Can a multi select parameter allow no selection?

  • I've got a report that has several different charts on it. The user will want to show none, some or all of these charts when the report is run. I thought the obvious tool for allowing them to choose this would be a multi-select parameter listing the various reports. They could then tick the reports they wanted to include.

    The problem is they will often want to run the report without showing any charts, meaning they would want to leave all the options in the dropdown un-ticked. I can't seem to get it to allow this though. However I set it up, if I run the report and don't select anything I get the message "Please Select an option for ShowCharts". Allowing null is, of course, incompatible with a multi-select and Allowing blank doesn't seem to work either.

    Any suggestions?

  • Hi

    Have you considered putting an option in your drop down for "Show None" and toggle your visibility based on that?


    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. Mitch Ratcliffe

  • Yeah, I did think of that. But what would that mean if the user selects "Show None" and "Chart A"? I could arbitrarily say that Show None always means Show None regardless of what else is selected but it would still look shoddy. I'm hoping there's a better solution.

  • You could add an additional parameter that filters the selections in the multi-select. Something like "Show Charts" and have it be a yes/no that's defaulted to no. Use the value from that parameter to decide how to populate your drop down. So if "Show Charts" is no, then the only value in the drop down is "None". If it's yes then populate it with the chart choices.

  • Oooh, I like that. Yep, that'll do me.

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