calculaing percentage Increase or Decrease

  • Hi,

    I need help for calculaing percentage Increase or Decrease in Price of some Product for last two years.

    I have some table gg_Price_T

    DateProduct Price

    1-01-2013 Bingo 50.07

    2-01-2013 Tingo 52.07

    3-01-2013 Zingo 56.07

    .. .

    .. .

    27-08-2013Sigo 59.07

    It is having different price for each day and I want to know with what percentage this price differs every year, If we take it for last two years 2012 and 2011

  • This may be what you are looking for:



    IF EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE name = 'test_prices')

    DROP TABLE Test_Prices


    CREATE TABLE Test_prices (

    [Date] date,

    Product nvarchar(100),

    Price decimal (10,2))


    INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.Test_prices

    SELECT '01-01-2013', 'Bingo', 50.07 UNION ALL

    SELECT'02-01-2013', 'Bingo', 52.07 UNION ALL

    SELECT'01-01-2013', 'Zingo', 56.07 UNION ALL

    SELECT'02-01-2013', 'Zingo', 55.07


    WITH CTE_NumerateDates AS (

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition BY Product ORDER BY Date ASC) As RowNum,

    Product, [Date],[Price]

    FROM tempdb.dbo.test_prices


    SELECT cte1.*,

    CAST(((cte1.Price - cte2.price) / cte1.price) * 100 AS decimal(10,2)) AS [PriceChange%]

    FROM CTE_NumerateDates cte1

    LEFT JOIN CTE_NumerateDates cte2 ON cte1.RowNum = cte2.RowNum + 1 AND cte1.product = cte2.product

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

  • Make sure you consistently decide how to perform the increase. Are you using the current price as the basis or the oldest price? It can make a difference.

    3 -> 4.

    Is this a 33% increase or a 25% increase? Depending on where you measure from.

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