Bulk insert with a Fixed length text file

  • Help Please! I need to pull in a fixed length text file into a table in SQL Server 2008. I can pull in delimited files with ease but I get multiple errors trying to pull in a fixed length file. The trick is that I need to pull the text file via MSAccess by using a statement. I have a MSAccess database which generates reports based on the data in the MySQL database and I need to now move this data to the SQL Server database.

    In MySQL I used the following statement and it works like a charm:

    (These filenames are just examples)

    load data infile 'C:/155170Inp.txt' into table batch.input

    fields terminated by '' enclosed by '' escaped by ''

    lines terminated by '\r';

    But in SQL Server, it does not want to work…

    In SQL Server, to load a delimited file I used:

    (These filenames are just examples)

    BULK INSERT dbo.tblpersonal

    FROM 'c:\172851Inp.txt'


    Can anyone please assist me with this issue? I cannot get it to work with a FIXED length text file...

  • I don't think you can have a ROWTERMINATOR = '', shouldn't it be ''? Or, maybe ROWTERMINATOR = '''+CHAR(10)+'''? BOL, has a pretty comprehensive page of info on BULK INSERT.

    Struggling to find the question?

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