Calling stored proc to insert record in one table

  • The issue isn't the cursor itself, it's the fact that you've got NULL = NULL at the end. NULL doesn't = NULL, NULL IS NULL. The update statement at the end of your cursor just needs to be modified to use a different piece of criteria, other than the ScheduleID which won't exist.

    I didn't see anywhere where I was using a criteria of "= NULL" I only posted SP parameters

    that were = NULL and the 'ScheduleID IS NULL' was supposed to be 'EncounterID IS NULL'.

    Anyway, this looks like it will work but I need it to update all ptSchedule records that have the same MRN for the selected date of service with the same EncounterID. Can you recommend any changes? I'd love to be able to group by MRN/StartDtTm in the temp table but it isn't letting me do that.

    CREATE TABLE #MySchedule (

    [ScheduleID] [int]

    , [MRN] [varchar] (25)

    , [ResourceID] [int]

    , [StartDtTm] [datetime]


    INSERT INTO #MySchedule

    SELECT ScheduleID, MRN, ResourceID, StartDtTm

    FROM ptSchedule

    WHERE EncounterID IS NULL AND StartDtTm > '10/20/2008'


    DECLARE @ScheduleID int

    DECLARE @MRN1 varchar(25)

    DECLARE @MRN2 varchar(25)

    DECLARE @ResourceID1 int

    DECLARE @StartDtTm1 datetime

    DECLARE @StartDtTm2 datetime


    FOR SELECT * FROM #MySchedule

    OPEN ptSchedule_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM ptSchedule_cursor INTO @ScheduleID, @MRN1, @ResourceID1, @StartDtTm1





    -- Get the next bill number

    declare @p3 nvarchar(1000)

    exec rr_Get_coPracticeSettings_Counter @Category=N'ENCOUNTERBILLNUMBER',@NumLength=0,@ID=@p3 output

    -- Insert the Encounter

    declare @p1 int

    exec rr_Insert_ptEncounter @EncounterID=@p1 output

    , @BillNumber=@p3, @ClaimNumber=NULL, @MRN=@MRN1, @SubscriberContactID=0

    , @LocationID=1, @AuthID=0, @BillerUserID=0, @PostingDtTm=NULL, @SiteID=@ResourceID1

    , @DeptID=0, @InsuranceID=0, @RefPhysID=0, @ProviderID=0, @DateOfService=@StartDtTm1

    , @DateOfIllness=NULL, @TotalAmt=0, @PaidAmt=0, @OpenAmt=0, @PaidInFull=0

    , @ClaimSubmissionDtTm=NULL, @ClaimStatus=0, @Diag1=NULL, @Diag2=NULL, @Diag3=NULL

    , @Diag4=NULL, @StatementMessage1=NULL, @StatementMessage2=NULL, @BillComment1=NULL

    , @BillComment2=NULL, @AdmitDtTm=NULL, @DischargeDtTm=NULL, @AutoAccidentRelated=0

    , @EmploymentAccidentRelated=0, @OtherAccidentRelated=0, @State=NULL, @PreAuthNumber=NULL

    , @AcceptAssignment=0, @Errors=NULL, @FirstOnsetDtTm=NULL, @BucketID=0, @CreatedByUserID=138

    UPDATE ptSchedule SET EncounterID = @p1 WHERE MRN = @MRN1 AND StartDtTm = @StartDtTm1

    SET @MRN2 = @MRN1


    FETCH NEXT FROM ptSchedule_cursor INTO @ScheduleID, @MRN1, @ResourceID1, @StartDtTm1


    CLOSE ptSchedule_cursor

    DEALLOCATE ptSchedule_cursor

    DROP TABLE #MySchedule

  • The commented out criteria in your original cursor declaration was

    -- ScheduleId IS NULL AND StartDtTm > '10/20/2008'

    This would give you a set where all ScheduleID's were null. Then, at the bottom, you were trying to update where ScheduleID = @ScheduleID. IE. value = NULL.

