Can a select statement in a cursor use a parameter?

  • Hi,

    I am trying to write a routine that will import many records through a cursor.  The data source comes from a table imported with a simple import wizard.. I need to be able to select only records that has an x in a specific column that I pass in parameter.. Can the select statement in a cursor use a paramenter?? Right now, when I run it it imports nothing (I've tested my sp InsertItemType and it works..  and if I change @park for the specific column name, it works..

    --------- here is my code -----------------

    create procedure ImportItemType (@park char(2))


    Declare CursorItemTypeImport insensitive cursor for

     select ItemType from import where @park = 'x'

     for read only

    Open CursorItemTypeImport

    Declare @ItemType varchar(20), @ParkID char(2)

    fetch CursorItemTypeImport into @ItemType

    while @@fetch_status = 0


     exec InsertItemType @ItemType, @Park

     fetch CursorItemTypeImport into @ItemType


    close CursorItemTypeImport

    Deallocate CursorItemTypeImport


    Thanks in advance!

  • I believe you would have to build a dynamic SQL statement or define the table column to be used in the Where.  Currently SQL would parse the Where clause as...

    Where 'a' = 'x';

    when @park = 'a'

    Could you try something like:


    (@park = 'column1' AND [column1] = 'x')


    (@park = 'column2' AND [column2] = 'x')


    (@park = 'column3' AND [column3] = 'x')


    -Mike Gercevich

  • Why can't you just do a single insert statement??

  • Can you explain?



  • Insert into dbo.ItemTypes (Description)

    select ItemType from dbo.import where SomeCol = 'x'

  • Can I use an insert select if I need to transform data


    Here is my Insert statement:

    create procedure InsertItemType (@itemtype varchar(20), @parkID char(2)) as

    declare @NewItemType varchar(20)

    set @NewItemType = @ParkID + @ItemType

    insert into itemtypecopy(itemtype, parkid, interestcode, recordstatus, replicate_id, lastupdatedate, lastupdatetime)

    values (@NewItemType, @parkID, 'None', 'A', 1, CONVERT (char(10), getdate(),111), CONVERT (char(8), getdate(),114))

    Thanks for your replies...  it is appreciated

  • Where do you get the ParkID value?

    Why do you split the date and time?

    insert into itemtypecopy(itemtype, parkid, interestcode, recordstatus, replicate_id, lastupdatedate, lastupdatetime)

    select ItemType + ParkID, ParkID, 'None', 'A', 1, CONVERT (char(10), getdate(),111), CONVERT (char(8), getdate(),114) from dbo.import where SomeCol = 'x'

  • Thanks for all your replies..

    I'm importing data in an application and the time and date resides in 2 different columns...



  • I c... too bad you can't do anything about it.

  • Hi,

    It seems I have a problems with strings and quotes.. I need to create this statement as an Dynamics SQL and I cannot get the quotes right

    insert into itemcode1(itemtype, itemcode1, interestcode, recordstatus, replicate_id, lastupdatedate, lastupdatetime)

    select distinct @ParkID + Itemtype, itemcode1, 'None', 'A',1, CONVERT (char(10), getdate(),111), CONVERT (char(8), getdate(),114)

    from import where @ParkID ='x'


    I did not read all the papers on the pitfalls of Dynamics SQL, should I do this another way??  I started with writing a cursor but it is way easier this way.

    Thanks again

  • There's just no need for dynamic sql here... what's the problem??

    The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL

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