brain freeze on exists

  • Have two queries trying to convince vendor to get out of using in but my exists one takes forever what am I missing?  

    select AdminProduct_ID, RowVersionNumber, TherapyAdmin_ID, PackagedProduct_ID, AdminRecordMethod , ActionCode, DoseAmount, DoseUnits,
    DispensableProduct_ID, DispenseSize, RoutedProduct_ID, DoseText , LotNumber, ExpirationDate, ManufacturerCode
    from hcs.AdminProduct where TherapyAdmin_ID in (select TherapyAdmin_ID from hcs.PatientOrder,hcs.TherapyAdmin   
    where hcs.PatientOrder.Order_ID=hcs.TherapyAdmin.Order_ID and hcs.PatientOrder.PatientVisit_ID=2214106602 ) order by AdminProduct_ID

    select AdminProduct_ID, RowVersionNumber, TherapyAdmin_ID, PackagedProduct_ID, AdminRecordMethod , ActionCode, DoseAmount, DoseUnits,
    DispensableProduct_ID, DispenseSize, RoutedProduct_ID, DoseText , LotNumber, ExpirationDate, ManufacturerCode
    from hcs.AdminProduct where exists (select 1 from hcs.PatientOrder inner join hcs.TherapyAdmin on hcs.PatientOrder.Order_ID=hcs.TherapyAdmin.Order_ID
    inner join hcs.AdminProduct h on h.TherapyAdmin_ID = hcs.TherapyAdmin.TherapyAdmin_ID 
    where hcs.PatientOrder.PatientVisit_ID=2214106602
     ) order by AdminProduct_ID

  • To make it easier for others, here are formatted versions:

    ,   RowVersionNumber
    ,   TherapyAdmin_ID
    ,   PackagedProduct_ID
    ,   AdminRecordMethod
    ,   ActionCode
    ,   DoseAmount
    ,   DoseUnits
    ,   DispensableProduct_ID
    ,   DispenseSize
    ,   RoutedProduct_ID
    ,   DoseText
    ,   LotNumber
    ,   ExpirationDate
    ,   ManufacturerCode
    FROM  hcs.AdminProduct
       TherapyAdmin_ID IN
         SELECT TherapyAdmin_ID
         ,   hcs.TherapyAdmin
           hcs.PatientOrder.Order_ID    = hcs.TherapyAdmin.Order_ID
           AND hcs.PatientOrder.PatientVisit_ID = 2214106602
    ORDER BY AdminProduct_ID;

    ,   RowVersionNumber
    ,   TherapyAdmin_ID
    ,   PackagedProduct_ID
    ,   AdminRecordMethod
    ,   ActionCode
    ,   DoseAmount
    ,   DoseUnits
    ,   DispensableProduct_ID
    ,   DispenseSize
    ,   RoutedProduct_ID
    ,   DoseText
    ,   LotNumber
    ,   ExpirationDate
    ,   ManufacturerCode
    FROM  hcs.AdminProduct
      SELECT 1
      INNER JOIN hcs.TherapyAdmin ON hcs.PatientOrder.Order_ID = hcs.TherapyAdmin.Order_ID
      INNER JOIN hcs.AdminProduct h ON h.TherapyAdmin_ID   = hcs.TherapyAdmin.TherapyAdmin_ID
      WHERE hcs.PatientOrder.PatientVisit_ID = 2214106602
    ORDER BY AdminProduct_ID;

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • The first thing you are missing is formatting so we can read this.

    SELECT AdminProduct_ID
    FROM hcs.AdminProduct
    WHERE TherapyAdmin_ID IN (
            SELECT TherapyAdmin_ID
            FROM hcs.PatientOrder
            WHERE hcs.PatientOrder.Order_ID = hcs.TherapyAdmin.Order_ID
                AND hcs.PatientOrder.PatientVisit_ID = 2214106602
    ORDER BY AdminProduct_ID

    SELECT AdminProduct_ID
    FROM hcs.AdminProduct
            SELECT 1
            FROM hcs.PatientOrder
            INNER JOIN hcs.TherapyAdmin ON hcs.PatientOrder.Order_ID = hcs.TherapyAdmin.Order_ID
            INNER JOIN hcs.AdminProduct h ON h.TherapyAdmin_ID = hcs.TherapyAdmin.TherapyAdmin_ID
            WHERE hcs.PatientOrder.PatientVisit_ID = 2214106602
    ORDER BY AdminProduct_ID

    Those two queries do not appear to be equivalent. But without some details about the table structures and indexes it is difficult to tell why the performance is so different. But I would suggest in the first query to use ANSI-92 style joins, they have been around for 25 years now.


