Calculate table size and LDF size for the transaction to be successfull

  • Hi,

    I executed the below statement to determine the table size.

    This is what i got as output.

    sp_spaceused 'SAMPLE'


    SAMPLE32000 840 KB832 KB8 KB0 KB

    How to calculate the total size of a table? What components can i sum up and say this is the

    exact size of the table.

    Why i am asking this is because, i want to calculate the size of the logfile(.LDF)?

    Scenario,There is a table with 16 crore data and we are increasing the length of the column from

    char(5) to char(10). While doing the increase, the before and after image is being logged in .LDf file. Right?

    We are running the ALTER TABLE script but at it is running short of free space in disk drive and the operation is falling....

    If we can know how much actual/exact amount space occupied in the .LDF file, it would help us!

    I can go with SELECT INTO but the script is already there and i have to go with it!

    Example scenario, would be great.

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Here's a little script I found along the way to caculate table size:

    Must be ran in Steps:

    --Step 1

    USE hrs_backup


    CREATE TABLE #temp (

    table_name sysname ,

    row_count INT,

    reserved_size VARCHAR(50),

    data_size VARCHAR(50),

    index_size VARCHAR(50),

    unused_size VARCHAR(50))


    INSERT #temp

    EXEC sp_msforeachtable 'sp_spaceused ''?'''

    --Step 2

    alter table #temp add CreationDate datetime

    --Step 3

    update b set creationDate = a.crdate

    FROM #Temp b

    inner join sysobjects a on b.table_name = a.[name]

    --Step 4

    SELECT a.table_name,


    COUNT(*) AS col_count,



    FROM #temp a

    INNER JOIN information_schema.columns b

    ON a.table_name collate database_default

    = b.table_name collate database_default

    GROUP BY a.table_name, a.row_count, a.data_size, a.creationDate

    ORDER BY CAST(REPLACE(a.data_size, ' KB', '') AS integer) DESC

    --Step 5

    DROP TABLE #temp

  • Thanks! 🙂

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