• Hi All ,

    We Have Windows 2008 R2 Active - Active Clustered environment and have Two Clusterd SQL Analysis Services Instances A and B . We want to break them into Stand alone Services .

    Please guide me how process to achieve this .

    Thanks All


  • I'm not an SSAS guru by any means, but I believe it'd be handled similar to how you'd do that with the Database Engine.

    You'll likely need to install new instances to each node of the cluster, and then move the databases into the respective instances, and then begin the process of breaking down the clustered installations.

    Unfortunately, you're probably looking to see how you can simply break off an instance, keep it intact, and then easily have a standalone, but I don't think that will be possible, from my knowledge.

    I would think you're in for a little bit of a headache because you then will need to remove the clustered disks, and have your SAN team only present the LUN's you want to use to one host so that they cannot be clustered, and the other node can never take ownership of the opposite node's disk.

    Might I ask why you want to remove the clustering in the first place and lose out on the high availability function of the cluster?


  • Hi Steve ,

    Thanks for your reply .

    We are not worry about loosing highability . Later on we want to convert AS NLB. I am gree with you that installing a new instanace and move later on CUBES to new instance from clustered.

    I want to your thoghts on different way i am thinking . First remove node from SQL Clustering and then evict from Windows cluster .

    Thanks ,


  • You could do that, but then you'd have a one-node failover cluster installed. And, the storage on the back-end would still be seen by the evicted node. So, you'd want to get all of that pulled back as well.

    If you removed the node from the SSAS failover installation, then evicted the now inactive nodes from the cluster, I'd make sure you pulled back the storage, rename the server to avoid confusion, allocated new LUN's (if SAN is still needed due to size), and build out a new SSAS install on there, and migrate the cubes over to the now standalone system. Once moved over there, you could likely rebuild the old active node of the cluster, rename the system, and start fresh that way, and move any cubes you wanted to move there over to that host.

    Hope that info helps,


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