Can a database be removed from single AG replica without affecting other replicas

  • Hi,

    In case of multiple AG secondary replicas, can a database be safely removed from only one of the secondary replica without any impact on other replicas?

    I don't want to completely remove the database from AG because adding it back to AG later will require restoring the database on to multiple secondaries.


  • praveen_vejandla (12/15/2016)


    In case of multiple AG secondary replicas, can a database be safely removed from only one of the secondary replica without any impact on other replicas?

    I don't want to completely remove the database from AG because adding it back to AG later will require restoring the database on to multiple secondaries.


    either you're removing it from the group or you're not


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks for the reply.

    How can we perform maintenance like relocation of data files for a database on one of the secondaries without breaking AG and without impacting any other secondary replicas.

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