Calculate number of employees in a month (crosstab)

  • Hi,

    I have following data about employees:

    EmployeeID, HireDate, TerminationDate

    Based on that data I need to calculate how many employees was hired in a month, how many of them are terminated and total number of employees.

    Note: When TerminationDate column has NULL value, it means employee still works in a company.

    User selects period - Month and Year, e.g. Jan 2007 - May 2007 for which he wants data to be retrieved and the final outcome (report) should be something like this:

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May

    Hired 3 0 2 0 0

    Terminated 0 1 0 1 0

    # of Employees 3 3 4 4 3

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employees](

    [EmployeeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [HireDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [TerminationDate] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('Jan 1 2007')

    INSERT INTO Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('Jan 5 2007')

    INSERT INTO Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('Mar 1 2007')

    INSERT INTO Employees (HireDate, TerminationDate) VALUES ('Jan 1 2007', 'Feb 1 2007')

    INSERT INTO Employees (HireDate, TerminationDate) VALUES ('Mar 1 2007', 'Apr 30 2007')

    My question is: how to count those three categories of employees for each month in specified period even when there are no changes in a month?

    Period requested by user could span over multiple years.


  • Using a calendar table such as found here

    you can query for the number of employees hired, terminated and total per month using the query below.

    There are plenty of articles on how to rotate the data (search for "pivot") when there are an unknown number of columns (months in your case)



    SET @PeriodStart='1 Jan 2007'

    SET @PeriodEnd='31 May 2007'

    SELECT c.Y,c.M,

    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN DATEPART(Year,e.HireDate)=c.Y AND DATEPART(Month,e.HireDate)=c.M THEN e.EmployeeID END) AS Hired,

    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN DATEPART(Year,e.TerminationDate)=c.Y AND DATEPART(Month,e.TerminationDate)=c.M THEN e.EmployeeID END) AS Terminated,

    COUNT(DISTINCT e.EmployeeID) AS [# of Employees]

    FROM Calendar c

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Employees e ON c.dt BETWEEN e.HireDate AND COALESCE(e.TerminationDate,c.dt)

    WHERE c.dt BETWEEN @PeriodStart AND @PeriodEnd

    GROUP BY c.Y,c.M

    ORDER BY c.Y,c.M


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum
  • THANKS A LOT!!!!

  • This method uses pivot tables:



    Expected Output


    Jan Feb Mar Apr May

    Hired 3 0 2 0 0

    Terminated 0 1 0 1 0

    # of Employees 3 3 4 4 3


    DECLARE @Employees TABLE


    [EmployeeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [HireDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [TerminationDate] [datetime] NULL


    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate, TerminationDate) VALUES ('Jan 1 2007','Jan 2 2007')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('Jan 5 2007')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('Mar 1 2007')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate, TerminationDate) VALUES ('Jan 1 2007', 'Feb 1 2007')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate, TerminationDate) VALUES ('Mar 1 2007', 'Apr 30 2007')

    --table var to hold results



    [Type] varchar(20),

    [JAN] INT,

    [FEB] INT,

    [MAR] INT,

    [APR] INT,

    [MAY] INT,

    [JUN] INT,

    [JUL] INT,

    [AUG] INT,

    [SEP] INT,

    [OCT] INT,

    [NOV] INT,

    [DEC] INT



    --Start HireDate pivot



    Select 'HIRED' AS [HIRED],

    --list columns for pivot

    ISNULL([JAN] , 0) AS [JAN],

    ISNULL([FEB] , 0) AS [FEB],

    ISNULL([MAR] , 0) AS [MAR],

    ISNULL([APR] , 0) AS [APR],

    ISNULL([MAY] , 0) AS [MAY],

    ISNULL([JUN] , 0) AS [JUN],

    ISNULL([JUL] , 0) AS [JUL],

    ISNULL([AUG] , 0) AS [AUG],

    ISNULL([SEP] , 0) AS [SEP],

    ISNULL([OCT] , 0) AS [OCT],

    ISNULL([NOV] , 0) AS [NOV],

    ISNULL([DEC] , 0) AS [DEC]


