Building dynamic update sql string

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to write a dynamic sql string where a user selects a number of values on the form to update in the database. The form values get passed to a stored procedure. The sp checks which ones are not null and then builds the sql accordingly. The problem I am having is how to determine the comma delimter between the columns and values that need to be updated.

    Many thanks


  • Reet - I think you will get more accurate/useful/quick answers if you post an example.

    Post an example table structure, some example data for it, some example inputs, and how you want your data to look at the end...

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Reet,

    Is this a syntax issue?  This is a skeleton sproc for dynamic SQL I've been using for awhile:

    I rule of thumb that I follow is that when I have many selections it's better to use ranges and ensure that they are INTs if you have control over that.

    Hope this helps

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Name_Of_Storedprocedure


    @BDate   VARCHAR(8),

    @EDate  VARCHAR(8),

    @BCustomer VARCHAR(50) = NULL  -- this represents optional parameter





    **          Copyright Notice


    **  Procedure Name:      dbo.Name_Of_Storedprocedure

    **  Description: 



    **          Return values:

    **          Input Params:

    **          Output Params:

    **          Author:          <>

    **          Date:            <>



    **          Change History



    **          Date:       Author:     Description:

    **          --------    --------





    DECLARE @Error INT

    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(nth)



     SET @WHERE = ''


     IF RTRIM(@BDate) <> '' AND RTRIM(@EDate) <> ''


       SET @WHERE = ' AND c.duedate BETWEEN ' + @BDate + ' AND ' + @EDate   



     IF RTRIM(LTRIM(@BCustomer)) <> CHAR(39) + '00000' + CHAR(39) -- CHAR(39) Represent sinlge quote


       SET @WHERE = @WHERE + ' AND RTRIM(LTRIM(a.customernumber)) IN (' + @BCustomer + ')'



     IF RTRIM(@WHERE) <> ''




        --PRINT @sql  - Use for Debugging purposes

        EXEC sp_executesql @sql






    SET @Error = @@ERROR

    IF @Error <> 0


             RETURN @Error


    RETURN @Error

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the info Joe but i'm not sure whether your code can help me on this occassion. Sorry, it's my fault as Ryan said I should have included code and examples.

    What I am trying to do is build an update string like the following:

    UPDATE tableA SET fieldA = @p1, fieldB = @p2, fieldC = @p3, fieldD = @p4 (this is the bit that I am having issues building dynamically) on and so on

    There will be four parameters which will be passed to the stored procedure these can be of null value in which case I don't want to include them in the sql string.

    @p1 = 'String 1'

    @p2 = ''

    @p3 = ''

    @p4 = 'String 2'

    declare @sql

    @sql = 'UPDATE TableA SET'

    I can fiter null values with the following:

    if isNull(@p1)


    select @sql = @sql + ' fieldA =' @p1


    However, my issue is the comma which has to follow if there is another value following.

    I could add it in the string before the next input as follows:

    if isNull(@p4)


    select @sql = @sql + ', fieldD =' @p4


    This would work. However when @p4 is the only not null value the sql would end up as:

    UPDATE tableA SET , field4 = 'String 2' The comma would cause an error.

    This is what my issue is and I hope that I have explained it a bit better. CAn anyone help?

    Many thanks


  • You would just need to chop off the comma at the end. e.g.


    create proc #sp1 @p1 varchar(10), @p2 varchar(10), @p3 varchar(10), @p4 varchar(10) as

    declare @s-2 varchar(100)

    set @s-2 = 'UPDATE tableA SET '

        + isnull('fieldA = ''' + @p1 + ''', ', '')

        + isnull('fieldB = ''' + @p2 + ''', ', '')

        + isnull('fieldC = ''' + @p3 + ''', ', '')

        + isnull('fieldD = ''' + @p4 + ''', ', '')

    set @s-2 = left(@s, len(@s) - 1)

    print @s-2



    exec #sp1 'String 1', null, null, 'String 2'

    --tidy up

    drop proc #sp1


    UPDATE tableA SET fieldA = 'String 1', fieldD = 'String 2'


    However, why not avoid dynamic SQL altogether (recommended), and just do this?

    UPDATE tableA


        fieldA = isnull(@p1, fieldA),

        fieldB = isnull(@p2, fieldB),

        fieldC = isnull(@p3, fieldC),

        fieldD = isnull(@p4, fieldD)

    Anyway, here's some reading material for you...


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Reet,

    My mistake, I thought you were stuck on syntax.

    Not a problem,  As Ryan mentioned by using the ISNULL function you can accomplished what you're asking for.

    Avoid dynamic SQL whenever possible.  Is this for .NET or Java?


  • Thanks Ryan,

    You're a star!

    To be honest I never even thought about just using:

    UPDATE tableA


    fieldA = isnull(@p1, fieldA),

    fieldB = isnull(@p2, fieldB),

    fieldC = isnull(@p3, fieldC),

    fieldD = isnull(@p4, fieldD)

    I'll give that a go first, but thank you very much for giving me a solution for the other.



  • Hey Joe,

    Thanks for your input too. I'm sure that code will come in handy at some point so thank you for taking the tiem to help me out.



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