Bulk Insert

  • Y'all


    I need an extra set of eyes looking into this procedure I am attempting to create. can someone see what I am Missing. keep getting an error on the @WolePath variable.

    Create Procedure usp_ImportTable





    --Declare database, Owner and the path as well as the filename

    declare @dbnvarchar(15)

    declare @dbonvarchar(15)

    declare @Pathnvarchar(50)

    declare @wholepath nvarchar(80)

    set @db = 'Northwind'

    set @dbo = 'dbo'

    set @wholepath = @db +'.'+ @dbo+'.'+ OrderDetails

    --validate the

    if @FileName <> isnull

    set @path = @FileName


    set @Path = 'D:\ImportTable.txt'

    --Where is going to go into.

    BULK INSERT @WholePath

    FROM @Path



    thanks y'all


    "We never plan to Fail, We just fail to plan":)

  • lrosales (9/10/2008)



    I need an extra set of eyes looking into this procedure I am attempting to create. can someone see what I am Missing. keep getting an error on the @WolePath variable.

    Create Procedure usp_ImportTable





    --Declare database, Owner and the path as well as the filename

    declare @dbnvarchar(15)

    declare @dbonvarchar(15)

    declare @Pathnvarchar(50)

    declare @wholepath nvarchar(80)

    set @db = 'Northwind'

    set @dbo = 'dbo'

    set @wholepath = @db +'.'+ @dbo+'.'+ OrderDetails

    --validate the

    if @FileName <> isnull

    set @path = @FileName


    set @Path = 'D:\ImportTable.txt'

    --Where is going to go into.

    BULK INSERT @WholePath

    FROM @Path



    thanks y'all


    OrderDetails is invalid - specifying it in that way means it's a column, but you're not defining where the column comes from. I'd guess it should be 'OrderDetails'

    Also - ii you're trying to base your condition on whether the value of @FileName is null, the syntax would be @FileName IS NULL. IsNull is a T_SQL function which retuens the second vallue in the function if the first contains a null value

    eg ISNULL(@FileName, 'Hello') retunrs 'Hello' if @fileName is null

  • Thanks

    all the suggestion you mention have been tried and still get a failure. the failure is refering to the actual Bulk Insert statement,

    Bulk Insert @WholePath

    from @path

    with ......

    thanks for the info.


    "We never plan to Fail, We just fail to plan":)

  • Hi,

    It looks like BULK INSERT does not support variable names. Try something like this instead.

    declare @db nvarchar(15)

    declare @dbo nvarchar(15)

    declare @Path nvarchar(50)

    declare @wholepath nvarchar(80)

    declare @sql nvarchar(1000)

    set @db = 'AdventureWorks'

    set @dbo = 'dbo'

    set @path = 's:\test.txt'

    set @wholepath = @db +'.'+ @dbo+'.'+ 'ErrorLog'

    select @wholepath, len(@wholepath)

    set @sql = 'BULK INSERT ' + @wholepath + ' FROM ''' + @path + ''' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = '','', ROWTERMINATOR = '''' )'

    select @Sql


    You may what to replace execute with sp_executesql for better security and performance.




  • Thanks

    I arrived to the same conclusion and did something similiar to the suggestion you made. and the Problem was solved.

    thank y'all


    "We never plan to Fail, We just fail to plan":)

  • Glad you got it sorted - and appologies for the abysmal typing btw

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