    --take the 3 first characters of the month name for grouping

    LEFT(UPPER(DATENAME(MONTH, HireDate)),3) AS [HireDate]



    --where filter for current year data only

    WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,TerminationDate) = '2007'

    ) AS dataToPivotTable


    (COUNT(HireDate) -- value to aggregate

    FOR HireDate -- what are your horizontal columns (fields)

    IN ( [JAN]













    ) AS whatToPivotOnTable


    --End HireDate pivot



    --Start TerminationDate pivot




    --list columns for pivot

    ISNULL([JAN] , 0) AS [JAN],

    ISNULL([FEB] , 0) AS [FEB],

    ISNULL([MAR] , 0) AS [MAR],

    ISNULL([APR] , 0) AS [APR],

    ISNULL([MAY] , 0) AS [MAY],

    ISNULL([JUN] , 0) AS [JUN],

    ISNULL([JUL] , 0) AS [JUL],

    ISNULL([AUG] , 0) AS [AUG],

    ISNULL([SEP] , 0) AS [SEP],

    ISNULL([OCT] , 0) AS [OCT],

    ISNULL([NOV] , 0) AS [NOV],

    ISNULL([DEC] , 0) AS [DEC]


    --take the 3 first characters of the month name for grouping

    LEFT(UPPER(DATENAME(MONTH, TerminationDate)),3) AS [TerminationDate]



    --where filter for current year data only

    WHERE DATEPART(yyyy,TerminationDate) = '2007'

    ) AS dataToPivotTable


    (COUNT(TerminationDate) -- value to aggregate

    FOR TerminationDate -- what are your horizontal columns (fields)

    IN ( [JAN]













    ) AS whatToPivotOnTable


    --End TerminationDate pivot



    --Start Insert Summation By Month



    SELECT '# Employees',

    SUM([JAN]) AS [JAN],

    SUM([FEB]) AS [FEB],

    SUM([MAR]) AS [MAR],

    SUM([APR]) AS [APR],

    SUM([MAY]) AS [MAY],

    SUM([JUN]) AS [JUN],

    SUM([JUL]) AS [JUL],

    SUM([AUG]) AS [AUG],

    SUM([SEP]) AS [SEP],

    SUM([OCT]) AS [OCT],

    SUM([NOV]) AS [NOV],

    SUM([DEC]) AS [DEC]



    --End Insert Summation By Month



    --View results


    SELECT *


  • Pivot Tables limit what you can do dynamically, but I have modified my original post to meet your specification of displaying the data and having the user put in a range.

    Note: This is only good when dates do not overlap. Meaning you cannot run a this query with a begin date of 12/31/2006 and a end date of 12/31/2007. YOu should provide the script 1/1/2007 to 12/31/2007. The script will just aggregate the totals because it sees a value in December, not paying attention to the year.

    MarkC's solution is a good one, this is just another perspective to look at.



    Expected Output


    Jan Feb Mar Apr May

    Hired 3 0 2 0 0

    Terminated 0 1 0 1 0

    # of Employees 3 3 4 4 3


    DECLARE @begin smalldatetime

    DECLARE @end smalldatetime

    --set range of time

    Set @begin = '12/1/2006'

    set @end = '3/30/2007'

    DECLARE @Employees TABLE


    [EmployeeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [HireDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [TerminationDate] [datetime] NULL


    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate, TerminationDate) VALUES ('Jan 1 2007','Jan 2 2007')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('Jan 5 2007')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('DEC 5 2006')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('DEC 5 2006')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('DEC 5 2007')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate) VALUES ('Mar 1 2007')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate, TerminationDate) VALUES ('Jan 1 2007', 'Feb 1 2007')

    INSERT INTO @Employees (HireDate, TerminationDate) VALUES ('Mar 1 2007', 'Apr 30 2007')

