Calculating time between two times five an arithmetic overflow

  • How can i get the total time a user spent on the system from a table as shown below, i tried the DML below and got an error, any ideas

    Table Structure

    TransactionID int PK

    OrderID int not null

    UserID nvarchar(30) null

    ActionType nvarchar(90) null

    LogDateTime datetime null

    DATA structure

    136698931XXX Display2015-02-26 11:22:20.000

    136699931XXX Display2015-02-26 11:23:20.000

    136700931XXX Display2015-02-26 12:24:20.000

    136701931XXX Save 2015-02-26 12:25:20.000

    SELECT UserID, Hours = SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', LogDatetime))

    FROM dbo.TLog

    where OrderId = '1' and USERID = 'xxx'

    GROUP BY UserId;

    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.

  • You're adding too many minutes. If that's correct, then cast as bigint before aggregating. If not, correct the formula.

    SELECT UserID, Hours = SUM(CAST( DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', LogDatetime) AS bigint))

    FROM dbo.TLog

    where OrderId = 931 and USERID = 'xxx'

    GROUP BY UserId;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Data

    137256931DisplayXXX2015-03-05 12:24:54.000

    137257931DisplayXXX2015-03-05 12:43:04.000

    137258931DisplayXXX2015-03-05 12:46:13.000

    137358931DisplayXXX2015-03-05 15:03:18.000

    137435931DisplayXXX2015-03-06 11:28:01.000

    137437931DisplayXXX2015-03-06 11:40:48.000

    137438931DisplayXXX2015-03-06 11:58:33.000

    137441931DisplayXXX2015-03-06 12:01:17.000

    137445931DisplayXXX2015-03-06 12:12:24.000

    137448931DisplayXXX2015-03-06 12:15:57.000

    137454931DisplayXXX2015-03-06 12:17:25.000

    155638931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:48:40.000

    155639931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:52:01.000

    155640931Save XXX2016-02-17 12:52:50.000

    155641931Save XXX2016-02-17 12:52:50.000

    155642931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:52:50.000

    155643931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:53:13.000

    155644931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:55:27.000

    155645931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:55:29.000

    155646931Save XXX2016-02-17 12:56:15.000

    155647931Save XXX2016-02-17 12:56:15.000

    155648931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:56:15.000

    155649931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:56:43.000

    155650931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:57:52.000

    155651931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:58:56.000

    155652931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:59:10.000

    155653931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:59:15.000

    155654931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 12:59:40.000

    155655931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 13:00:21.000

    155656931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 13:00:49.000

    155664931DisplayXXX2016-02-17 13:24:42.000

    The query below

    SELECT UserID, Hours = SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', LogDatetime))

    FROM dbo.TLog

    where OrderId = '1' and USERID = 'xxx'

    GROUP BY UserId;

    Result For Minute


    Result For Hour

    XXX38532962 which makes no sense as i just want to figure out how much time they spent, i.e. total time on the system in a way that is readable and presentable

    perhaps the table structure is the problem

  • SQLTestUser (8/11/2016)

    Result For Hour

    XXX38532962 which makes no sense as i just want to figure out how much time they spent, i.e. total time on the system in a way that is readable and presentable

    perhaps the table structure is the problem

    Take a step back. How do you calculate the time spent? When did they got in and when did they got out?

    Right now, you're calculating the minutes from 1900-01-01 00:00:00 to the LogDateTime.

    Once you can calculate that, we can get to presentation options.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • SQLTestUser (8/11/2016)

    SELECT UserID, Hours = SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', LogDatetime))

    It's because of the '0:00:00' you have in the datediff. With no date specified, that becomes 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000, which is probably not what you wanted.

    What should the logdatetime be subtracted from?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • From the two time periods on Logdatetime itself

  • SQLTestUser (8/15/2016)

    From the two time periods on Logdatetime itself

    What two time periods? There's only one datetime per row.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • SQLTestUser (8/15/2016)

    From the two time periods on Logdatetime itself

    Sorry, but this doesn't make much sense.

    I will have to take a wild guess.

    For your purposes it would have been best if there was an action for LogOn and an action for LogOff. Then you could simply say, that the time used on your system was the time between those two log entries.

    But no such actions exist in your example data.

    So I'm assuming that you want to calculate the time betwen the first and last log entries per order and sum up that per user:


    -- Find the first and last log entry per user/date/order...

    UserOrderDayLog AS (

    SELECT UserID, OrderId, CAST(DATEDIFF(d,0,LogDateTime) AS DATETIME) AS LogDate, MIN(LogDatetime) AS FirstLogDateTime, MAX(LogDatetime) AS LastLogDateTime

    FROM dbo.Tlog

    GROUP BY UserId, OrderId, CAST(DATEDIFF(d,0,LogDateTime) AS DATETIME)),

    -- Subtract the first log time from the last one...

    UserOrderDaylogSeconds AS (

    SELECT UserID, OrderId, LogDate, DATEDIFF(s,FirstLogDateTime,LastLogDateTime) AS EstimatedSystemTimeInSeconds

    FROM UserOrderDayLog),

    -- Sum the time intervals per user

    UserSystemTime AS (

    SELECT UserId, SUM(EstimatedSystemTimeInSeconds) AS EstimatedTotalSystemTimeInSeconds

    FROM UserOrderDayLogSeconds

    GROUP BY UserId)

    -- Show the user results as seconds and as minutes, listed in descending order based on used system time..

    SELECT UserId, EstimatedTotalSystemTimeInSeconds, FLOOR(EstimatedTotalSystemTimeInSeconds / 60) AS EstimatedTotalSystemTimeInMinutes

    FROM UserSystemTime

    ORDER BY EstimatedTotalSystemTimeInSeconds DESC

    There are of course the built-in assumption that a user never starts processing an order on one date and ends the processing on a different date (past midnight).

    Your example data show that the same orderid is used over several (all) of the logged dates. Because of that I included the date as a part of the grouping.

    I have not actually tested the above query (at all), so no guaranties that it will work as intended. But hopefully it will give you some ideas so that you can move forward yourself.

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