calculate previous month

  • please tell me how to calculate below things:

    create table months (monthIndex int);

    create table invoice(invoiceId int, month int)

    create table lineitems(lid int, invoiceID int, charged_amount decimal(6,2), contracted_rate decimal(6,2))

    Insert into months values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12);

    Insert into invoice values

















    Insert into lineitems values




























    Develop a single SQL  Query that computes the total invoices amount for each month , and the percentage of change from the previous month.  If there are no invoices for the month , the computed value should be null. 

    the result shown in the table(attached)

  • Copied and pasted straight from your coursework assignment!  Show us what you've tried so far, and we'll guide you further.


  • i am trying to learn something here ok not copying or doing any cheating

    this is by far i have tired

    ;with cte (month, totalchargedamount)
    Select  c.monthindex ,sum(a.charged_amount)as totalcharged
    From lineitems a  join invoice b on a. invoiceID = b. invoiceID
    right Join months c on b.month = c.monthIndex
    group by monthindex)

    select b.month,(a.totalchargedamount- b.totalchargedamount)/100 as total
    from cte a  join cte b on b.month-1 = a.month)

    select a.month,totalchargedamount,total from cte a left  join cta b
    on a.month = b.month
    but  i want to learn good easy way than this

  • Personally I think you'd be better off using a LEFT JOIN rather than right. It just reads that much better:
    SELECT *
    FROM months m
        LEFT JOIN invoice i on m.monthIndex = i.month
        LEFT JOIN lineitems li on i.invoiceId = li.invoiceID;

    I do also want to ask, if this is a homework question, are you really limited to SQL 2008? 2012 onwards has access to the LAG function, which is clearly something you'd want in this solution, if you can.

    If it is 2008, you're on the right path with using a CTE, however, be careful on your join on the previous month. There is no month 0.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Yes, fair enough.  But nobody's going to do your homework for you, especially if you don't provide any evidence that you've at least put some effort in.

    You've posted in the SQL Server 2008 forum.  If that's what you're using, then you can't improve much on what you've done.  If you're on SQL Server 2012 or later, you can use the LAG function: LAG(totalchargedamount) OVER (ORDER BY [month]).  This avoids the need for self-join  Otherwise, you can simplify your effort by replacing everything after the first CTE with this:
    ,    c1.totalchargedamount
    ,    100*(c2.totalchargedamount- c1.totalchargedamount)/c1.totalchargedamount
    FROM cte c1
    LEFT JOIN cte c2 ON c1.[month] = c2.[month] + 1

    In your CTE definition, you only need to specify the column aliases in parentheses after the column name or individually within the SELECT list, but not both.


  • can you give me example with LAG FUNCTION AND How to use it

  • coool_sweet - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 7:00 AM

    can you give me example with LAG FUNCTION AND How to use it

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Lag works something like this:

    SELECT m.monthIndex as CurrentMonthIndex,
           LAG(m.monthIndex) OVER (ORDER BY m.monthIndex) AS PreviousMonthIndex
    FROM months m;

    You can read about it in full here:


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • coool_sweet - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 5:56 AM

    i am trying to learn something here ok not copying or doing any cheating

    this is by far i have tired

    ;with cte (month, totalchargedamount)
    Select  c.monthindex ,sum(a.charged_amount)as totalcharged
    From lineitems a  join invoice b on a. invoiceID = b. invoiceID
    right Join months c on b.month = c.monthIndex
    group by monthindex)

    select b.month,(a.totalchargedamount- b.totalchargedamount)/100 as total
    from cte a  join cte b on b.month-1 = a.month)

    select a.month,totalchargedamount,total from cte a left  join cta b
    on a.month = b.month
    but  i want to learn good easy way than this

    There is a simpler way. You just need to reduce one step. This is a modification of your query. Note all the changes, including:
    1. Relevant table aliases
    2. Proper spacing
    3. Use of upper and lower case to format the code.
    4. Removal of the semicolon before the cte
    5. Correct percentage formula
    The first four, won't change the result, but they will improve readability and will make it easier to maintain.
    WITH cte (month, totalchargedamount) AS(
      SELECT m.monthindex,
       SUM(li.charged_amount) AS totalcharged
      FROM lineitems li
      JOIN invoice i ON li.invoiceID = i.invoiceID
      JOIN months  m ON i.month = m.monthIndex
      GROUP BY m.monthindex
    SELECT cur.month,
      (cur.totalchargedamount- pre.totalchargedamount) / cur.totalchargedamount * 100 AS total
    FROM cte cur
    JOIN cte pre ON cur.month = pre.month + 1;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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