Building a reporing portal.

  • I did this myself about 10 years but have now been tasked with looking into this with my new company.

    Basicaly we have external clients that require BI in some form or another for their specific organisations. Due to the volume of clients, i would like to avoid building subscriptions that email the reports to the clients and build a reporting portal that allowed then to login to some web front end and run the reports they have access to whenever they want.

    My basic setup last time was I built a forward facing website that allowed the clients to log into. Once logged in they were presented with a list of ssrs reports they were allowed to run, any paremeter controls and a report viewer control that pointed at our report server. this worked well but was built on 2005 technology. The database would be an Azure this time.

    Any input welcome

  • What is your question exactly?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Sorry 

    its been so long since I did this last that im just wondering if there are any new methods of achieving this end goal of serving up ssrs reports to external clients or is the methodology basically still the same? Also as im using azure will this cause me issues.

  • Possibly depends on what your end game plan is. I assume that the external clients will need to authenticate. How are you planning for them to authenticate (Windows Credentials, Username & password, etc).. What sort of data will you be providing, will it be containing personal information (like names & address), or high level summary data. What version of SSRS are you planning to use? Depending on your goal, have you considered other reporting suites, like PowerBI?

    I admit, i have no experience with Azure, so I can't comment on that side of things, but I imagine there should be little difference between using Azure to Hosted.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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