Business Objects to SSRS Migration

  • Hi All,

    We have a project where we are moving from Business Objects to SSRS Reports. For this we have planned a fresh development where each SSRS report would be designed from scratch. Is there a tool/other way in which I can have the B.O. reports directly converted to SSRS? Please let me know.

    Thanks in advance

    Rajesh Vaswani

  • I am not aware of a tool. I would spend some time on Google.

    Before you begin, it might be worth some effort to determine which reports are being used. You may find you have a number of reports that are still being sent out on a regular basis that no one uses any more. If you are building from scratch, why build something no one is going to use?

  • An even more important question than what is being used...

    why more to SSRS in the first place? What's so wrong with B.O. that you will be able to fix in SSRS?

  • Hi, Moving is for cost reasons.

  • Hi,

    As per my knowledge there is no such tool is available.We also moved BO reports into SSRS by fresh development in SSRS.We tried to find any tool for that.But we couldn't find.

  • I found this site that does the conversion for some charges. Is there a freeware that can do this?

  • I found this site that does the conversion for some charges.

    Is there a freeware that can do this?

  • Try this

    The overall conversion quality is pretty good.

  • Hi All,

    We are providing solution for the above mentioned conversion process which will give you all the latest available feature of the industry with the cheapest cost possible.

    Kindly Contact us if anyone interested on the conversion solution package.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Globsol Team


  • An other option could be considered - Ispirer MnMTK, it can migrate database SQL and data.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  Alexsap2020.

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