Can DMO be user to script ALTER PROCEDURE?

  • Matt Whitfield (9/24/2009)

    Is there a particular reason you want to use ALTER as opposed to DROP then CREATE?

    Do you have permissions you'd like to maintain?

    As I said, changing CREATE statements to ALTER statements *reliably* is not trivial.

    Exactly so. We write all our sp scripts as "if not exists CREATE then ALTER". Then we can run the scripts multiple times without worrying about permissions.


    To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. C. is
    Edgar Allan Poe
    [Discussing fellow writers Cornelius Mathews and William Ellery Channing.]

  • In that case, you've really got three options:

    1) (easiest) Just replace 'CREATE PROC' with 'ALTER PROC' in the resulting string, and hope that it doesn't come across any procedures that will break it.

    2) (medium) Script as DROP then CREATE, but also script any associated permissions (possibly not valid if you have different permissions in dev/production environments)

    3) (harder) Parse the string completely, looking for the words 'CREATE PROCEDURE' that are under the following rules:

    i) Are not in a string

    ii) Are not in an end-of-line (-- ) or multi-line (/* ... */) comment

    iii) Are the first keywords in the batch

    If you want to go a step further and correct object names that are incorrect from having used sp_rename - then that's another level entirely.

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
    My blog[/url]
    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • You can use optional parameters to ensure that only the very first CREATE PROC is changed:

    sql = Replace(sql, "CREATE PROC", "ALTER PROC", 1, 1)

    which tells VB to start at the beginning & replace only one time. The only way that this could fail is if the string "CREATE PROC" is embedded in comments that precede the actual CREATE PROC statement. You'd have to examine any comments to verify that.

    In the event that your code has extra spaces between CREATE and PROC, you would remove them before doing the replace, like this:

    For x = 20 To 1 Step -1

    sql = Replace(sql, "CREATE " & String(x, " ") & "PROC", "CREATE PROC")

    Next x

  • I'm quite aware how replace works 🙂

    If you must go down the string replace route, then at least use a regex to match an undefined number of spaces, rather than brute forcing 20 string replaces on the entire proc. Also then you could cater for comments between create and proc which are also valid.

    But... so lame. Especially if you do the examining of comments bit - you may as well just properly lex the statement if you were going to do that.

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
    My blog[/url]
    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • Matt, I have been here in the forums for the past six years to help others. There is no need to make ignorant comments. That being said,

    Matt Whitfield (9/26/2009)

    I'm quite aware how replace works 🙂

    well maybe you "forgot" when you asked the question

    Matt Whitfield (9/24/2009)

    How would that handle a procedure which created another procedure dynamically?


    CREATE PROCEDURE stproc_CreateMyProc


    EXEC ('CREATE PROCEDURE stproc_MyProc as SELECT ''hello'' ')

    My revised solution does cover the case where an sp creates another sp. Althought that is definitely not a best-practice.

    If you must go down the string replace route, then at least use a regex to match an undefined number of spaces, rather than brute forcing 20 string replaces on the entire proc. Also then you could cater for comments between create and proc which are also valid.

    Would you kindly post your solution so we can all benefit from that approach. The replace must change only the CREATE...PROC portion of the sp text and nothing else.

    My brute-force code touches only the CREATE..PROC phrase and nothing else.

    BTW the only reason I threw in the "remove extra spaces" code was that when I tested my code against a very poorly-written database I found the "developers" had used as many as 12 spaces between the CREATE and the PROC. If the developer uses a single space then the point is moot.

  • WILLIAM MITCHELL (9/26/2009)

    Matt, I have been here in the forums for the past six years to help others. There is no need to make ignorant comments.

    I don't think I've made any ignorant comments. Your efforts are commendable, I just don't happen to agree with you right here. Maybe you missed the smile.

    WILLIAM MITCHELL (9/26/2009)

    well maybe you "forgot" when you asked the question

    No, that was simply one of the edge cases that would break that solution. I don't perceive replacing only the first one to be any more valid.

