Calculating varying process capacity

  • Hello again, SQL experts,

    I'm facing an interesting challenge. I have a production process that runs from 8 AM to 7 PM. Process capacity is 750 units per hour *except* for the 11 AM to noon hour and the 3 PM to 4 PM hour, which each have a capacity of 600 units. My challenge is to estimate the remaining capacity to end of day at any given time (down to the minute) during the day.

    For example, at 8 AM, remaining capacity is 7,950, which is the total daily capacity. At 11:45 AM, remaining capacity is 5,250, which is .25 * 11 AM capacity (650) + capacity from 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM. 

    All of the solutions that pop into my head seem pretty clunky, so I'm wondering if anyone knows of an elegant way to do this in SQL.

    Thanks in advance!


  • I suspect there's an all math way to do it, but take a look at the following, which illustrates the process somewhat:
    DECLARE @HOUR AS tinyint = DATEPART(hour, @TIME);
    DECLARE @MINUTES AS tinyint = DATEPART(minute, @TIME);

        START_TIME time NOT NULL,
        END_TIME time NOT NULL,
    SELECT 0, '00:00:00.000', '01:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 1, '01:00:00.000', '02:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 2, '02:00:00.000', '03:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 3, '03:00:00.000', '04:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 4, '04:00:00.000', '05:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 5, '05:00:00.000', '06:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 6, '06:00:00.000', '07:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 7, '07:00:00.000', '08:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 8, '08:00:00.000', '09:00:00.000', 750 UNION ALL
    SELECT 9, '09:00:00.000', '10:00:00.000', 750 UNION ALL
    SELECT 10, '10:00:00.000', '11:00:00.000', 750 UNION ALL
    SELECT 11, '11:00:00.000', '12:00:00.000', 600 UNION ALL
    SELECT 12, '12:00:00.000', '13:00:00.000', 750 UNION ALL
    SELECT 13, '13:00:00.000', '14:00:00.000', 750 UNION ALL
    SELECT 14, '14:00:00.000', '15:00:00.000', 750 UNION ALL
    SELECT 15, '15:00:00.000', '16:00:00.000', 600 UNION ALL
    SELECT 16, '16:00:00.000', '17:00:00.000', 750 UNION ALL
    SELECT 17, '17:00:00.000', '18:00:00.000', 750 UNION ALL
    SELECT 18, '18:00:00.000', '19:00:00.000', 750 UNION ALL
    SELECT 19, '19:00:00.000', '20:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 20, '20:00:00.000', '21:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 21, '21:00:00.000', '22:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 22, '22:00:00.000', '23:00:00.000', 0 UNION ALL
    SELECT 23, '23:00:00.000', '23:59:59.997', 0;

                ELSE 0
            END +
                ELSE 0


    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • I like Steve's solution. I'd be tempted to make a permanent table that tracks capacity by time (and potentially by machine/location/etc). Then use that as a way of performing calculations.

  • Since you are only looking for an estimate of capacity remaining this should work:
    DECLARE @DailyCapacity INT = 7950, -- Daily capacity
            @Minutes DECIMAL(18,2) = 660, -- Total minutes available per day
            @StartTime TIME = '08:00:00', -- Daily start time from capacity calculation
            @TestTime DATETIME = GETDATE();

    SELECT @DailyCapacity, @Minutes, @StartTime, ROUND(@DailyCapacity * ((@Minutes - DATEDIFF(MINUTE,@StartTime,CAST(@TestTime AS TIME))) / @Minutes),0);

  • I'm with Steve.  I love "Helper Tables" because you can change their content instead of changing code.  If it were my task, here's the table that I'd build.

     CREATE TABLE dbo.CapacityByPeriod
             PeriodStartTime            TIME NOT NULL
            ,PeriodEndTime              TIME NOT NULL
            ,PeriodCapacity             INT  NOT NULL
            ,PeriodMinutes              AS DATEDIFF(mi,PeriodStartTime,PeriodEndTime) PERSISTED --Just in case it ever comes up. ;)
            ,PeriodPerMinuteCapacity    AS PeriodCapacity*1.0/DATEDIFF(mi,PeriodStartTime,PeriodEndTime) PERSISTED
            CONSTRAINT PK_CapacityByPeriod PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (PeriodStartTime)
     INSERT INTO dbo.CapacityByPeriod
     VALUES  ('00:00','08:00', 0  )
            ,('08:00','09:00', 750)
            ,('09:00','10:00', 750)
            ,('10:00','11:00', 750)
            ,('11:00','12:00', 600)
            ,('12:00','13:00', 750)
            ,('13:00','14:00', 750)
            ,('14:00','15:00', 750)
            ,('15:00','16:00', 600)
            ,('16:00','17:00', 750)
            ,('17:00','18:00', 750)
            ,('18:00','19:00', 750)
            ,('19:00','23:59:59.9999999', 0)

    Then, I'd build this function and use it according to the "Usage" examples in the header.  If your DBA(s) object to functions or helper tables, please see the "Developer Notes" in the header of the function for how to convince them otherwise.

