Can I attain the space back

  • I have this database in SQL 2008R2 with 128 GB of size,

    I cleaned the database and the datafiles size is now around 67 GB,

    is there any way I can take that space back,

    Help is appreciated,



  • Well do you expect the database to grow in size again?

  • No

  • You can use dbcc shrinkfile. I would leave 20GB free space inside of the file to allow for various database activities including growth.

    The problem with shrinking a file is that it will fragment the indexes in the database to nearly 100% fragmentation.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • If you shrink the data file, you must rebuild your indexes in order to fix the fragmentation.

    Leave enough space for the index rebuild (approx. the size of the largest table).

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