    UPDATE ptSchedule SET EncounterID = @p1 WHERE ScheduleID = @ScheduleID

    Maybe that was a typo on your part, as I see that now you're using EncounterID IS NULL, but that's what we were talking about. You may think it was overcritical, but I thought it was a very good catch. That's exactly the type of overlooked issue that very often breaks this stuff.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Yes, I pointed it out in my last post, however, why would commented out code be relevant?

    Did you get a chance to look at my last post to see if the code looks OK?

    I ran it and it didn't update anything.

  • Yes, I pointed it out in my last post, however, why would commented out code be relevant?

    I either overlooked that or it wasn't there when I initially read the reply... but in either case... by that same token, why would commented out code be there if it wasn't relevant? 😉

    The way I'd troubleshoot that at this point is to make sure that it is passing in everything you think it should be passing in. IE. Instead of exec'ing that, insert all of that into a string and print the string for every cursor iteration. That way you can make sure all the values are getting sent in and the cursor is doing exactly what you think it should be doing.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Ok, here's a modification to the last script.

    There is only one problem, however, it only updates approx 200 rows at a time.

    It won't do all of them.

    Any ideas?

    CREATE TABLE #MySchedule (

    [ScheduleID] [int]

    , [MRN] [varchar] (25)

    , [ResourceID] [int]

    , [StartDtTm] [datetime]


    INSERT INTO #MySchedule

    SELECT ScheduleID, MRN, ResourceID, StartDtTm

    FROM ptSchedule

    WHERE EncounterID IS NULL

    AND StartDtTm > '10/20/2008'

    DECLARE @ScheduleID int

    DECLARE @MRN1 varchar(25)

    DECLARE @MRN2 varchar(25)

    DECLARE @ResourceID1 int

    DECLARE @StartDtTm1 datetime

    DECLARE @StartDtTm2 datetime

    DECLARE @SQL1 varchar(max)


    FOR SELECT * FROM #MySchedule

    OPEN ptSchedule_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM ptSchedule_cursor INTO @ScheduleID, @MRN1, @ResourceID1, @StartDtTm1

    SET @MRN2 = 0





    -- Get the next bill number

    DECLARE @p3 nvarchar(1000)

    exec rr_Get_coPracticeSettings_Counter @Category=N'ENCOUNTERBILLNUMBER',@NumLength=0,@ID=@p3 output

    -- Insert the Encounter

    DECLARE @p1 int

    exec rr_Insert_ptEncounter @EncounterID=@p1 output

    , @BillNumber=@p3, @ClaimNumber=NULL, @MRN=@MRN1, @SubscriberContactID=0

    , @LocationID=1, @AuthID=0, @BillerUserID=0, @PostingDtTm=NULL, @SiteID=@ResourceID1

    , @DeptID=0, @InsuranceID=0, @RefPhysID=0, @ProviderID=0, @DateOfService=@StartDtTm1

    , @DateOfIllness=NULL, @TotalAmt=0, @PaidAmt=0, @OpenAmt=0, @PaidInFull=0

    , @ClaimSubmissionDtTm=NULL, @ClaimStatus=0, @Diag1=NULL, @Diag2=NULL, @Diag3=NULL

    , @Diag4=NULL, @StatementMessage1=NULL, @StatementMessage2=NULL, @BillComment1=NULL

    , @BillComment2=NULL, @AdmitDtTm=NULL, @DischargeDtTm=NULL, @AutoAccidentRelated=0

    , @EmploymentAccidentRelated=0, @OtherAccidentRelated=0, @State=NULL, @PreAuthNumber=NULL

    , @AcceptAssignment=0, @Errors=NULL, @FirstOnsetDtTm=NULL, @BucketID=0, @CreatedByUserID=138

    UPDATE ptSchedule SET EncounterID = @p1 WHERE MRN = @MRN1 AND StartDtTm = @StartDtTm1

    SET @MRN2 = @MRN1


    FETCH NEXT FROM ptSchedule_cursor INTO @ScheduleID, @MRN1, @ResourceID1, @StartDtTm1


    CLOSE ptSchedule_cursor

    DEALLOCATE ptSchedule_cursor

    DROP TABLE #MySchedule

  • I keep getting

    [font="Courier New"]The query has exceeded the maximum number of result sets that can be displayed in the results grid. Only the first 100 result sets are displayed in the grid.