     CREATE FUNCTION dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining
     Given a 24 hour time of day, return the remaining capacity for the day according to the
     dbo.CapacityByPeriod table.
     dbo.CapacityByPeriod (Table) must be in the same database.
    --===== Syntax
     SELECT CapacityRemaining FROM dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining(@pSomeTime)
    --===== Example Usage for 6:42 PM
     SELECT CapacityRemaining FROM dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining('18:42')
    --===== Example Usage using a variable
    DECLARE @SomeTime TIME = '18:42';
     SELECT CapacityRemaining FROM dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining(@SomeTime)
    --===== Example Usage when played against a TIME column in a table.
     SELECT  st.TimeColumn
       FROM dbo.SomeTable st
      CROSS APPLY dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining(st.TimeColumn) cr
     Developer Notes:
     1. If your DBA(s) object to using functions, tell them that this is a high performance
        "iTVF" (Inline Table Value Function) that works as fast as if the code were inline
        in a query.  If they don't believe you or continue to object just because it's a
        function, direct them to Reference #1 below for repeatable and demonstrable proof
        that it's not a problem.
     2. If they still insist on not letting you use it just because it's a function, thank
        them for their time and then recommend to management that they get a smarter DBA.
        Before they leave, ask them if they know how to get the current date and time. ;)
     3. If the DBA(s) object to the use of "Helper Tables", refer to Note 2 above.
     Revision History:
     Rev 00 - 10 Dec 2017 - Jeff Moden
                          - Initial creation and unit test according to Reference 2.
    --===== Declare the I/O for this function
            (@pSomeTime TIME)
    --===== Return the remaining capacity for the day using the given time as a starting point.
     SELECT CapacityRemaining =
            (--=== Aggregate the capacity of the remaining whole periods.
             SELECT SUM(PeriodCapacity)
               FROM dbo.CapacityByPeriod
              WHERE PeriodStartTime >= @pSomeTime
          + (--==== Calculate the capacity of time remaining in the current period.
             SELECT DATEDIFF(mi,@pSomeTime,PeriodEndTime) * PeriodPerMinuteCapacity
               FROM dbo.CapacityByPeriod
              WHERE PeriodStartTime <= @pSomeTime AND @pSomeTime < PeriodEndTime

    As a bit of a sidebar, the times in the table do NOT need to be at the top of the hour.  They can be anytime provided that you pay attention and avoid gaps and overlaps in the table and that the first start time is 00:00 and the last end time is 23:59:59.99999.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Thanks, all! Very helpful! 


  • Jeff Moden - Sunday, December 10, 2017 10:10 PM

    I'm with Steve.  I love "Helper Tables" because you can change their content instead of changing code.  If it were my task, here's the table that I'd build.

     CREATE TABLE dbo.CapacityByPeriod
             PeriodStartTime            TIME NOT NULL
            ,PeriodEndTime              TIME NOT NULL
            ,PeriodCapacity             INT  NOT NULL
            ,PeriodMinutes              AS DATEDIFF(mi,PeriodStartTime,PeriodEndTime) PERSISTED --Just in case it ever comes up. ;)
            ,PeriodPerMinuteCapacity    AS PeriodCapacity*1.0/DATEDIFF(mi,PeriodStartTime,PeriodEndTime) PERSISTED
            CONSTRAINT PK_CapacityByPeriod PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (PeriodStartTime)
     INSERT INTO dbo.CapacityByPeriod
     VALUES  ('00:00','08:00', 0  )
            ,('08:00','09:00', 750)
            ,('09:00','10:00', 750)
            ,('10:00','11:00', 750)
            ,('11:00','12:00', 600)
            ,('12:00','13:00', 750)
            ,('13:00','14:00', 750)
            ,('14:00','15:00', 750)
            ,('15:00','16:00', 600)
            ,('16:00','17:00', 750)
            ,('17:00','18:00', 750)
            ,('18:00','19:00', 750)
            ,('19:00','23:59:59.9999999', 0)

    Then, I'd build this function and use it according to the "Usage" examples in the header.  If your DBA(s) object to functions or helper tables, please see the "Developer Notes" in the header of the function for how to convince them otherwise.

