BULK INSERT inserts no rows

  • Hi folks,

    I am trying to BULK INSERT csv files using a stored procedure in SQL SERVER 2008R2 SP3. Although the files contain several thousand lines and BULK INSERT returns no errors, no data is actually imported into the table. Every field in the table is a NVARCHAR(50) datatype.

    Here is the code for the operation (only the parameters for the insert itself):

    set @open = 'bulk insert [DWHStaging].[dbo].[Abverkaufsquote] from '''

    set @path = 'G:\DataStaging\DWHStaging\Source\Abverkaufsquote\'

    set @params = ''' with (firstrow = 2

    , datafiletype = ''widechar''

    , fieldterminator = '';''

    , rowterminator = ''\r''

    , codepage = ''1252''

    , keepnulls);'

    The csv file originates from a DB2 database. Using exactly the same code base I can import several other types of CSV files without problem.

    The files are stored on the local server with as UCS2 Little Endian and one difference is that the files that do not import do not include a BOM. The other difference is that the failed files are non-UNICODE files.

    Can anyone hazard a guess as to why this isn't working as it should?



  • Well...the code you posted doesn't do anything but set some variables. You either need to share the rest of the code, or write that code that executes it.


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  • Here the complete stored procedure:

    USE [DWHStaging]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_IMPORT_Abverkaufsquote] Script Date: 07/08/2015 19:00:11 ******/





    ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_IMPORT_Abverkaufsquote]


    create table #filelist(pos int identity(1,1), name varchar(max))

    insert into #filelist exec xp_cmdshell 'dir G:\DataStaging\DWHStaging\Source\Abverkaufsquote\ /A-D /B'

    --select * from #filelist


    declare @fname nvarchar(max)--Name of the CSV file

    declare @path nvarchar(max)--Abolute path to the folder containing the files

    declare @open nvarchar(max)--Starting statement for the Bulk Insert

    declare @params nvarchar(max)--Bulk Insert parameters

    declare @filepath nvarchar(max)--Complete abolute path including the filename

    declare @fcount int--How any files are in the source folder?

    declare @i int--Required for the loop


    set @open = 'bulk insert [DWHStaging].[dbo].[Abverkaufsquote] from '''

    set @path = 'G:\DataStaging\DWHStaging\Source\Abverkaufsquote\'

    set @params = ''' with (firstrow = 2

    , datafiletype = ''widechar''

    , fieldterminator = '';''

    , rowterminator = ''\r''

    , codepage = ''1252''

    , keepnulls);'

    set @fcount = (select count(*) from #filelist where name is not null and name like 'RFA_Abv%')

    set @i = 0


    begin try

    while (@i < @fcount)


    set @fname = (select name from #filelist where name is not null and pos=@i+1)

    set @filepath = @path + @fname

    declare @sql nvarchar(max) = @open + @filepath + @params

    set @i = @i +1

    exec sp_executesql @sql

    --declare @move varchar(200)= N'move G:\DataStaging\DWHStaging\Source\Abverkaufsquote\' + @fname + ' G:\DataStaging\DWHStaging\Archive\';

    exec xp_cmdshell @move;


    end try

    begin catch

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail


    @recipients = *********,

    @subject = 'User Intervention Required!',

    @body = 'An error has occurred in the run of the Stored Procedure sp_Abverkaufsquote',

    @importance = 'high';

    end catch

    drop table #filelist

    I know the code doesn't have any error handling at the moment....one thing at a time!

    Thanks for taking the time to look!




    I have narrowed it down to the BULK INSERT Statement itself:

    bulk insert [DWHStaging].[dbo].[v_Abverkaufsquote] from 'G:\DataStaging\DWHStaging\Source\Abverkaufsquote\RFA_Abverkaufsquote_2015-08-07_12.17.48.csv' with (firstrow = 2, datafiletype = 'widechar', fieldterminator = '0x3B', keepnulls, rowterminator = '0x0d0a');

    I have tried using the Codepages ACP, OEM and RAW but nothing seems to be able to read the data out for the Import itself.

    The procedure I have written (see above) can find the files to be imported, constructs the dynamic SQL correctly and moves the files after the "Import" to the Archive Location. I can only think this is a Problem with the Codepage/collation of the CSV file itself.

    Could the Problem lie in the fact the file was extracted from DB2 and something was forgotten?




    A more detailed error message reads:

    Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Masseneinfügungstask: Fehler mit folgender Fehlermeldung: 'Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.Bulk load: An unexpected end of file was encountered in the data file.Bulk load: DataFileType was incorrectly specified as char. DataFileType will be assumed to be widechar because the data file has a Unicode signature.Bulk load: DataFileType was incorrectly specified as char. DataFileType will be assumed to be widechar because the data file has a Unicode signature.'.

    Task failed: Bulk Insert Task

    So....I changed the datatype to "widechar" and got this:

    'The statement has been terminated.Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type nvarchar.'

    This is confusing me beyond words....

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