Calling Stored Procedure (SP) inside another SP

  • I have one SP 'A' and another SP 'B'. SP 'B' is returning three tables. I want to call SP 'B' inside SP 'A' and want to fetch all three tables.

    Please help to achive this.

  • What do you mean by 'fetch'?

    If you are clear with the question, I'll be clear with the answer 🙂

  • I mean by retrieve. Getting the record which that SP is returning.

  • Ok let me try to guess.

    Procedure B has three different SELECT statements, each of which return a result set to the output window when run from SSMS.

    What is it exactly that you want to do with these result sets in Procedure A? Do you want to put them into a table? Process them somehow? Return them to the caller? Join them together? Pivot them? Detail please.

    An example would help, if you can spare the time.


  • Hi,

    Is you second procedure returning same number of columns for all the three tables ?

    I have provided an example over here assuming that Storedprocedure B returns equal number of columns for all the three columns.

    .It however returns your entire result as a single table

    create procedure [SprocA] ----------------your parent procedure A



    declare @temp_table table


    col1 varchar(50),

    col2 varchar(50),

    col3 varchar(50),



    coln varchar(50)


    ---------Do your calculation--------

    insert into @temp_table (col1,col2,col3,col.......,coln) exec SprocB ------------ call your child procedure B

    select * from @temp_table ---------------this returns your result as one table.


  • It is like SP 'A' is having some table and other things. Inside SP 'A' i want to call Exec SP 'B' and want to get the data which all the there tables are returning while executing.

    The no. of columns in all the three tables are not same.

    First table will have three column, second table will have 10 column and third table will have some other number.

    I don't have any JOINS in that.

    Hope this is enough to understand.

  • The above code will work for that.

    only u'll have to declare the temporary table variable with number of columns = maximum number of columns returned by ur three tables.

    You'll get ur final result (of SP 'A') as a single table. Is that what u want ?

  • Yup, it works if the number of columns should be same in all the tables. But we want the solution like getting the particular table data while executing the SP 'B' and inserting into the temp table. If that is there then it would be great.

  • Phew !!! pls provide a sample code..can't help u much w/o that.

    Btw the above code will work even if the number of columns are not equal.

    What i meant was :

    Eg if ur SP 'B' retruns 4 tables :

    table 1 has 3 columns

    table 2 has 5 columns

    table 3 has 2 columns

    table 4 has 10 columns

    then declare the temporary table variable as table variable having 10 columns.

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