Calculate Sum of an Expression field

  • Here is the situation :

    Transaction Type Cr Amount Db Amount Crvalue DBValue

    C 500100 400

    D100 300 200

    CrValue and DbValue are Calculated Fields so I have written the following expression:

    Expression for Cr value

    = switch (Field!Transactiontype.value )= “C”,Field!CrAmount.Value-Field!DbAmount.value

    Experssion for DBvalue

    = switch (Field!Transactiontype.value )= “D”,Field!DbAmount.Value-Field!CrAmount.value

    Up until here , I am able to see the above data fine.

    But ,now I need to get the total sum the Expression CrValue and DBValue.

    How do I calculate the Sum of an Expression field.

    Kindly advise

  • Wrapping your expression in a "sum" doesn't work? e.g. Sum(<expression>)

  • I don't do anything in Reporting Services, so this could be totally off base, but the following works for me:

    declare @t1 table


    Trans_type char,

    Credit int,

    Debit int,

    CR_Value as (case when Trans_Type = 'C' then credit-debit else 0 end),

    DB_Value as (case when Trans_Type = 'D' then debit-credit else 0 end)


    Insert @t1 (Trans_Type, Credit, Debit) values

    ('C', 500, 100),

    ('C', 100, 200),

    ('D', 100, 300),

    ('D', 500, 100)

    select * from @t1

    select Trans_type, SUM(CR_Value), SUM(DB_VALUE)

    from @t1

    group by Trans_type

    Give this a shot in SSMS and hopefully the same principles can be applied for Reporting Services.

    How to Post to get the most:

  • you could add a calculated value to your dataset that did the calculation "row-wise" and then use that calculated value in your SUM / aggregate expression

  • you could add a calculated value to your dataset that did the calculation "row-wise" and then use that calculated value in your SUM / aggregate expression

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