    Because the call:

    exec rr_Get_coPracticeSettings_Counter @Category=N'ENCOUNTERBILLNUMBER',@NumLength=0,@ID=@p3 output

    is returning a value to the results grid.

    How to get rid of that?

    The first time I run the script, I have 4682 records

    where Encounterid is null and StartDtTm > '10/20/2008'

    After running the script, I have 2086 records.

    If I run it again, I have 922 records.

    IF I run it a third time, I have 503 rows.

    Any ideas?

  • When you say, 'I have xxxx records', do you mean that this is the count of rows that match the IS NULL criteria in your cursor?

    Any ideas? - it's hard to say without knowing what else your SPs are doing. If your code is written correctly, you should only have to run it once for it to process all of the rows that match the cursor criteria. There may be something happening in your SPs or in a trigger somewhere that is causing your cursor to not process everything in one run.

    Just curious, why populate a temp table and then cursor through the temp table? I thought your goal here was to come up with a 'quick' way to do this? You don't need the temp table.

    So how many rows does this query produce:

    SELECT ScheduleID, MRN, ResourceID, StartDtTm

    FROM ptSchedule

    WHERE EncounterID IS NULL

    AND StartDtTm > '10/20/2008'

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • John Rowan (11/3/2008)

    When you say, 'I have xxxx records', do you mean that this is the count of rows that match the IS NULL criteria in your cursor?


    John Rowan (11/3/2008)

    Any ideas? - it's hard to say without knowing what else your SPs are doing. If your code is written correctly, you should only have to run it once for it to process all of the rows that match the cursor criteria. There may be something happening in your SPs or in a trigger somewhere that is causing your cursor to not process everything in one run.

    Without having "step by step" debugging for SQL code, it will be very difficult to determine if something in the SP is causing the cursor to not process everything. I don't know enough about cursors to determine what even could cause that to happen.

    All I know is that I need to get this thing working fast because we need these Encounters created and the ID's in the ptSchedule table.

    John Rowan (11/3/2008)

    Just curious, why populate a temp table and then cursor through the temp table? I thought your goal here was to come up with a 'quick' way to do this? You don't need the temp table.

    I guess I *could* take out the temp table and work on the cursor only but I thought the comment on updating the row that was IN the cursor was to not do it and that is the only way I knew how. Using a CTE won't work at all.

    John Rowan (11/3/2008)

    So how many rows does this query produce:

    4686 before the script is run, just as I said.

  • 4686 before the script is run, just as I said

    Then your code should go through 4686 iterations, one for each row. If you are left with rows with NULL EncounterIDs at the end, something is not right.

    What is the purpose of this code:


    Do you realize that you are not handling NULLs? If one of the values are NULL, your main block of code will not execute.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden


    keep from updating the same MRN on the same DOS.

    Each MRNs should have only one encounter record for each dateofservice.

    Hmmm, never thought about that one.

    Let me make a slight mod and get back..

    Thanks for the heads up.

  • Made this modification:

    INSERT INTO #MySchedule

    SELECT ScheduleID, MRN, ResourceID, StartDtTm

    FROM ptSchedule

    WHERE EncounterID IS NULL


    AND StartDtTm > '10/20/2008'

    The number of records fell to 4672 but after running the first time, there are still

    2076 rows with NULL EncounterIDs

  • OK, then let's build out a test case to reproduce the problem. Can you post some sample data of rows that were successfully updated and some that were not using the following format:

    DECLARE @ptSchedule TABLE (ScheduleID int, MRN varchar(25), ResourceID int, StartDtTm datetime)

    INSERT INTO @ptSchedule

    SELECT .......... UNION ALL

    SELECT .......... UNION ALL

    SELECT ...........

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • what do you mean here:

    SELECT .......... UNION ALL

    SELECT .......... UNION ALL

    SELECT ...........

    I don't know what to put as the ...........

  • I'm not sure if I can post a complete set of test data.

    There are 4076 records from ptSchedule and 9359 records from ptEncounter that would

    have to be de-identified to post.

  • Right. Just put together a combination of handful of the rows that worked and a handful of rows that the update missed.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

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