    WILLIAM MITCHELL (9/26/2009)

    My revised solution does cover the case where an sp creates another sp. Althought that is definitely not a best-practice.

    The 20 space one didn't??

    WILLIAM MITCHELL (9/26/2009)

    Would you kindly post your solution so we can all benefit from that approach. The replace must change only the CREATE...PROC portion of the sp text and nothing else.

    Sure. Note that the string tokenizer I use is based on Andrew Deren's example from code project, thus the header is preserved in it. Also I'm really not sure what this will format like... I won't be re-writing it in VB though...

    Edit -> yeah, it formats quite badly. I'm pretty sure copying from that direct won't compile. If you actually want the solution, PM me your email address and I'll mail the cs as an attachment.


    *Author: Andrew Deren

    *Date: July, 2004



    *StringTokenizer class. You can use this class in any way you want

    * as long as this header remains in this file.



    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.Text;

    namespace FixCreate



    /// TokenKind represents the different kinds of token that may be returned from the class.


    public enum TokenKind



    /// Unknown token




    /// Word token




    /// Number token




    /// Quoted string token




    /// White space token




    /// Symbol token




    /// Multi-line comment start token




    /// Multi-line comment end token




    /// End of line comment token




    /// Start of square string state token




    /// End of square string state token




    /// End of line token




    /// End of file token





    /// Token represents a token returned from the class


    public class Token



    /// Private storage for the property



    int _line;


    /// Private storage for the property



    int _column;


    /// Private storage for the property



    string _value;


    /// Private storage for the property



    TokenKind _kind;


    /// Private storage for the property



    int _offset;


    /// Constructs a new class instance


    /// The value relating to the kind of the token

    /// The value of the token

    /// The line number on which the token occurs

    /// The column number on which the token occurs

    /// The offset of the token, in bytes from the start of the tokenized string


    public Token(TokenKind Kind, string Value, int Line, int Column, int Offset)


    this._kind = Kind;

    this._value = Value;

    this._line = Line;

    this._column = Column;

    this._offset = Offset;



    /// The column number on which the token occurs


    public int Column


    get { return this._column; }



    /// The value relating to the kind of the token



    public TokenKind Kind


    get { return this._kind; }



    /// The line number on which the token occurs


    public int Line


    get { return this._line; }



    /// The offset of the token, in bytes from the start of the tokenized string


    public int Offset


    get { return this._offset; }



    /// The value of the token


    public string Value


    get { return this._value; }




    /// StringTokenizer tokenizes strings (or stream) into tokens.


    public abstract class StringTokenizer



    /// Returns true if a line comment is started by the specified characters


    /// The first character to test

    /// The second character to test

    /// True if the specified characters start an end-of-line comment.

    protected abstract bool startsEOLComment(char c1, char c2);


    /// Returns true if the language has a square string state.


    protected abstract bool hasSquareStringState { get; }


    /// Returns the default collection of symbol characters for the language


    protected abstract char[] defaultSymbols { get; }


    /// Constant for the end-of-file token


    const char _EOF = (char)0;


    /// The current line number


    int _line;


    /// The current column number


    int _column;


    /// The position within the data


    int _pos;


    /// The data being tokenized


    string _data;


    /// Private storage for the property



    bool _ignoreWhiteSpace;


    /// Private storage for the property



    char[] _symbolChars;


    /// Saved line number


    int _saveLine;


    /// Saved column number


    int _saveCol;


    /// Saved position


    int _savePos;


    /// Constructs a new class instance


    /// The string to tokenize

    protected StringTokenizer(string data)


    if (data == null)

    throw new ArgumentNullException("data");

    this._data = data;




    /// Gets or sets which characters are part of TokenKind.Symbol


    public char[] SymbolChars


    get { return this._symbolChars; }

    set { this._symbolChars = value; }



    /// If set to true, white space characters will be ignored,

    /// but EOL and whitespace inside of string will still be tokenized


    public bool IgnoreWhiteSpace


    get { return this._ignoreWhiteSpace; }

    set { this._ignoreWhiteSpace = value; }



    /// Resets the class to defaults


    private void Reset()


    this._ignoreWhiteSpace = false;

    this._symbolChars = defaultSymbols;

