Calculating Expiry Date when you only have an Effective Date

  • I'm trying to create a script which will look at a table with the following fields:

    Rate, Effective_Date, Currency_Code

    What I'm trying to determine is the expiry date based on the effective dates of each RATE. (Expiry date would be the next Effective date minus one day, but I'm not sure how to script this).

    I'm joining this table to another transaction table with the condition the transaction date must be between the Effective_Date and EXPIRY_DATE of the RATE. This is the only way I know of matching the correct RATE to each transaction. 

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I'm hoping this is clear, if not please let me know.






  • You must LEFT join table to itself on JT.Effective_Date > T.Effective_Date

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • If you are dealing with a massive table, there may be a cleaner way to do this, but off-hand this will do the trick.  I am not sure of your constraints, but if I could, I would add the discontinue date column to the table and then run an update script whenever the table is refreshed.

    --create temp table and populate values

    declare @table table (rate int, effDate smalldatetime, currencyCode varchar(5))

    insert @table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('1','10/1/2006','USD')

    insert @table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('2','11/1/2006','USD')

    insert @table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('3','12/1/2006','EUR')

    insert @table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('4','1/1/2007','EUR')

    --select statement to determine discontinue date

    select a.*, (select top 1 b.effDate from @table b where b.effDate > a.effDate and a.currencyCode = b.currencyCode) as 'discDate'

    from @table a

  • Slightly modified version of Greg's post.

    Create a view with the same logic as Greg's post, then u can use the view in any of your query.

    Create view VW_Rate_Effectivity


     select rate,EffDate,CurrencyCode,

     /* Get the Next Record and subtract 1 second. If No next record found use 1/1/3000 */

     isnull((Select top 1 DateAdd(ss,-1,Cast(b.effDate as datetime)) from Rate b where b.effDate > a.effDate and a.currencyCode = b.currencyCode),Cast('1/1/3000' as datetime)) as EffEndDate

     from Rate a

    Hope this helps.




  • Both solutions are wrong.

    If you use TOP you must specify ORDER BY. Otherwise your result depends on occasional physical order of rows in table.

    Try this:

    --create temp table and populate values

    create table #table (rate int, effDate smalldatetime, currencyCode varchar(5))

    create index effDate on #table(effDate desc)

    insert #table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('1','10/1/2006','USD')

    insert #table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('2','11/1/2006','USD')

    insert #table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('1','12/1/2006','USD')

    insert #table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('2','10/1/2006','EUR')

    insert #table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('1','11/1/2006','EUR')

    insert #table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('3','12/1/2006','EUR')

    insert #table (rate, effDate, currencyCode)

    values ('4','1/1/2007','EUR')

    --select statement to determine discontinue date

    select a.*, (select top 1 b.effDate from #table b where b.effDate > a.effDate and a.currencyCode = b.currencyCode) as 'discDate'

    from #table a

    drop table #table

    More effective way is to use MIN(b.effDate) instead of TOP 1

    And now populate table with 100k rows and compare your solution performance with this one:

    select a.rate, a.effDate, a.currencyCode, MIN(b.effDate) as 'discDate'

    from #table a

    left join #table b on b.effDate > a.effDate and a.currencyCode = b.currencyCode

    group by a.rate, a.effDate, a.currencyCode


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks everyone for your help on this. It's very much appreciated.

    Using a combination of the scripts I received here I resolved my issue as follows:

    select a.*,

    (case when (select top 1 b.effDate-1 

     from #table b 

     where b.effDate > a.effDate and .currencycode  =  b.currencycode) is null

    then  (select dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, Getdate())+1, -1))

    else (select top 1 b.effDate-1

     from #table b

     where b.effDate > a.effDate and a.currencycode = b.currencycode) end)  as 'discDate'

    from #table a

    Utilizing the Case statement I was able to add an expiry date for the last record where there is no EffDate greater than itself. Using the following script to calculate the last day of the current month:

    (select dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, Getdate())+1, -1))


    Thanks for the help on this.



  • cls, did you hear about ISNULL system function?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Your right the ISNULL funtion would be a better way of doing this.




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