Calculate the Hour and Time between two dates

  • can any one tell me the calculation of hour and second between two dates

    here is the senario

    StartDate = '2008-02-26 01:40:08.000'

    EndDate = '2008-02-26 01:49:21.000'

    Now i am looking for total time different between this dates

    so it should be 9 Minute and 13 Second.

    I am looking for Ans formate as 9:13.

    Help me

  • Use the datediff function, and store the difference in a datetime field. Use the convert to show what you want to see

    declare @startdate datetime

    declare @EndDate datetime

    set @StartDate = '2008-02-26 01:40:08.000';

    set @EndDate = '2008-02-26 01:49:21.000';

    select convert(char,dateadd(second,datediff(second,@startdate,@enddate),0),108)

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I had a little different approach. Either way.

    declare @startdate datetime,

    @enddate datetime,

    @sec int

    set @StartDate = '2008-02-26 01:40:08.000'

    set @EndDate = '2008-02-26 01:49:21.000'

    set @sec = datediff(s,@startdate,@enddate)


    floor(@sec/60)-floor(@sec/60/60)*60 as Minutes ,

    @sec-floor(@sec/60)*60 as Seconds

  • Just a different approach... note that this is only good if within 60 minutes as the OP seemed to indicate wanting... (09:13)...



    SET @StartDate = '2008-02-26 01:40:08.000'

    SET @EndDate = '2008-02-26 01:49:21.000'

    SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(CHAR(8),@EndDate-@StartDate,108),5)

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  • Thank you all, it helps lot

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