Can i create a table from my parameters?

  • If yes, any links to instructions would be great.

    I am often times asked to search for parts, and their associated data (price, seller, buyer, size, etc. in our database.

    note: I use SSMS, but then I load the reports into SSRS/SharePoint for the end user.

    I am given a list of, for example, 100 parts.  I have reports where the user can insert their parts into a parameter and run the report.  Usually, they get 100 results. But sometimes we don't have those parts in our system yet.  I would like to have my SQL show me the few parts that were not found.

    Can I, somehow, put  100 parts from a parameter in SSRS into a table in my SQL, then left join on it?  Or any other way of advising the user that these 5 parts were not in inventory???

  • You could by switching to a Stored Procedure. SSRS, when using syntax like WHERE [Column Name] IN (@Parameter) injects the values into the query instead, replacing the value of @Parameter with a delimited list of string literals. If, however, you switch to using a Stored Procedure it supplies a delimited string literal; so instead of 'Value1','Value2','Value3' it passes 'Value1,Value2,Value3'. This has the advantage of being parametrised, but also means you can then use that as your source table.

    Using delimitedsplit8k_LEAD you can then change your query, in the SP, to something like:

    SELECT DS.item, {Your other Columns}
    FROM dbo.delimitedsplit8k_LEAD (@Parameter,',') DS
    LEFT JOIN YourTable YT ON DS.Item = YT.{Column}
    WHERE ...



    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks for the ideas, much appreciated!

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