running on a seperate box using SQL Server 2000 and did not have this issue.

    I am able to run backups and maintenance plans using T-SQL scripts. Just frustrated as to why I can not do it through Management Studio.

  • because by design, you cannot connect to a SQL 7.0 database through sql 2005 management studio

  • So when the vendor tells you that their product can be used with SQL Server 2005 you can not always take their word for it. 😀

    I guess I will have to wait until next year when they say they are upgrading to take advantage of all SQL Server 2005 features.

    Thanks for your response.

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