Bulk insert issue

  • Hi All,

    I am getting problem on bulk insert issue through SSIS package.

    when bulk of the record inserting in the particular table from excel through SSIS package and at the same time the other want to read the data

    so they are not able to read the data because of the blocking issue.

    Can anyone please provide me script on this ?


  • try to make a copy of the excel file and then use bulk insert. by doing so you can avoid the blocking source issue.

  • No i dont want to do like this...there are millions of records and I can't copy from excel to db everytime

    so that I have run SSIS package, it will insert the data in a bulk but at the same time when we want to select the table

    that are not allowing. After completion of bulk insert its allowing to view the data.

  • in bulk insert Task options, what is the value of 'TabLocK' and the value of batchSize?

    By the way, why you want to view the data in that table? is for the application or its just to see if there are any rows in that table ?

  • Thanks for the reply.

    This is production DB. we have millions of data which client is keep sending and we have created SSIS package to copy data from excel to the DB.

    At the same time when data is loading into the DB, the end user want to catch the data, but the deadlock occurs in the same time.

    for that reason I want the script or any alternate solution so that i can resolve the issue.


  • Okay , what is the Row Per Batch value configured on your destination level?

  • This is exactly why cross posting is a bad idea. Now you have two similar threads with different people participating, possibly wasting time for some of them.


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