Calculate a list of values

  • I would like to know how to start a sp that would give me a total calculation.

    For example:  table name contact2, column uactequiv

    select uactequiv from contact2

    where uactequiv between 1 and 19

    If a return, the score would = 25

    select uactequiv from contact2

    where uactequiv IN(20,21)

    If a return, the score would = 50

    select uactequiv from contact2

    where uactequiv IN(22,23)

    If a return, the score would = 75

    How would I begin?

  • I don't fully understand what you want but this will get you going:

    select case when uactequiv between  1 and 19 then 25

         when uactequiv between 20 and 21 then 50

         when uactequiv between 22 and 23 then 75

     else 0 end as Score

    from contact2


    * Noel

  • Thank you so much!  That is exactly what I needed

  • How would I calculate the total score at the end of the stored procedure


         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 1 AND 19 THEN 25 

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 20 AND 21 THEN 50 

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 22 AND 23 THEN 75

         ELSE 0

    END AS Score,

    SUM( uactequiv) AS Total

    FROM contact2

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Hi All,

    Question:  I am receiving the below error when I added the "update" to the first of my script:

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    The statement has been terminated.

    What am I doing wrong?


    update contact2

    set udefcon =



         WHEN key1 IN('APP', 'ADM', 'CNF', 'DNY', 'ENR') THEN 100 --Add 100 points if key1 has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 1 AND 19 THEN 25   -- add points for uactequiv value

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 20 AND 21 THEN 50

         WHEN uactequiv BETWEEN 22 AND 23 THEN 75

         When uactequiv BETWEEN 24 and 26 THEN 100

         When uactequiv BETWEEN 27 and 30 THEN 125

         WHEN uactequiv >=31 THEN 150

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN userdef02 IS NOT NULL THEN 50  -- Add 50 points if userdef02 not null

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN userdef03 IS NOT NULL THEN 50  -- Add 50 points if userdef03 not null

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN uconflg = 'Y' THEN 150 --Add 150 points if uconflg has a Y in the field

         ELSE 0

      END +


         WHEN UVSARRIVDT > ' ' THEN 150 --Add 150 points if UVSARRIDT has a date in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '1' THEN 50 --Add 50 points if UACURANK has a 1 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '2' THEN 30 --Add 30 points if UACURANK has a 2 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uacurank = '3' THEN 20 --Add 20 points if UACURANK has a 3 in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uleadcamp = 'Y' THEN 100 --Add 100 points if uleadcamp equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         when uacadarea1 IN ('BUS', 'BID', 'JOU', 'PSY', 'MED', 'DEN') OR

         umajor IN ('ACCT', 'FIN', 'MKTG', 'MGMT', 'BIBL', 'BIBM', 'BIBY', 'BIVM', 'BMCF', 'BMIS', 'BYFM', 'IMC', 'JELM', 'JOUR', 'PSYC') OR

         department IN ('PRDE', 'PRME') THEN 50

         ELSE 0

    END +


        when upsupport = 'Y' THEN 50 --add 50 points if upsupport is marked Y

        ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ubot >' ' THEN 100  --add 100 points if ubot has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ugoldlist >' ' THEN 100  --add 100 points if ugoldlist has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ufacstaff >' ' THEN 100  --add 100 points if ufacstaff has a VALUE in the field

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN ualumni = 'Y' THEN 50  --add 50 points if ualumni has a VALUE that equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN usibling = 'Y' THEN 100  --add 100 points if usibling has a VALUE that equals Y

         ELSE 0

    END +


         WHEN uchurchact IN('A', 'B') THEN 50 --add 50 points if uchurchact has an A or B in the field

         ELSE 0




      contact2, contact1

    WHERE contact1.accountno = contact2.accountno)

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