
  • Here is a block of SQL code

    I'm working on. I have a feeling it might be changed to

    a bunch of UPDATE statements without any cursors or loops.

    Plus I would like to review the logic how they

    prepare @tot_items and @ship_items parameters for the final formula:

    set @mfg_ship = (@shipcost * (@ship_items/@tot_items))

    update set shipcost = @mfg_ship where boxid = @boxid

    It's a bit messy. I want to see if it can be more straight forward, easy to read and understand.

    Here is the code:

    use USFRET


    Declare @boxid char(10), @shipcost money, @mfg_ship money, @tot_items money, @ship_items money,

    @Province varchar(2), @Pharmacy varchar(3)

    set @shipcost=0.0

    set @mfg_ship=0.0

    set @tot_items=0

    set @ship_items=0

    Declare ship_cost_cur SCROLL Cursor for

    select distinct b.boxid, b.shipcost, d.province, Pharmacy =

    Casewhen left(d.store_num,3) = 'ZEL' then 'ZEL'

    when left(d.store_num,3) = 'HBC' then 'ZEL'

    when d.sdm_store = 'Y' then 'SDM'

    Else 'OTH'


    from box b

    inner join dispenser d on b.dispenserid = d.dispenserid

    inner join scan s on b.boxid = s.boxid

    where ( is null and b.status = 'OUT' and b.boxid not in (select boxid from ) and

    ((s.client = 'GSK' and d.province in ('QC','SK') and d.sdm_store = 'Y')


    (s.client = 'GSK' and d.province in ('QC','SK','PE','NS','NB','NF') and ( left(d.store_num,3) in ('ZEL','HBC') ) )


    ((s.client = 'MCP' or s.client = 'JNJ') and d.sdm_store = 'Y')


    (s.client = 'PCP' or s.client = 'PCR' or s.client = 'HOS')


    ((s.client in (select clientcode from manu_clients)) and (left(d.store_num,3) not in ('ZEL','HBC') and d.sdm_store != 'Y') ))

    Open ship_cost_cur

    Fetch next from ship_cost_cur into @boxid, @shipcost, @Province, @Pharmacy

    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    set @tot_items = (select count(*) from scan where boxid = @boxid)

    if @Province not in ('QC', 'SK') and @Pharmacy = 'SDM'


    select @ship_items = count(*) from scan where boxid = @boxid and

    (((client in ('MCP','JNJ','PCP','PCR','HOS')) and

    (client in (select clientcode from policy where deduct_ship = 'N') or (reason = 'RCL'))))


    if @Province in ('QC', 'SK') and @Pharmacy = 'SDM'


    select @ship_items = count(*) from scan where boxid = @boxid and

    (((client in ('GSK','MCP','JNJ','PCP','PCR','HOS')) and

    (client in (select clientcode from policy where deduct_ship = 'N') or (reason = 'RCL'))))


    if @Province in ('QC','SK','PE','NS','NB','NF') and @Pharmacy = 'ZEL'


    select @ship_items = count(*) from scan where boxid = @boxid and

    (((client in ('GSK','PCP','PCR','HOS')) and

    (client in (select clientcode from policy where deduct_ship = 'N') or (reason = 'RCL'))))


    if @Province not in ('QC','SK','PE','NS','NB','NF') and @Pharmacy = 'ZEL'


    select @ship_items = count(*) from scan where boxid = @boxid and

    (((client in ('PCP','PCR','HOS')) and

    (client in (select clientcode from policy where deduct_ship = 'N') or (reason = 'RCL'))))


    if @Pharmacy = 'OTH'


    select @ship_items = count(*) from scan where boxid = @boxid and

    (((client in (select clientcode from manu_clients)) and

    (client in (select clientcode from policy where deduct_ship = 'N') or (reason = 'RCL'))))


    If @tot_items <> 0


    set @mfg_ship = (@shipcost * (@ship_items/@tot_items))

    update set shipcost = @mfg_ship where boxid = @boxid


    set @shipcost=0.0

    set @mfg_ship=0.0

    set @tot_items=0

    set @ship_items=0

    Fetch next from ship_cost_cur into @boxid, @shipcost, @Province, @Pharmacy


    deallocate ship_cost_cur

  • You are right it is messy. There is a lot going on here, can you provide a brief explanation of the business rules for the code? I also have a question about this line:

    ( is null and b.status = 'OUT' and b.boxid not in (select boxid from )

    Are all the tables in usfpims? If this is true, then the code above should never return "true" since you can't be in box (in the from clause) and not in box (where clause).

  • Jack,

    SQL is being executed in "USFRET" database.

    I updated the original posting.

  • How about the "rules" for this process? I think it is way too complex to try to figure out all the rules from the code.

    You may want to break it down into smaller chunks, possibly based on all the "or's" in the where clause of the cursor.

  • That's the challenge.

    Nobody knows the rules.

    In the last 4 years the company had

    a bunch of junior programmers who

    coded it in different ways.

    Now the company is asking me if I can

    figure out the logic from the code, analyze it, verify with the operations manager,

    and if possible to re-write it in a more readable, logical way.

    Right away i can see there's too much hard coding.

    Calculation of shipment cost should not be done based on

    each client (... WHERE client IN ('PCR',CRP',...)

    I need to find the pattern, re-organize the criteria a bit.

    I might need to change the schema of "box" or "scan" or "policy" tables.

    To me "shipcost" should be calculated based on client "shipment cost policies/preferences".

    Something like

    If client.ship_deduct = 'N' and client.ship_charges_rule_1 = 'Yes'

    update box set shipcost = @shipcost * @shipcharges

    I don't want to see any

    If @Province IN ('QC,'NS') and Pharmacy = 'SDM'

    set @ship_items = count(*) from ....

    where client IN ('PCR,'CPR'..)

    My goal to get rid of hard-coded stuff.

    Business rules are not clearly defined, not documented.

    I have to clarify all of that.

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