Building SQL with T-SQL

  • Hi again,

    My previous post wasn't totally accurate. I did some experimentation within SQL Server Query Analyzer and found that, even with the default of NULL, I had to provide a value when invoking the INSERT stored procedure. I had to actually provide "NULL" as a parameter; I could not leave any parameters blank as:

    exec InsertRow 4, 3, 'NST', , , 7, 3

    Instead, I had to use:

    exec InsertRow 4, 3, 'NST', Null , Null, 7, 3

    Effectively, this made the default a moot point and actually not needed.

    Do I actually have to use the parameter names when invoking the stored procedure in order to get use of the defaults?


  • Yes and No. As you mentioned, if you want to bypass a variable, you will have to state in you INSERT SQL which parameters you want to use such as: EXEC InsertRow @txtFirstName = 'something'.

    However, you can also pass DEFAULT instead of Null if you don't know what the default value is: EXEC InsertRow 'M', DEFAULT, 'etc...'. This allows you to change the default value in the stored proc without changing your code.

    I would like to point out an alternative. The best approach in calling a stored procedure is to create a command object in VB and set the parameters' values. Take a look at this code:


    Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection
    Dim oCmd As New Command

    ' Connection string already set
    oConn.Open sConn

    ' Create the command object and tell it you
    ' are calling a stored proc
    oCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    oCmd.CommandText = "InsertRow"
    oCmd.ActiveConnection = oConn

    ' Now append mandatory parameter.
    ' For the mandatory params, I pass them right away
    oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("@sName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 30, Text1)
    oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("@Date", adDate, adParamInput, , Now())

    ' This is my optional param.
    ' Something in the field?
    If Text2 <> "" Then
    oCmd.Parameters.Append oCmd.CreateParameter("@sAddr", adVarChar, adParamInput, 30)
    oCmd.Parameters("@sAddr").Value = Text2
    End If

    ' Execute the command now...

    I hope this helps. I have migrated a few applications from in-line SQLs to using stored procs and found GREAT performance improvements every time.



    Herve Roggero
    SQL Server Database Proxy/Firewall and Auditing

  • Mike, I know exactly what you are attempting to do. I wrote a stored procedure to allow for dynamic inserts. Please email me if you want the code. Thanks


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