    _line = 1;

    _column = 1;

    _pos = 0;



    /// Returns the next character, or the EOF character if at the end of the data


    /// The count of bytes to read forward past

    /// The specified character

    protected char LA(int count)


    if (_pos + count >= _data.Length)

    return _EOF;


    return _data[_pos + count];



    /// Reads the next character, and moves the position on


    /// The next character

    protected char Consume()


    char ret = _data[_pos];



    return ret;



    /// Creates a class instance


    /// The value representing the type of token being created

    /// The value of the token

    /// The class instance



    protected Token CreateToken(TokenKind kind, string value)


    return new Token(kind, value, _line, _column, _pos - value.Length);



    /// Creates a class instance


    /// The value representing the type of token being created

    /// The class instance



    protected Token CreateToken(TokenKind kind)


    string tokenData = _data.Substring(_savePos, _pos - _savePos);

    return new Token(kind, tokenData, _saveLine, _saveCol, _savePos);



    /// Retrieves the next class instance from the data


    /// The next class instance from the data


    public Token Next()



    char ch = LA(0);

    switch (ch)


    case _EOF:

    return null;

    case ' ':

    case '\t':


    if (this._ignoreWhiteSpace)



    goto ReadToken;



    return ReadWhitespace();


    case '0':

    case '1':

    case '2':

    case '3':

    case '4':

    case '5':

    case '6':

    case '7':

    case '8':

    case '9':

    return ReadNumber();

    case '\r':




    if (LA(0) == '')

    Consume();// on DOS/Windows we have \r for new line


    _column = 1;

    return CreateToken(TokenKind.EOL);


    case '':





    _column = 1;

    return CreateToken(TokenKind.EOL);


    case '"':

    case '\'':


    return ReadString();




    if (Char.IsLetter(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '#')

    return ReadWord();

    else if ((ch == '[') && (hasSquareStringState))




    return CreateToken(TokenKind.StartSquare);


    else if ((ch == ']') && (hasSquareStringState) && (LA(1) != ']'))




    return CreateToken(TokenKind.EndSquare);


    else if (startsEOLComment(ch, LA(1))) // ((ch == '-') && (LA(1) == '-'))





    return CreateToken(TokenKind.EOLComment);


    else if ((ch == '/') && (LA(1) == '*'))





    return CreateToken(TokenKind.StartComment);


    else if ((ch == '*') && (LA(1) == '/'))





    return CreateToken(TokenKind.EndComment);


    else if (IsSymbol(ch))




    return CreateToken(TokenKind.Symbol);






    return CreateToken(TokenKind.Unknown);






    /// Save read point positions so that can use those



    private void StartRead()


    _saveLine = _line;

    _saveCol = _column;

    _savePos = _pos;



    /// Reads all whitespace characters (does not include newline)


    /// A class instance


    protected Token ReadWhitespace()



    Consume(); // consume the looked-ahead whitespace char

    while (true)


    char ch = LA(0);

    if (ch == '\t' || ch == ' ')





    return CreateToken(TokenKind.WhiteSpace);



    /// Reads a number. Number is: DIGIT+ ("." DIGIT*)?


    /// A class instance


    protected Token ReadNumber()



    bool hadDot = false;

    Consume(); // read first digit

    while (true)


    char ch = LA(0);

    if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'))




    else if (ch == '.' && !hadDot)


    hadDot = true;






    return CreateToken(TokenKind.Number);



    /// Reads a word. Word contains any alpha character or _


    /// A class instance


    protected Token ReadWord()



    Consume(); // consume first character of the word

    while (true)


    char ch = LA(0);

    if (Char.IsLetter(ch) || ch == '_' || Char.IsNumber(ch))





    return CreateToken(TokenKind.Word);



    /// Reads all characters until next " is found.

