Calling a function from within a query that needs to execute dynamic SQL

  • Hi,

    Here is a simplified version of a query:


    SELECT DISTINCT CategoryID, QCategoryName, SortOrder, Expanded, Criteria FROM dbo.vQAllQuestionsWithAnswers


    The next step is that I want to call a function and pass in the Criteria as a Parameter


    SELECT DISTINCT CategoryID, QCategoryName, SortOrder, Expanded, MyFunction(Criteria) FROM dbo.vQAllQuestionsWithAnswers


    So far so good.

    This function should run a SQL statement that will return the RecordCount.

    The Criteria is something like this: " STATE = 'AL' AND ZIP = 12345 "

    Simplified version of my function:


    DECLARE @Count int

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)

    SET @sql = 'SELECT @Count = COUNT(*) FROM Table WHERE ' + @Criteria

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, N'@Count int OUT', @Count OUT

    SELECT @Count


    Unfortunately UDF don't allow the execution of dynamic queries.

    I have thought of the following solutions already but none of them work:

    a) Use a stored proc instead of a UDF

       Problem: a stored proc can not be called from within the query

    b) Use cursors

      Problem: Using a cursor returns a DataSet back to my .NET application that has 1 table for each row of data

    c) Let the Web server do the work

      Problem: Pperformance issues and complexity of implementation


    Any suggestions?



  • First, I do not understand how this works if the UDF will not allow dynamic queries...?

    SELECT DISTINCT CategoryID, QCategoryName, SortOrder, Expanded, MyFunction(Criteria) FROM dbo.vQAllQuestionsWithAnswers


    So far so good.

    Unfortunately UDF don't allow the execution of dynamic queries.


    Second, why can you not call a stored proc from within a stored proc...?

    I have thought of the following solutions already but none of them work:

    a) Use a stored proc instead of a UDF

       Problem: a stored proc can not be called from within the query

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • First, maybe I thought have articulated this better. I was trying to give an explaination of my thought process and I got stuck at the function that has the dynamic SQL statement.


    When I try to execute this within a stored procedure I get an error that it is not possible

    SELECT fieldA, SP_MyStoredProc(Criteria), ... FROM  Table




  • I think I get you.  Can you wrap the whole thing in sp_executesql? 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • I don't see how this can help me, the criteria can be different for each row of data

  • Holy cow!  I did not realize that...  I guess you would have to loop and insert the data into a temp table, (of course, scope then becomes an issue) and query that...  This is a booger. 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Option d) is missing:

    Use a subquery.

    Option e):

    use output parameter and assign @@rowcount to it

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Good thinking!     [ Sheesh..., I must 'a left my bulldozer at home.... ]

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • How can I use a subquery with the way the criteria field is storing the WHERE statement?

    Again, an example for the criteria value is: " STATE = 'AL' AND ZIP = 12345 "

    So the dynamic query would be " SELECT Count(*) FROM Table WHERE " + Criteria.

    I don't see how that will work with a subquery nor using rowcount

    I am going back to the idea of using a cursor and loop through each record.

    This is more promising at the moment except that I have not figured out how to prevent that the fetched row will be returned as a table in the dataset, I only want to return the temp table.


  • 1) Don't ever pass @Criteria parameter.

    Have you ever heard about SQL injections?

    2) Use WHERE (State = @State OR @State IS NULL)

    3) What is the connection between main query and subquery you wanted to put into function?

    Why you possibly need to calculate rows in a table not related to the queried recordset?

    Code for TallyGenerator

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