     CREATE FUNCTION dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining
     Given a 24 hour time of day, return the remaining capacity for the day according to the
     dbo.CapacityByPeriod table.
     dbo.CapacityByPeriod (Table) must be in the same database.
    --===== Syntax
     SELECT CapacityRemaining FROM dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining(@pSomeTime)
    --===== Example Usage for 6:42 PM
     SELECT CapacityRemaining FROM dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining('18:42')
    --===== Example Usage using a variable
    DECLARE @SomeTime TIME = '18:42';
     SELECT CapacityRemaining FROM dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining(@SomeTime)
    --===== Example Usage when played against a TIME column in a table.
     SELECT  st.TimeColumn
       FROM dbo.SomeTable st
      CROSS APPLY dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining(st.TimeColumn) cr
     Developer Notes:
     1. If your DBA(s) object to using functions, tell them that this is a high performance
        "iTVF" (Inline Table Value Function) that works as fast as if the code were inline
        in a query.  If they don't believe you or continue to object just because it's a
        function, direct them to Reference #1 below for repeatable and demonstrable proof
        that it's not a problem.
     2. If they still insist on not letting you use it just because it's a function, thank
        them for their time and then recommend to management that they get a smarter DBA.
        Before they leave, ask them if they know how to get the current date and time. ;)
     3. If the DBA(s) object to the use of "Helper Tables", refer to Note 2 above.
     Revision History:
     Rev 00 - 10 Dec 2017 - Jeff Moden
                          - Initial creation and unit test according to Reference 2.
    --===== Declare the I/O for this function
            (@pSomeTime TIME)
    --===== Return the remaining capacity for the day using the given time as a starting point.
     SELECT CapacityRemaining =
            (--=== Aggregate the capacity of the remaining whole periods.
             SELECT SUM(PeriodCapacity)
               FROM dbo.CapacityByPeriod
              WHERE PeriodStartTime >= @pSomeTime
          + (--==== Calculate the capacity of time remaining in the current period.
             SELECT DATEDIFF(mi,@pSomeTime,PeriodEndTime) * PeriodPerMinuteCapacity
               FROM dbo.CapacityByPeriod
              WHERE PeriodStartTime <= @pSomeTime AND @pSomeTime < PeriodEndTime

    As a bit of a sidebar, the times in the table do NOT need to be at the top of the hour.  They can be anytime provided that you pay attention and avoid gaps and overlaps in the table and that the first start time is 00:00 and the last end time is 23:59:59.99999.

    Again, this is a situation where you can improve the efficiency by thinking outside of the box.  You can cut the number of scans/reads in half.  By focusing on the period start time, you are forced to divide your results into two subsets: periods that start after the relevant time and the one period that starts before, but ends after the relevant time.  If, instead, you focus on the period end time, you only have one set: periods that end after the relevant time (regardless of whether they start before or after the relevant time).

            WHEN PeriodStartTime <= @pSomeTime
            THEN DATEDIFF(mi,@pSomeTime,PeriodEndTime) * PeriodPerMinuteCapacity
            ELSE PeriodCapacity
        ) AS Capacity_Remaining
    FROM dbo.CapacityByPeriod
    WHERE @pSomeTime < PeriodEndTime


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Nice, Drew... very clever!

  • drew.allen - Monday, December 11, 2017 8:45 AM

    Jeff Moden - Sunday, December 10, 2017 10:10 PM

    I'm with Steve.  I love "Helper Tables" because you can change their content instead of changing code.  If it were my task, here's the table that I'd build.

     CREATE TABLE dbo.CapacityByPeriod
             PeriodStartTime            TIME NOT NULL
            ,PeriodEndTime              TIME NOT NULL
            ,PeriodCapacity             INT  NOT NULL
            ,PeriodMinutes              AS DATEDIFF(mi,PeriodStartTime,PeriodEndTime) PERSISTED --Just in case it ever comes up. ;)
            ,PeriodPerMinuteCapacity    AS PeriodCapacity*1.0/DATEDIFF(mi,PeriodStartTime,PeriodEndTime) PERSISTED
            CONSTRAINT PK_CapacityByPeriod PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (PeriodStartTime)
     INSERT INTO dbo.CapacityByPeriod
     VALUES  ('00:00','08:00', 0  )
            ,('08:00','09:00', 750)
            ,('09:00','10:00', 750)
            ,('10:00','11:00', 750)
            ,('11:00','12:00', 600)
            ,('12:00','13:00', 750)
            ,('13:00','14:00', 750)
            ,('14:00','15:00', 750)
            ,('15:00','16:00', 600)
            ,('16:00','17:00', 750)
            ,('17:00','18:00', 750)
            ,('18:00','19:00', 750)
            ,('19:00','23:59:59.9999999', 0)