    /// If "" (2 quotes), or '' (2 single quotes) are found, then they are consumed as

    /// part of the string


    /// A class instance


    protected Token ReadString()



    Consume(); // read "

    while (true)


    char ch = LA(0);

    if (ch == _EOF)


    else if (ch == '\r')// handle CR in strings



    if (LA(0) == '')// for DOS & windows



    _column = 1;


    else if (ch == '')// new line in quoted string




    _column = 1;


    else if (ch == '"')



    // sort - escaping for C# / SQL is different. Don't care yet.

    if (LA(0) != '"')

    break;// done reading, and this quotes does not have escape character


    Consume(); // consume second ", because first was just an escape


    else if (ch == '\'')



    if (LA(0) != '\'')

    break;// done reading, and this quotes does not have escape character


    Consume(); // consume second ", because first was just an escape





    return CreateToken(TokenKind.QuotedString);



    /// checks whether c is a symbol character.


    /// The character to check

    /// True if c is a symbol.

    protected bool IsSymbol(char c)


    for (int i = 0; i < _symbolChars.Length; i++)

    if (_symbolChars == c)

    return true;

    return false;




    /// SQLStringTokenizer is a which provides tokenisation for SQL.


    public class SQLStringTokenizer : StringTokenizer



    /// Constructs a new class instance.


    /// The string to be tokenized

    public SQLStringTokenizer(string Data)

    : base(Data)




    /// Override of the base method which determines what characters start an EOL Comment (single line comment).


    /// The first character to test

    /// The second character to test

    /// True if the characters represent the start of an EOL Comment

    /// Returns true if both characters are '-' for SQL.

    protected override bool startsEOLComment(char c1, char c2)


    return ((c1 == '-') && (c2 == '-'));



    /// Override of the base method indicating whether the language has a 'Square String' state.


    /// Returns true for SQL.

    protected override bool hasSquareStringState




    return true;




    /// Override of the base method which returns the default symbols.


    /// Returns '=', '+', '-', '/', ',', '.', '*', '~', '!', '@', '%', '^', '&', '(', ')', '[', ']', ':', ';', '<', '>', '|', '\' for SQL.

    protected override char[] defaultSymbols




    return new char[] { '=', '+', '-', '/', ',', '.', '*', '~', '!', '@', '%', '^', '&', '(', ')', '[', ']', ':', ';', '', '|', '\\' };




    class Program



    /// Enumeration which encapsulates the current lexical state


    enum _stringState



    /// Default lexical state




    /// Lexical state in a multi-line comment




    /// Lexical state in a square string identifier




    /// Lexical state in an end-of-line comment





    /// ChangeCreateToAlter changes a string containing a CREATE definition to an ALTER definition


    /// The string containing the CREATE definition

    /// A string containing an ALTER definition

    public static string ChangeCreateToAlter(string sqlStatement)


    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new SQLStringTokenizer(sqlStatement);

    Token t;

    _stringState state = _stringState.Default;

    while ((t = tokenizer.Next()) != null)


    if (((t.Kind == TokenKind.Word) ||

    (t.Kind == TokenKind.Unknown)) &&

    (state == _stringState.Default))


    if (string.Equals(t.Value, "create", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))


    if (t.Offset > 0)


    return sqlStatement.Substring(0, t.Offset) + "ALTER" + sqlStatement.Substring(t.Offset + 6);




    return "ALTER" + sqlStatement.Substring(t.Offset + 6);




    // state transitions

    else if ((t.Kind == TokenKind.StartComment) && (state == _stringState.Default))


    state = _stringState.Comment;


    else if ((t.Kind == TokenKind.EndComment) && (state == _stringState.Comment))


    state = _stringState.Default;


    else if ((t.Kind == TokenKind.EOLComment) && (state == _stringState.Default))


    state = _stringState.EOLComment;


    else if ((t.Kind == TokenKind.EOL) && (state == _stringState.EOLComment))


    state = _stringState.Default;


    else if ((t.Kind == TokenKind.StartSquare) && (state == _stringState.Default))


    state = _stringState.SquareString;


    else if ((t.Kind == TokenKind.EndSquare) && (state == _stringState.SquareString))


    state = _stringState.Default;



