Calculate the position for a combination of columns

  • Hi guys,

    I have the following situation:

    A table with receipts key and item key. One receipt has one or more items. I would like to query this table and for every receipt assing a position number to every item.


    Receipt_key Item_key Position

    0001 02654 1

    0001 35544 2

    0002 02654 1

    0002 85466 2

    0002 84945 3

    I`ve spent some time but I can´t figure out a solution.

    Any comment would be appreciated.

    Kind Regards

    Paul Hernández
  • You can do it like this:

    Creating temp table and inserting test values

    create table #temp

    (Receipt_key varchar(10),

    Item_key varchar(10) ,

    Position int);

    insert #temp







    Final update statement

    WITH upd_recs

    AS (SELECT Receipt_key,



    OVER (

    partition BY Receipt_key

    ORDER BY Receipt_key, Item_Key) rnk

    FROM #temp)

    UPDATE #temp

    SET Position = rnk

    FROM upd_recs a

    INNER JOIN #temp b

    ON a.Receipt_key = b.Receipt_key

    AND a.Item_key = b.Item_key

    Hope this is what you are looking for?

    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • Hi Lokesh Vij,

    thanks so much for your quick and HELPFUL answer. That´s right, that is exactly what I needed.

    In fact, I´m loading the final table using an SSIS DFT, I used a simplify version of my query in the original question, with this part of your query was enough:

    SELECT Receipt_key,



    OVER (

    partition BY Receipt_key

    ORDER BY Receipt_key, Item_Key) rnk

    FROM [My Transaction Table]

    The key point is the OVER statement, very useful, very handy.

    Thanks again for helping me to learn something new .

    Best Regards,


    Paul Hernández

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