Buffer Cache Ratio and scripts

  • Hello:

    I'm having a problem reconciling the results of two scripts, using sysperfinfo the return the percentage of Buffer Cache Hit Ratio. MOst often they are close within a 1/2-1 percentage, but sometimes I get a huge discrepancy. If I run them in the same instance of sql query analyzer (so its at the same time), I can get 65% from one result, and 99% from the other. You will probably recognize the script and formulas below. I need to provide on-going accurate results. Can someone analyze these scripts and help me figure out why they (sometimes) yield different results? TIA!



    select convert(decimal(15,2),(t1.cntr_value*1.0/t2.cntr_value*1.0 *100.0))

    from master.dbo.sysperfinfo t1,

    master.dbo.sysperfinfo t2

    where t1.object_name = 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager'

    and t2.object_name = 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager'

    and t1.counter_name = 'Buffer Cache Hit Ratio'

    and t2.counter_name = 'Buffer Cache Hit Ratio Base'

    and t1.instance_name = t2.instance_name

    and t2.cntr_value > 0


    SCRIPT#2 this gets total buffer cache, used, free, and the percentage (this is what I need)


    DECLARE @total_memory_kb float,

    @buffer_cache float,

    @buffer_cache_free_kb float,

    @free_pages float,

    @buffer_cache_used float

    select @total_memory_kb = cntr_value

    from master.dbo.sysperfinfo

    where object_name = 'SQLServer:Memory Manager' and

    counter_name = 'Total Server Memory (KB)'

    select @free_pages=(isnull(cntr_value,0) * 8192)/1024--/1024

    from master.dbo.sysperfinfo

    where object_name = 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager' and

    counter_name = 'Free Pages'

    select @buffer_cache=(isnull(cntr_value,0) * 8192)/1024--/1024

    from master.dbo.sysperfinfo

    where object_name = 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager' and

    counter_name = 'Total Pages'

    select @buffer_cache_used=@buffer_cache-@free_pages

    select bcu=(@buffer_cache-@free_pages)/1024,tbc=@buffer_cache/1024,fbc=@free_pages/1024,bc_pct=(@buffer_cache_used/@buffer_cache)*100

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I guess I should just simply my question and ask, what is the best accurate way via tsql, to get the current BUffer Cach Hit Ratio? Hope someone can answer   TIA

  • Depressing that no one has any ideas about this?  Hasn't anyone been interested in their Buffer Cache Hit ratio?

  • -- Maybe this SQL will Help

    -- From http://www.sqlmag.com/Article/ArticleID/26950/sql_server_26950.html

    SELECT perf1.object_name, perf1.counter_name, perf1.instance_name,

    'value' = CASE perf1.cntr_type

    WHEN 537003008 -- This counter is expressed as a ratio and requires calculation.


    perf1.cntr_value) /

    (SELECT CASE perf2.cntr_value

    WHEN 0 THEN 1

    ELSE perf2.cntr_value


    FROM master..sysperfinfo perf2

    WHERE (perf1.counter_name + ' '

    = SUBSTRING(perf2.counter_name,


    PATINDEX('% Base%', perf2.counter_name)))

    AND (perf1.instance_name = perf2.instance_name)

    AND (perf2.cntr_type = 1073939459))

    ELSE perf1.cntr_value -- The values of the other counter types are

    -- already calculated.


    FROM master..sysperfinfo perf1

    WHERE (perf1.cntr_type 1073939459) -- Don't display the divisors.

    David Bird

  • If you check Technet you'll find an article on how to interpret the datra stored within sysperfinfo, which isn't stored quite how you might think it is!


    Yes I use sysperfinfo extensively, am I interested in the Buffer Cache Ratio, not really in as much as the limitations of memory on the boxes I normally look after are usually decided elsewhere or the version isn't enterprise - there are lots of reasons, mainly financial, that have more influence then my desire to have memory. That said most places I work have Idera SQL Diagnostic Manager so I have this info. Other than that I imagine most people use perfmon.

    this query returns the cache hit ratio, which is possibly of more interest

    select   s1.instance_name,s1.cntr_value, (convert(real,s1.cntr_value)/convert(real,s2.cntr_value))*100

    from sysperfinfo s1 join sysperfinfo  s2 on s1.instance_name=s2.instance_name

    where (s1.cntr_type=537003008 and s1.counter_name like 'cache hit%' and s1.cntr_value!=0) and (s2.cntr_type=1073939459 and s2.counter_name like 'cache hit%' and s2.cntr_value!=0)


    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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