    // well we couldn't find a 'CREATE' - just return it plain

    return sqlStatement;


    static void Main(string[] args)


    string testString = "/* CREATE PROCEDURE -> ALTER PROCEDURE example */" + Environment.NewLine +

    "-- CREATE PROCEDURE" + Environment.NewLine +

    "CREATE /* CREATE PROCEDURE */ PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_test]" + Environment.NewLine +

    "AS" + Environment.NewLine +







    Output is:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Matt Whitfield\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\FixCreate\FixCreate\bin\Debug>FixCreate.exe



    CREATE /* CREATE PROCEDURE */ PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_test]





    ALTER /* CREATE PROCEDURE */ PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_test]



    WILLIAM MITCHELL (9/26/2009)

    My brute-force code touches only the CREATE..PROC phrase and nothing else.

    No, it either replaces every occurrence, or a set number of occurrences. It doesn't pay any attention to lexical state, or edge-case syntax uses (like putting a comment in between CREATE and PROC(EDURE).

    WILLIAM MITCHELL (9/26/2009)

    BTW the only reason I threw in the "remove extra spaces" code was that when I tested my code against a very poorly-written database I found the "developers" had used as many as 12 spaces between the CREATE and the PROC. If the developer uses a single space then the point is moot.

    Personally, I wish that some of t-sql's syntax was a little bit more restrictive in terms of what could be placed where. The whole 'comments in the middle of identifiers' thing is just asking for trouble IMHO. Witness the fact that SSMS doesn't handle it correctly. 😀

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
    My blog[/url]
    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • I have also been toying with a regex based way to solve this problem - and, using the regex \/\*.*CREATE.*\*\/|--.*CREATE|(CREATE) in case insensitive mode then you could look for the first match in the numbered capture group 1, and replace that with ALTER. I'm not sure what the regex support under vb is like, but that could potentially be a *much* easier route.

    *kicks self for not thinking of it before* 😀

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
    My blog[/url]
    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • Matt

    Here is function using regular expressions to find & replace the first occurrence of CREATE...PROC seems to work in my testing. . .

    Function create_to_alter(Text As String) As String

    ' this requires a reference to

    ' Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5

    ' VBScript_RegExp_55

    ' C:\WINDOWS\System32\vbscript.dll\3

    ' {3F4DACA7-160D-11D2-A8E9-00104B365C9F}


    Dim RE As RegExp, cMatch As MatchCollection


    Set RE = New RegExp

    RE.Pattern = "CREATE[\s]+PROCE*D*U*R*E*[\s]"

    RE.IgnoreCase = True

    Set cMatch = RE.Execute(Text)

    If cMatch.Count > 0 Then

    Text = Replace(Text, Mid(Text, cMatch.Item(0).FirstIndex + 1, cMatch.Item(0).Length), "ALTER PROC ", , 1)

    End If

    create_to_alter = Text

    End Function

    so then OP just needs to use this before writing the string to the output file:

    sql = create_to_alter(sql)

  • Seeing as I don't have VB installed - would you just run it through the proc definition that I tested my solution with?

    I.e. run this code

    Dim SQL as String

    SQL = "/* CREATE PROCEDURE -> ALTER PROCEDURE example */" + vbCrLf + _

    "-- CREATE PROCEDURE" + vbCrLf + _

    "CREATE /* CREATE PROCEDURE */ PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_test]" + vbCrLf + _

    "AS" + vbCrLf + _


    SQL = create_to_alter(SQL)

    MsgBox SQL

    Sorry if the syntax is a bit off, but it's been a long time since I used VB6...

    Edit -> I believe, with that regex, the output will be:

    /* ALTER PROC -> ALTER PROCEDURE example */


    CREATE /* CREATE PROCEDURE */ PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_test]



    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
    My blog[/url]
    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • That of course is a ridiculous example.


