can i use union to resolve this issue?

  • hi,

    I have 2 tables with few columns. i need to show the combination of both tables in a report.

    please advice

    table one

    ( firstname,lastname,processdate,empno,deadlinedate


    table two

    ( lastname, empno,addresss1,state,reason1,type,submitdate,status,lettermailed)

    The values not there in table one should display N/A for columns of table2.

    the Result i need is like

    eno fname lname processdate deadlinedate addresss1 state reason1 type submitdate status lettermailed

    1 xyz abc 02/02/2010 02/28/2010 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

    2 dd dsd 02/02/2010 02/28/2010 mainstr IL term new 02/15/2010 active 02/12/2010

    if the same empno exists in 2 table then i need to show the combination of fileds from 2 tbales as 1 row, if the value exists only in 1 table, all teh other columns should have n/a.


  • Couldn't you just use a join?select

    O.EmpNo as Eno

    ISNULL(O.FirstName, 'N/A'),

    ISNULL(O.LastName, 'N/A'), --what if they have different last name?

    ISNULL(O.processdate, 'N/A'),

    ISNULL(O.deadlinedate, 'N/A'),

    ISNULL(T.addresss1 , 'N/A')


    FROM TableOne O INNER JOIN TableTwo T

    on O.EmpNo = T.EmpNo

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