Booked 70-450

  • Unfortunatly not good news again, another fail, again with a score of 624, so at least there is one thing, I'm consistant.

    Think I will take a break from the certs for a while and go back to them in a few months, hopefully next time will be the result I am after.

  • Sorry to hear that Anthony.

    I think that's a good idea mate, have a break for a while, clear your head then give it another crack in a couple of months 🙂

    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. Mitch Ratcliffe

  • I'm terrible at tests so don't get too down on yourself. I took my 70-450 at the beginning of April, failed miserably. Got something like 400 I think. I want to forget that exam but unfortunately I've forgotten which parts I did bad on. SSIS, monitoring, and ... something else were my sore spots. I thought about booking right away to retake after some more studying but didn't.

    So, now I'm looking at certificates for 2012 and find there is no difference between the tests you take for a MCTS upgrade path and an MCITP upgrade path. You end up taking 457 (step 1) 458 (step 2) to be MCSA. 459 will get you to MCSE. So whether you have a MCTS or MCITP, you must take part 1 and 2 upgrade tests.

    This begs the question. Is it worth it to get the MCITP when it provides no advantage when upgrading to an MCSE? Unless of course, you only want to get certified for 2008.

    I'd be interested in your thoughts

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  • If you already have a MCTS then you need to take exams 457 and 458 to get the MCSA, from there you take 464 and 465 to get MCSE. If you have MCITP you take 457, 458 and 459 so 1 less exam, but in order to get to MCITP from MCTS you need to take the ITP exam so it works out at 4 exams either way. Unless your starting off at certs when you need to take 5.

    2008 will be with us atleast until 2019 and personally we dont have a big reason to jump to 2012 just yet (although I am pushing it for AlwaysOn). In terms of just upgrading to 2012 certs or getting 2008 certs, I think its a matter of personal opinion, personally I want to get 2008 certified as that is the major core platform we work on and then maybe sometime next year when we have more of a push to go 2012 then upgrade then.

  • Right, while the second shots are on and I have some time to myself I'm going to try and go back and get 70-450 polished off.

    Anyone got any further reading material other than SQL Server 2008 Administration - Real World Skills For MCITP Certification And Beyond, the MOAC books, 2008 Pocket Admin and Transcenders Measure Up tests would be appreciated.

  • (3/8/2013)

    Anyone got any further reading material other than SQL Server 2008 Administration - Real World Skills For MCITP Certification And Beyond, the MOAC books, 2008 Pocket Admin and Transcenders Measure Up tests would be appreciated.

    I'm currently studying with a goal of taking the test on May 24th depending on how the sybex practice test goes decides whether I scrap the idea/put it on the backburner & look at 70-432 first instead.

    I'm currently just under half way through the book you mentioned (skipped 3NF etc & other basic stuff + how useless are the videos? -_).

    Before this I watched the CBT Nuggets videos for 70-450 and the VTC ones. I've also watched MS's SQL videos for Oracle DBAs although not in anticpiation for this certification. So far of the 3 I found the CBT Nuggets to be most useful because the amount of detail was OK & e.g. by the end of one 45 minute video I had working setups of both replication and mirroring. The VTC videos aren't so detailed but provide some limitations within SQL Server (max DBs, instances, users) which may/may not be used as a piece of useless trivia in the exam (you'd have a better idea of this having sat it already). The thing I'm most interested about is the Sybex flashcards which seemed quite useful (only glanced at a couple).

    My advice (probably not the best to give it since this will be my first MS exam) is use your book + pocket guide + CBT Nuggets. Some of the more sysadmin stuff (NUMA/RAID etc) isn't in CBT Nuggets & so far it seems like it isn't in the book so for those I would just search the MS docs and/or google "numa sql server" or something which is what I'll be doing (maybe its in the pocket guide?).

    Have you tried the practice test for "Real World Skills For MCITP Certification And Beyond"? How accurate is the difficulty level vs the actual exam? Just so I can get an idea of my bearing~ The Oracle equivalent felt significantly easier than the actual exams.


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