Can a SQL 2005 instance be renamed?

  • Can a SQL 2005 instance be renamed? and if so, how?

    I need to know for instances on both stand alone servers and active/passive clusters.

  • Sorry mate. That is not possible. You will either need to create a new instance or rip-out the old one and start again. There maybe functionality in SQL 2008 but I havent played yet.:cool:

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • You can change the name of the virtual server, you cannot change the instance name. For example, you can change a virtual server named VS1\instance1 to some other name, such as SQL35\instance1, but the instance portion of the name, instance1, will remain unchanged.


  • But thats only eith a cluster:hehe:

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • Hi Jon

    I have tried on Standalone server, use the below commands

    -- Check the Instance name

    Select @@ServerName

    -- Drop Exising Instance

    Exec Master.dbo.sp_dropserver

    -- Add Server to Instance

    Exec Master.dbo.Sp_AddServer ,'Local'

    Hope this answers to your Question


  • Apologies for the reply to an older post, but wanted some clarification on this topic.  Is it not possible to rename the instance only using the following commands:

    --Get the current name of the SQL Server instance for later comparison.
    SELECT @@servername
    -- Remove server from the list of known remote and linked servers on the local instance of SQL Server.
    EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver 'servername\DEVELOPMENT1'
    -- Define the name of the local instance of SQL Server.
    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addserver 'servername\DEVELOPMENT', 'local'
    -- Get the new name of the SQL Server instance for comparison.
    SELECT @@servername

    I've completed these on my development server instance and I can see that @@servername returns the new instance name servername\DEVELOPMENT but I'm unable to connect via SSMS.  To connect using this updated name I have to include the port in my SSMS connect, servername\DEVELOPMENT,60577.  Why is this?  Is this b\c it is not the default instance using port 1433?

    Additionally, I can still connect to the old instance name, servername\DEVELOPMENT1 without the port designation.  Any thoughts to have a clean instance rename using the commands above?  Was trying NOT to perform an instance uninstall and reinstall since I have to take this action on a production server once I get the steps correct.  

    I'm using SQL Server 2014 Standard edition.

    Thanks for any additional help you can provide.

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