business key in Scd

  • i have two tables one in staging and one in destination .both are identical and both have identity column as primary key. so i am trying to use SCD for historical .but the problem i am facing is that in staging and destination there is identity column and i want them to use as Business key.but when i want to select that as Business key in Scd.those columns are not showing up.i dont know why.these are only column which i can select as business key.bcz other columns are of type 2 and type what should i do?

  • I wouldn't use an identity column as a business key.

    An identity column doesn't have a "real" value to uniquely identify a row.

    For example.

    Table A has two records containing client info.

    1, John Doe

    2, Jane Doe

    Table B has also two records regarding the same clients:

    1, Jane Doe

    2, John Doe

    By looking at the identity column, you cannot know if 1 is Jane or John. So it is a very poor choice for a business key.

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