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  • I get the bad code on first attempt it is from vendor part of living with 3rd party applications

  • I might being silly here, but what does you're sub query have to do with your outer query? As far as I can tell, every row in the AdminProduct table will be returned if the Visit 2214106602 has data. Is that correct?

    BTW, don't be scared to use ALIAS' on every table. it things a little less bulky 🙂
    , RowVersionNumber
    , TherapyAdmin_ID
    , PackagedProduct_ID
    , AdminRecordMethod
    , ActionCode
    , DoseAmount
    , DoseUnits
    , DispensableProduct_ID
    , DispenseSize
    , RoutedProduct_ID
    , DoseText
    , LotNumber
    , ExpirationDate
    , ManufacturerCode
    FROM hcs.AdminProduct AP
          FROM hcs.PatientOrder PO
                INNER JOIN hcs.TherapyAdmin TA ON PO.Order_ID = TA.Order_ID
                INNER JOIN hcs.AdminProduct AP2 ON AP2.TherapyAdmin_ID = TA.TherapyAdmin_ID
          WHERE PO.PatientVisit_ID = 2214106602)
    ORDER BY AdminProduct_ID;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • If you want an EXISTS equivalent to the IN try:

    SELECT adminproduct_id,rowversionnumber,therapyadmin_id,packagedproduct_id,adminrecordmethod
       ,dosetext,lotnumber, expirationdate,manufacturercode
    FROM hcs.adminproduct P
        SELECT 1
        FROM hcs.therapyadmin T
        WHERE T.therapyadmin_id = P.therapyadmin_id
            AND EXISTS
                SELECT 1
                FROM hcs.patientorder O
                WHERE O.order_id = T.order_id
                    AND O.patientvisit_id = 2214106602

  • first query returns 11 rows thousands in the second.  As I stated 3rd party app have to deal with their SQL, they also have schema names in all their sql which would be fine like to get them to use better TSQL

  • Thanks that works my brain freeze too long looking at something.  Problem is did not help, the start of this is underlying issue with sql wanting to do a key lookup even though I have a covering index.  Driving me nuts (these tables all have over 70 million rows) I was hoping different syntax would change plan but it won't.  Even migrated over weekend to new 2016 server from 2012 same results.

  • Are you saying that the vendor's code uses the first query, but you want to persuade them to use something like the second query?

    When you say the second one takes forever, what does that mean?  Does it complete?  Does it return the same results?  You have added an additional join (to AdminProduct), so I'm not surprised it takes longer.  What is the purpose of that additional join?


  • no the last iteration of 2nd query posting runs fine, almost as exactly fast as one vendor currently uses.  Issue is with trying to get the engine to use my covering index and get away from key lookup.  Both versions do this better syntax did not change it

  • tcronin 95651 - Monday, March 27, 2017 8:44 AM

    no the last iteration of 2nd query posting runs fine, almost as exactly fast as one vendor currently uses.  Issue is with trying to get the engine to use my covering index and get away from key lookup.  Both versions do this better syntax did not change it

    OK I am now totally confused. Both queries work fine or they both don't or one of them does and the other doesn't? I am really fuzzy on what your question is at this point.


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  • tcronin 95651 - Monday, March 27, 2017 8:31 AM

    Thanks that works my brain freeze too long looking at something.  Problem is did not help, the start of this is underlying issue with sql wanting to do a key lookup even though I have a covering index.  Driving me nuts (these tables all have over 70 million rows) I was hoping different syntax would change plan but it won't.  Even migrated over weekend to new 2016 server from 2012 same results.

    You will probably have to look in detail at the plan.

    Have you checked your STATs?
    Have you tried a patientvisit_id, order_id NC index on hcs.patientorder?

    NB Also test in a non-production environment first.

  • thanks tried and it still wants to do the key lookup, driving me nuts, this looks like a layup but the engine wants to do this no matter which strategy I try.  However if I run Ozar's blitzindex or even the engine tuning advisor it does not recommend any changes

  • This should be the equivalent to the original query using EXISTS instead of IN.
    FROM hcs.AdminProduct ap
         SELECT 1
         FROM hcs.PatientOrder po
         JOIN hcs.TherapyAdmin ta ON po.Order_ID  = ta.Order_ID
         WHERE po.PatientVisit_ID = 2214106602
          AND ta.TherapyAdmin_ID = ap.TherapyAdmin_ID
    ORDER BY AdminProduct_ID;

    There's no need to include the AdminProduct table in the subquery, that's why it's a correlated subquery.
    Most likely, there shouldn't be any difference in performance as shown by Gail Shaw in her blog, but I would suggest to always use table alias, fully qualified names and SQL-92 joins.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • Duplicate of previous answer - apologies.

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