• I am using SQLServer 2005. I am trying to import a pipe delimited text file using BULK INSERT, my script is;

    BULK INSERT mCommunicationHistoryAIP1

    FROM 'I:\outhistory\RBShistory\1_RBS06_CH_M_09_P.psv'



    The text file has '|' delimted fields and I believe a line feed row terminator. The original file was created in a unix environment and has now been copied over to the SQLServer server. I have checked the HEX code for the text file and confirmed the existence of 0A as the row terminator.

    The problem is that the insert only populates a single row and continues to squeeze the next line of data into the last field row after row untill the field max of 8000 is met.

    The statement does not error and returns '(1 row(s) affected)'

    What am I doing wrong ?

  • ASCII '0A' is '\ n' not '\r', try changing the ROWTERMINATOR


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  • Thank you Mark, but unfortunately even with this change the same result is occuring 🙁

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