  • WILLIAM MITCHELL (9/27/2009)

    That of course is a ridiculous example.

    No, it's just a test that covers a few edge cases, and breaks every code sample you've posted.

    If you've never seen something like



    PROCEDURE dbo.procname

    Where a dev has been swapping alter / create as they develop their proc, then I'm surprised.

    I'm also slightly aggrieved that you set exacting requirements for my code, but posted three separate code examples which all failed to meet those requirements, and, having posted up three incorrect solutions, as well as branding people who use a differenty style to that which your code could cope with as developers in inverted commas, then have such a childish response as 'bye bye'. Poor.

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
    My blog[/url]
    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • Matt Whitfield (9/27/2009)

    WILLIAM MITCHELL (9/27/2009)

    That of course is a ridiculous example.

    No, it's just a test that covers a few edge cases, and breaks every code sample you've posted.

    If you've never seen something like



    PROCEDURE dbo.procname


    This is what standards are for, Matt. The simplest solution, by far, for examples like this:



    CREATE /* CREATE PROCEDURE */ PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_test]



    ... is for the DBA Team to reject them as the unprofessional drek that they are. That the DBAs & DB Support development team should have to spend their company's time developing increasingly arcane work-arounds for stuff like this is an extraordinarily bad way for a company to spend it's money.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Barry

    That's a test case. Can you really not imagine a procedure like this, which would also cause the posted code to fail:


    * Procedure: stproc_CreateProcessRequestItems


    * Purpose: Create process request items from work queue


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.stproc_CreateProcessRequestItems


    If you can honestly, truly, put your hand on your heart and say that never ever in the world ever would the words 'create proc' appear in a comment before the create procedure, then fair enough. But don't come in and say 'your test case is a stupid example' - because it's not meant to be an example of a realistic test - it's meant to be an example of the worst of the worst - the worst possible case that you can think of. The one that you can say 'you know what, if my code satisfies that, then I know it's robust'.

    Personally, I'm happier knowing that I can produce something that won't fail to produce the correct result. That's mostly what databases are about for me. If 'it works mostly' is good enough for the OP, then that's also fine.

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
    My blog[/url]
    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • Matt Whitfield (9/27/2009)


    That's a test case.

    Yep. And I supplied the SOP solution to a case like that. I am not going to spend my time trying to develop tools to handle every strange code mutation that wouldn't pass muster in a production environment. Your example SQL wouldn't, thus my tools should never have to run on your test case, because they wouldn't get past the coding standards. In particular, I know of no SQL coding standard that would permit comments between the DDL statement verb and it's class-type keyword.

    Can you really not imagine a procedure like this, which would also cause the posted code to fail:


    * Procedure: stproc_CreateProcessRequestItems


    * Purpose: Create process request items from work queue


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.stproc_CreateProcessRequestItems


    That's irrelevant to the specific case Matt, because that was not the question that you asked. This is a different question/case, perhaps legitimate in it's own right, but nonetheless a red herring with respect to our specific foregoing discussion.

    If you can honestly, truly, put your hand on your heart and say that never ever in the world ever would the words 'create proc' appear in a comment before the create procedure, then fair enough.

    Well, I could say that because I never put comments before my script-based DDL anyway, I always put them within the definition block. But it's irrelevant either way, that wasn't what I was talking about.

    But don't come in and say 'your test case is a stupid example'...

    I didn't say anything like that, Matt. Please don't try to put words in my mouth, that's not right.

    ... - because it's not meant to be an example of a realistic test - it's meant to be an example of the worst of the worst - the worst possible case that you can think of. The one that you can say 'you know what, if my code satisfies that, then I know it's robust'.

    And that's fine, but I guide my customers to institute what many shops have already been doing for decades: to enforce reasonable standards that eliminate having to support bad code, especially the "worst of the worst". It's just a better way of dealing with these things.

    Personally, I'm happier knowing that I can produce something that won't fail to produce the correct result. That's mostly what databases are about for me. If 'it works mostly' is good enough for the OP, then that's also fine.

