Call 3rd party software within package

  • Hi,

    I am not sure if this is possible within an SSIS package:unsure:

    1) I have a txt file coming in [source] .

    2) Data coming in goes through a number of transformation [Data Conversion / Sorting / Derived Column]and is loaded to a Staging table in SQL.

    3) This Staging table is loaded back into a txt file.

    4) Text file is sent out through [Send Mail Task] to respective party.

    My company has purchased an Address Cleansing Tool[3rd party software].This tool is to perform cleansing on my staging table in SQL on a column [Address].After tool is executed, Staging table in SQL is updated with corrected values for the [Address] column.

    My task is to, call the 3rd party software within my SSIS package after task 2) and before task 3) takes place.Task 3) should only be executed if [3rd party software] execution is a success.

    The Address cleansing tool is written in .Net.

    Greatly appreciate suggestions as I have not got a clue on how to solve this and if this is possible.Thank You in advance !

    [font="TimesNewRoman"] “I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work”........Thomas Alva Edison[/font]

  • Hopefully this 3rd party tool has a command line interface.

    If so, then the Execute Process Task will do the job.


    DTS Package Search

  • Now I know what Execute Process Task does.Let me get my hands dirty with it.Shall post my ouput soon.Thanks

    [font="TimesNewRoman"] “I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work”........Thomas Alva Edison[/font]

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