    Then, I'd build this function and use it according to the "Usage" examples in the header.  If your DBA(s) object to functions or helper tables, please see the "Developer Notes" in the header of the function for how to convince them otherwise.

     CREATE FUNCTION dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining
     Given a 24 hour time of day, return the remaining capacity for the day according to the
     dbo.CapacityByPeriod table.
     dbo.CapacityByPeriod (Table) must be in the same database.
    --===== Syntax
     SELECT CapacityRemaining FROM dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining(@pSomeTime)
    --===== Example Usage for 6:42 PM
     SELECT CapacityRemaining FROM dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining('18:42')
    --===== Example Usage using a variable
    DECLARE @SomeTime TIME = '18:42';
     SELECT CapacityRemaining FROM dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining(@SomeTime)
    --===== Example Usage when played against a TIME column in a table.
     SELECT  st.TimeColumn
       FROM dbo.SomeTable st
      CROSS APPLY dbo.TimeCapacityRemaining(st.TimeColumn) cr
     Developer Notes:
     1. If your DBA(s) object to using functions, tell them that this is a high performance
        "iTVF" (Inline Table Value Function) that works as fast as if the code were inline
        in a query.  If they don't believe you or continue to object just because it's a
        function, direct them to Reference #1 below for repeatable and demonstrable proof
        that it's not a problem.
     2. If they still insist on not letting you use it just because it's a function, thank
        them for their time and then recommend to management that they get a smarter DBA.
        Before they leave, ask them if they know how to get the current date and time. ;)
     3. If the DBA(s) object to the use of "Helper Tables", refer to Note 2 above.
     Revision History:
     Rev 00 - 10 Dec 2017 - Jeff Moden
                          - Initial creation and unit test according to Reference 2.
    --===== Declare the I/O for this function
            (@pSomeTime TIME)
    --===== Return the remaining capacity for the day using the given time as a starting point.
     SELECT CapacityRemaining =
            (--=== Aggregate the capacity of the remaining whole periods.
             SELECT SUM(PeriodCapacity)
               FROM dbo.CapacityByPeriod
              WHERE PeriodStartTime >= @pSomeTime
          + (--==== Calculate the capacity of time remaining in the current period.
             SELECT DATEDIFF(mi,@pSomeTime,PeriodEndTime) * PeriodPerMinuteCapacity
               FROM dbo.CapacityByPeriod
              WHERE PeriodStartTime <= @pSomeTime AND @pSomeTime < PeriodEndTime

    As a bit of a sidebar, the times in the table do NOT need to be at the top of the hour.  They can be anytime provided that you pay attention and avoid gaps and overlaps in the table and that the first start time is 00:00 and the last end time is 23:59:59.99999.

    Again, this is a situation where you can improve the efficiency by thinking outside of the box.  You can cut the number of scans/reads in half.  By focusing on the period start time, you are forced to divide your results into two subsets: periods that start after the relevant time and the one period that starts before, but ends after the relevant time.  If, instead, you focus on the period end time, you only have one set: periods that end after the relevant time (regardless of whether they start before or after the relevant time).

            WHEN PeriodStartTime <= @pSomeTime
            THEN DATEDIFF(mi,@pSomeTime,PeriodEndTime) * PeriodPerMinuteCapacity
            ELSE PeriodCapacity
        ) AS Capacity_Remaining
    FROM dbo.CapacityByPeriod
    WHERE @pSomeTime < PeriodEndTime


    Heh... remind me not to post code after midnight.  Nice job, Drew.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • @ Jeff,

    Is that midnight your time, my time or SQLServerCentral time :0

  • aaron.reese - Thursday, December 14, 2017 5:32 AM

    @ Jeff,

    Is that midnight your time, my time or SQLServerCentral time :0

    Dunno anymore.  I posted after midnight but the post says I posted at 10:10PM.  I check the "local time" on my profile.  It's correct.  Maybe it's a spurious pip that occurred when I used DBCC TIMEWARP. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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