    Which is why it's a good idea to catch bad code before it goes into production.

    That said, I suppose that if I were developing a Product, instead of just an in-house tool, then I might share your concern, but even then, it's hard for me to believe that it should take 700-800 lines of code to write a function that can change a DMO or SMO generated CREATE PROC script into a valid ALTER PROC script for a single Stored Procedure object. Assuming that you set the options on the script generation correctly before-hand and that it was compilable SQL, I can't imagine that it should take more than 40 or 50 lines of VB at the most, no matter how strange the SQL code.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • RBarryYoung (9/28/2009)

    And I supplied the SOP solution to a case like that. I am not going to spend my time trying to develop tools to handle every strange code mutation that wouldn't pass muster in a production environment. Your example SQL wouldn't, thus my tools should never have to run on your test case, because they wouldn't get past the coding standards. In particular, I know of no SQL coding standard that would permit comments between the DDL statement verb and it's class-type keyword.

    Well you don't have to spend the time, I already published the code. And coding standards are irrelevent to producing robust code. You can't just say 'the input has to match standard x' for it to be a robust solution. As I've said two times already, doing a replace and hoping it never breaks is a valid option if you understand and are willing to accept the risk.

    RBarryYoung (9/28/2009)

    That's irrelevant to the specific case Matt, because that was not the question that you asked. This is a different question/case, perhaps legitimate in it's own right, but nonetheless a red herring with respect to our specific foregoing discussion.

    I see it as totally relevant. The question I originally asked was 'can you run a test case'. Which you said was 'unprofessional drek' which a DBA should reject. So i produced something that you might not consider to be 'unprofessional drek' to further illustrate the point that doing a string replace is not a robust (edited -> valid to robust) solution here. I don't know of any sql coding standard that would prescribe what you can and cannot put in a comment.

    RBarryYoung (9/28/2009)

    ]Well, I could say that because I never put comments before my script-based DDL anyway, I always put them within the definition block. But it's irrelevant either way, that wasn't what I was talking about.

    I'm lost then. What were you talking about? I was talking about changing the text of a CREATE DDL to an ALTER DDL reliably.

    RBarryYoung (9/28/2009)

    I didn't say anything like that, Matt. Please don't try to put words in my mouth, that's not right.

    'unprofessional drek' roughly equates to 'stupid example' in my book, I should have quoted you directly, apologies.

    RBarryYoung (9/28/2009)

    And that's fine, but I guide my customers to institute what many shops have already been doing for decades: to enforce reasonable standards that eliminate having to support bad code, especially the "worst of the worst". It's just a better way of dealing with these things.

    If the 'worst of the worst' was to make it into a DB, yes. But as I said before - can you find anywhere in a coding standard that says 'don't put this / that in a comment'?

    RBarryYoung (9/28/2009)

    Which is why it's a good idea to catch bad code before it goes into production.

    But the thread is about scripting out existing procedures, not about applying standards to those procedures before they were made. And I really do fail to see how the more mundane example is 'bad code'?

    RBarryYoung (9/28/2009)

    That said, I suppose that if I were developing a Product, instead of just an in-house tool, then I might share your concern, but even then, it's hard for me to believe that it should take 700-800 lines of code to write a function that can change a DMO or SMO generated CREATE PROC script into a valid ALTER PROC script for a single Stored Procedure object. Assuming that you set the options on the script generation correctly before-hand and that it was compilable SQL, I can't imagine that it should take more than 40 or 50 lines of VB at the most, no matter how strange the SQL code.

    Well, I thought of a better way - which was using the regular expression with the tagged capture group. That would be shorter code. But i'm not sure it would be 100% reliable. My products require proper tokenisation, and so the code for me to implement the CREATE -> ALTER change took about 20 minutes to write, given that I already had a tokeniser (which didn't take long to adapt from it's source anyway). And I know that there will never be a procedure (or function, trigger or view, for that matter) which the code I posted will fail to deal with.

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