Calculate Percentage in SQL Server

  • I have a stored procedure as shown below -- I am trying to calculate a percent per row for a group of records.

    Create Procedure CalculatePromptnessTotals

    @startdate varchar(10), @enddate varchar(10)


    Create table #Responses(Response varchar(50))

    Insert #Responses Values('Outstanding')

    Insert #Responses Values('Excellent')

    Insert #Responses Values('Good')

    Insert #Responses Values('Average')

    Insert #Responses Values('Poor')

    Declare @tot int

    Select @tot=Count(*)

    From custsatisfaction

    Where c.datesubmitted Between @startdate And @enddate

    If @tot>0


    t.Response, Number = Count(*),

    Percentage = count(*)/@tot

    From #Responses t

    Left Join custsatisfaction c

    On t.Response = c.prompt

    Where c.datesubmitted Between @startdate And @enddate

    Group By t.Response

    Drop Table #Responses

    My result always comes back with an error How can I total some number over the total number and then multiply it by 100 in SQL Server based on my stored procedure above.

    The @tot which represents the number per group (the number of Excellents, of Outstandings) this is represented by the 'Number' variable in my stored procedure. But how do I get a total of all the Responses (Outstanding, Excellent, Good, Average, Poor)? The variable @tot does not appear to count all Response groups together, just an individual group (i.e. the Excellents)

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


  • Notice you use a left join?

    Any value in custsatisfaction that's not contained in #Responses?

    First statement counts all custsatisfaction records and second statement consider only records which links with custsatisfaction.

    Any NULLS?

  • Try

    Select t.Response , Count(c.prompt) as 'Number', (Count(c.prompt) * 100)/@tot as 'Percentage'

    From #Responses t

    Left Join custsatisfaction c

    On c.prompt = t.Response

    and c.datesubmitted Between @startdate And @enddate

    Group By t.Response

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