Buffer Error

  • I am getting data from table to Excel using DTS...and I am getting this for some of the table, when I run very first I didnot got this error but after running again I am getting this for 2 of the tables and rest is working fine.

    MS-SQL DTS Data for source Column 48 (notes) is too large for the specified buffer size

    Thanks in advance


  • Save the file as CSV or txt and try importing. You can also refer to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/281517/EN-US/



    Prasad Bhogadi

  • It was 8 I made it 16, I did re boot my PC but stills its not working.



  • Can u check with the .txt or .csv extensions? Or please open your excel file and paste some data that has more than 256 characters in the first row and test it.

    Prasad Bhogadi

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