BULK INSERT - Limitation ?

  • Hi all,

    Steps to reproduce

    I have created sample table “CSVTest” on in db, having fields as id, first name and last name.

    To import data using bulk insert please use following SQL. I have shared “sample.txt”.


    FROM '\\mymachine\import\sample.txt'






    --- Data in Sample.text (NOTICE: at the end of file) --



    ------- End of data----

    It inserts data properly with 2 rows.

    Try the same query, but change data as

    --- Data in Sample.text (NOTICE: NO at the end of file & NO data at last row last column) --



    ------- End of data----

    PROBLEM: Only first row get inserted and second row is not.

    Try the same query, but change data as

    --- Data in Sample.text (NOTICE: NO at the end of file & data EXISTS at last row last column) --



    ------- End of data----

    It inserts 2 rows 🙂

    One way to solve problem is to add '' at end, but this is fix and not solution.

    Are there any other ways to solve this ?

  • It’s not a limitation. You are not setting the row terminator properly & that’s why missing few rows (or some workaround).

    Try “*r*n” (or “,*r*n”) as row terminator. It should work for your data. (Using '*' in place of ‘\' so replace it in your code back).

    Let me know if you still face any issue.

  • Hi Dev,

    thanks for the reply.

    I have already tried *r*n approach in delimiter.

    But it does not work.

    Thanks again!

  • Are you populating error file? It will give you some hint on the reason.


    [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . | schema_name . ] [ table_name | view_name ]

    FROM 'data_file'

    [ WITH


    [ [ , ] BATCHSIZE = batch_size ]


    [ [ , ] CODEPAGE = { 'ACP' | 'OEM' | 'RAW' | 'code_page' } ]

    [ [ , ] DATAFILETYPE =

    { 'char' | 'native'| 'widechar' | 'widenative' } ]

    [ [ , ] FIELDTERMINATOR = 'field_terminator' ]

    [ [ , ] FIRSTROW = first_row ]

    [ [ , ] FIRE_TRIGGERS ]

    [ [ , ] FORMATFILE = 'format_file_path' ]

    [ [ , ] KEEPIDENTITY ]

    [ [ , ] KEEPNULLS ]

    [ [ , ] KILOBYTES_PER_BATCH = kilobytes_per_batch ]

    [ [ , ] LASTROW = last_row ]

    [ [ , ] MAXERRORS = max_errors ]

    [ [ , ] ORDER ( { column [ ASC | DESC ] } [ ,...n ] ) ]

    [ [ , ] ROWS_PER_BATCH = rows_per_batch ]

    [ [ , ] ROWTERMINATOR = 'row_terminator' ]

    [ [ , ] TABLOCK ]

    [ [ , ] ERRORFILE = 'file_name' ] )]

    Per BOL:

    ERRORFILE ='file_name'

    Specifies the file used to collect rows that have formatting errors and cannot be converted to an OLE DB rowset. These rows are copied into this error file from the data file "as is."

    The error file is created when the command is executed. An error occurs if the file already exists. Additionally, a control file that has the extension .ERROR.txt is created. This references each row in the error file and provides error diagnostics. As soon as the errors have been corrected, the data can be loaded.

  • Hi Dev,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have tried your suggestion to ERRORFILE in sql query.

    But as import is getting executed successfully, file is not getting created.

    File is getting created when there is any error while importing data.

    Thanks !

  • It will create error files if it rejects any row for inconsistency. If your data is clean it won’t create it. Verify it with scenarios where you lose some of the rows, its details would be in error files.

  • Yep, verified that error file is created or not.

    Case 1:

    Added incorrect data (format) in file.

    Error file got created.

    Case 2:

    Valid data with 3 rows as


    FROM '\\mymachine\import\sample.txt'





    ERRORFILE = '\\vmvertex11\import\Error.txt'


    --- Data in Sample.text (NOTICE: at the end of file) --



    ------- End of data----

    Error file not get created this time but insert only 2 rows.

  • Can you try your code with following data?

    --- Data in Sample.text




    ------- End of data----

  • --- File Data---







    FROM '\\vmvertex11\import\sample.txt'





    ERRORFILE = '\\vmvertex11\import\Error'



    2 files generated

    File 1 : "Error"

    File 2: "Error.Error.text"

    File 1 contents


    File 2 contents

    Row 3 File Offset 17 ErrorFile Offset 0 - HRESULT 0x80004005

  • Did you conclude anything based on this output?

    2 files generated

    File 1 : "Error"

    File 2: "Error.Error.text"

    It’s as expected error files.

    File 1 contents


    It indicates error in row#3 with complete row...

    File 2 contents

    Row 3 File Offset 17 ErrorFile Offset 0 - HRESULT 0x80004005

    It explains the error in row#3 i.e. offset error.

    Now back to your question. When you try to insert a blank line as last row, BULK INSERT doesn’t consider it a valid row at all. It reaches the column terminator, then row terminator (then EOF) and finishes the operation with success message.

    When you try to insert a row that contains some data (my sample data), it errors out if it finds inconsistency.

    If you need any more clarification, please feel free to revert back.

  • Yep, understood your comments.

    Is there any solution for

    --- Data in Sample.text (NOTICE: NO at the end of file & NO data at last row last column) --



    ------- End of data----

    It is importing only 1 row in bulk insert.

    As per this discussion to import 2 row we have to enter blank line i.e. data should be

    --- Sample.text (NOTICE: There is new line at the end of file & NO data at last row last column) --



    ------- End of data----

    It inserts 2 rows.

  • Try following on notepad...

    Insert some text (any text) and hit enter key (new line). What’s the output?

    Until you hit enter key, line can go till EOF. But it’s not a valid row or line (per BULK INSERT format) because it’s not able to find row terminator.

  • Yes, it is not able find end of line.

    But I can't tell this reason to User who is importing this file.

    There should be some way to read this also ?


    This is limitation of BULK INSERT

  • I believe its exported csv (or tab limited) file. So by default it will have row terminator, you don’t need to force it.

    Else you can put following case with explanations in front of your customer / management.

  • Yep, currently I am going with approach 2 that you suggested ! that is

    "Put case with explanations in front of your customer / management."

    Lets see how it goes 🙂

    Thanks for the help and time !!!

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