CALL PHONE from SQL Stored PROC/ Alerts

  • plz can you tell me the way to send a sms from sql server to a mobile phone plz plz

  • abdou.amara (12/27/2012)

    plz can you tell me the way to send a sms from sql server to a mobile phone plz plz

    In place of email address just type ' yourcellphonenumber@verizon/'

  • The @att / verizon method will work if you know the carrier... though the domain list is rather large. You can find a few lists online of these carriers. As an alternative if you do not know the carrier you can use this project here - it is a wrapper around the api at


  • thank's friend

    but please what deos mean 'verizon/'

  • Sure thing... you can send an email to the proper domain for the carrier and it will relay as a text message. There are lists online and here is my list if you are interested.

    Carrier Text Message Domain List

    The real question is if you want to send it using SMTP or not. If you know the carrier you can simply send a properly formatted email to the carrier and you will get what you desire. If however you do not know the carrier you will need to find an alternative solution. There are several out there but I have to be honest and say I am not sure there are any that are as simple as the solution provided by combined with this wrapper around the webservice.

    The wrapper will give you UDF that you can call in TSQL code to send text messages and even place telephone calls to play recorded messages or text to speech processing.

    The project is called twiSQL and can be found here

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