Byte Me: Model Employee

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Byte Me: Model Employee

  • Is it 1974 already?

    The subtext of this cartoon: Women are stupid and vain and don't belong in IT.

    The sub-subtext of this cartoon: IT men are insecure and struggle with women who are better than them so cope by objectifying them so they can be ridiculed.

    Congratulations SQL Server Central, feel free to join the 21st century anytime you're ready.

  • What came to mind for me was the dual meaning of the word modeling. I didn't read into it any deeper than that. It's sad that others still do. That's their cross to bear, not mine.

  • Gary Abbott-426632 (8/5/2015)

    Is it 1974 already?

    The subtext of this cartoon: Women are stupid and vain and don't belong in IT.

    The sub-subtext of this cartoon: IT men are insecure and struggle with women who are better than them so cope by objectifying them so they can be ridiculed.

    Congratulations SQL Server Central, feel free to join the 21st century anytime you're ready.

    I understand what you think you tried to do there.

    Unfortunately the "subtext" of your post is: hateful troll still has issues with gender neutrality. Also does not know how to laugh at himself or others. Definitely displays having a narrow cis gendered <google it> 1974 view on the world.

    How do you know the character in the cartoon is a cis gendered woman and not a feminine identified LBGTA employee?

    How many times have you seen "Americas next top Model" or "Project Runway"?

    Get with the 21st century, give up the hate, and learn to laugh.

    Leave this kind of popular topic bashing to the TMG crowd. They are better at it than you.:-P

  • Iwas Bornready (8/5/2015)

    What came to mind for me was the dual meaning of the word modeling. I didn't read into it any deeper than that. It's sad that others still do. That's their cross to bear, not mine.

    I was thinking the same thing. Doesn't matter the gender of the model - it is still funny.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • SQLRNNR (8/5/2015)

    Iwas Bornready (8/5/2015)

    What came to mind for me was the dual meaning of the word modeling. I didn't read into it any deeper than that. It's sad that others still do. That's their cross to bear, not mine.

    I was thinking the same thing. Doesn't matter the gender of the model - it is still funny.

    Agreed. It had nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with cross-defined terminology.

    Another example of how those overly obsessed with political correctness are trying to shape us into a Victorian-like society where one wrong word gets your tongue cut out.

    And BTW, my IT department is 60% I, as a man, am now a minority where I work. lol :laugh:

  • jckfla (8/5/2015)

    And BTW, my IT department is 60% I, as a man, am now a minority where I work. lol :laugh:

    You most likely here jokes like this where you work than I do.... :w00t:

  • I feel like we're all gathered around the latest addition to a sensational contemporary art exhibit, and we shouldn't judge it too quickly. Perhaps the artist intends this to be a parody of (real or imagined) male chauvinism in IT.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Eric M Russell (8/5/2015)

    I feel like we're all gathered around the latest addition to a sensational contemporary art exhibit, and we shouldn't judge it too quickly. Perhaps the artist intends this to be a parody of (real or imagined) male chauvinism in IT.

    I think the link to an online version of Zork is the coolest thing I can remember reading in any tagline ever! 😎

  • SQLRNNR (8/5/2015)

    Iwas Bornready (8/5/2015)

    What came to mind for me was the dual meaning of the word modeling. I didn't read into it any deeper than that. It's sad that others still do. That's their cross to bear, not mine.

    I was thinking the same thing. Doesn't matter the gender of the model - it is still funny.

    Just to be fair, we need an alternate version of this cartoon where the two server admins are women and the subject is a shirtless male model. Or maybe not ...

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Eric M Russell (8/5/2015)

    SQLRNNR (8/5/2015)

    Iwas Bornready (8/5/2015)

    What came to mind for me was the dual meaning of the word modeling. I didn't read into it any deeper than that. It's sad that others still do. That's their cross to bear, not mine.

    I was thinking the same thing. Doesn't matter the gender of the model - it is still funny.

    Just to be fair, we need an alternate version of this cartoon where the two server admins are women and the subject is a shirtless male model. Or maybe not ...

    This made me feel a little dirty laughing at it. Thank you.

  • Sadly, I don't think it's a question of fairness. Yes, it's obviously intended as a play on the word "model". However, it's just lazy thinking to the next step; "model" = "female" and since "she" is the subject of the joke, the inference that it is "female" that is stupid because "she" has misunderstood.

    Had the cartoon been drawn in such a way as to not play to gender stereotyping (e.g. a male and female DBA, and a male "model" or any other cis /not cis variant thereof - thanks PhyData, and I didn't need to Google it, but fully appreciated the irony of the troll's condescending assumption that I was less smart than you :-P)

    Or perhaps the joke is intended to be on the DBA for it is "he" that is being so obviously boorish and outmoded?

    Either way it's interesting that the game afoot on this forum seems to be "shoot the messenger" rather than "debate the issue". That might be because I was deliberately provocative of course.:-D There's always the possibility that the debate might yet turn to why there is still so much gender inequality/intolerance in IT (notwithstanding the obvious "my department of 5 is 3 females" type post, which also seeks to avoid the real debate).

    Perhaps we can have a conversation about why it is that the cis-male continues to dominate IT, that might be more productive?

  • Perhaps the funniest (and most realistic) version of this cartoon would have been two system admins (one male and one female) with the data modeler portrayed as a shirtless male DBA (belly extended) posing as a fashion model. In any event, the artist is obviously intending to spark a debate about gender parity in IT.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • GA-426632 (8/5/2015)

    Sadly, I don't think it's a question of fairness. Yes, it's obviously intended as a play on the word "model". However, it's just lazy thinking to the next step; "model" = "female" and since "she" is the subject of the joke, the inference that it is "female" that is stupid because "she" has misunderstood.

    Had the cartoon been drawn in such a way as to not play to gender stereotyping (e.g. a male and female DBA, and a male "model" or any other cis /not cis variant thereof - thanks PhyData, and I didn't need to Google it, but fully appreciated the irony of the troll's condescending assumption that I was less smart than you :-P)

    Or perhaps the joke is intended to be on the DBA for it is "he" that is being so obviously boorish and outmoded?

    Either way it's interesting that the game afoot on this forum seems to be "shoot the messenger" rather than "debate the issue". That might be because I was deliberately provocative of course.:-D There's always the possibility that the debate might yet turn to why there is still so much gender inequality/intolerance in IT (notwithstanding the obvious "my department of 5 is 3 females" type post, which also seeks to avoid the real debate).

    Perhaps we can have a conversation about why it is that the cis-male continues to dominate IT, that might be more productive?

    Still sounds hateful and Trolling. You even admit to trying to be "provactive". Take that else where.

    If this had been your original posts tone or mood, it would not had been offensive and I would not be typing this.

  • Do you have anything useful to say about the subject of cis-male dominance in IT?

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