    --table var to hold results



    [Type] varchar(20),

    [JAN] INT,

    [FEB] INT,

    [MAR] INT,

    [APR] INT,

    [MAY] INT,

    [JUN] INT,

    [JUL] INT,

    [AUG] INT,

    [SEP] INT,

    [OCT] INT,

    [NOV] INT,

    [DEC] INT



    --Start HireDate pivot



    Select 'HIRED' AS [HIRED],

    --list columns for pivot

    ISNULL([JAN] , 0) AS [JAN],

    ISNULL([FEB] , 0) AS [FEB],

    ISNULL([MAR] , 0) AS [MAR],

    ISNULL([APR] , 0) AS [APR],

    ISNULL([MAY] , 0) AS [MAY],

    ISNULL([JUN] , 0) AS [JUN],

    ISNULL([JUL] , 0) AS [JUL],

    ISNULL([AUG] , 0) AS [AUG],

    ISNULL([SEP] , 0) AS [SEP],

    ISNULL([OCT] , 0) AS [OCT],

    ISNULL([NOV] , 0) AS [NOV],

    ISNULL([DEC] , 0) AS [DEC]


    --take the 3 first characters of the month name for grouping

    LEFT(UPPER(DATENAME(MONTH, HireDate)),3) AS [HireDate]



    --where filter for data between BOM and EOM

    WHERE HireDate between DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @begin), 0) and dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@end)+1, 0))

    ) AS dataToPivotTable


    (COUNT(HireDate) -- value to aggregate

    FOR HireDate -- what are your horizontal columns (fields)

    IN ( [JAN]













    ) AS whatToPivotOnTable


    --End HireDate pivot



    --Start TerminationDate pivot




    --list columns for pivot

    ISNULL([JAN] , 0) AS [JAN],

    ISNULL([FEB] , 0) AS [FEB],

    ISNULL([MAR] , 0) AS [MAR],

    ISNULL([APR] , 0) AS [APR],

    ISNULL([MAY] , 0) AS [MAY],

    ISNULL([JUN] , 0) AS [JUN],

    ISNULL([JUL] , 0) AS [JUL],

    ISNULL([AUG] , 0) AS [AUG],

    ISNULL([SEP] , 0) AS [SEP],

    ISNULL([OCT] , 0) AS [OCT],

    ISNULL([NOV] , 0) AS [NOV],

    ISNULL([DEC] , 0) AS [DEC]


    --take the 3 first characters of the month name for grouping

    LEFT(UPPER(DATENAME(MONTH, TerminationDate)),3) AS [TerminationDate]



    --where filter for data between BOM and EOM

    WHERE HireDate between DateAdd(month, DateDiff(month, 0, @begin), 0) and dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,@end)+1, 0))

    ) AS dataToPivotTable


    (COUNT(TerminationDate) -- value to aggregate

    FOR TerminationDate -- what are your horizontal columns (fields)

    IN ( [JAN]













    ) AS whatToPivotOnTable


    --End TerminationDate pivot



    --Start Insert Summation By Month



    SELECT '# Employees',

    SUM([JAN]) AS [JAN],

    SUM([FEB]) AS [FEB],

    SUM([MAR]) AS [MAR],

    SUM([APR]) AS [APR],

    SUM([MAY]) AS [MAY],

    SUM([JUN]) AS [JUN],

    SUM([JUL]) AS [JUL],

    SUM([AUG]) AS [AUG],

    SUM([SEP]) AS [SEP],

    SUM([OCT]) AS [OCT],

    SUM([NOV]) AS [NOV],

    SUM([DEC]) AS [DEC]



    --End Insert Summation By Month



    --View results


    DECLARE @counter int

    DECLARE @NbrMonths int

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)

    --create temp table because dynamic sql cannot reference a table variable

    --previously defined

    SELECT * INTO #temp

    FROM @results

    SET @counter = 1

    --get the number of months to display

    SET @NbrMonths = datediff(mm,@begin, @end)

    --begin the creation of the select statement to dynamically grab the needed columns

    SET @sql = N'SELECT Type, [' + LEFT(UPPER(DATENAME(MONTH, @begin)),3) + ']'

    WHILE @counter <= @NbrMonths


    SET @sql = @sql + N', [' + LEFT(UPPER(DATENAME(MONTH, dateadd(m,@counter,@begin))),3) + ']'

    SET @counter = @counter + 1


    EXEC (@sql + ' From #temp')

    DROP TABLE #temp

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